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Momma H

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Everything posted by Momma H

  1. We just bought a class c motor home and we are going to be going from Colorado and all around Tennessee. We will be living in it probably for over a month. We are moving to TN and don't know exactly where we want to land so we thought this might be a good way to figure that out. My question is this. We are really not experienced campers and are not familiar with the options. I have checked out joining the Good Sam's Club and the KOA Klub (grr--spelling). I have no idea which is best. Are there other better deal clubs? Also, do I need AAA and Good Sams cards? Don't they do the same thing? Would the Good Sams Card cover both the AAA and KOA goals of protection (towing and tire changes etsc) and discounts at camp grounds? Any experience anyone has had would help!:tongue_smilie:
  2. We are just learning and my head hurts from being on the computer. Can anyone just tell me how this is done? Thanks!
  3. So, there are chiggers in the Boonies outside of Nashville? Poisonous snakes? Seriously? In the water or on land? What kind? Are there chiggers everywhere? We are moving to the Boonies outside of Nashville in two weeks. We don't really know where exactly, we are getting a motor home and are going to travel around until we find a good church and area and we will hopefully settle in. It is very exciting and stressful and we are looking forward to getting there! If you have any info. I am always collecting. Later if you have time, can you PM me and give the the good bad and .....no, not ugly, give the great!:D ETA: Welcome to TWTM!
  4. You can also contact CHEC.org and they are an umbrella school. They tell you what you need to do. It is no biggie, keep record of your days, test every other year, vaccination form, their form, and I think that is about it.
  5. Thank you all so much for your kind words and support! It really means a lot and I pray he meets some buddies (and maybe a nice girl in a similar situation may find him):001_smile:.
  6. So, I have a step son who is 21 and is quadriplegic. It happened when he was 1 from the DPT shot (let's not go there!) He does not get out much and is quite lonely so my husband and son came up with a little idea to make a fun video of him to maybe get people who understand his condition contact him to just connect a bit. He is a very sweet kid who just wants to meet friends maybe who are also handicapped. I say that because he has really wanted to meet some girls and he is not having much luck on eharmony let me tell you. It does not have to be girls but if you know of anyone who you think would like to email my stepson, that would be great. His name is Daniel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN_EC4XhqIA My son who made it LOVES film making. He learned a lot about how hard it is making this film. He used a green screen and it was challenging! (some of the best school he did all year!) The ghost hand in the superman part cracks us all up but we had just 1 day so no reshooting and this is his first green screen film.
  7. For me: I started packing to move to another state to start a new life with my family where my husband can be involved with our family more. For others: two things 1. I am bringing a meal to someone who just had a baby. 2. I brought the hammer down on my 3 year old and she is spending a lot of time in time out but is learning to be a person that other people enjoy being around. Yes, you're welcome little lady--you will thank me later! (this is also because we woke up and realized we had a little demanding bossy nightmare on our hands who we have to spend a month or so in a motor home with!)
  8. Is this the same one that is going on sale at Homeschool Buyer's Co-op?
  9. We got through the inspection on our house. (remember the riveting saga?) We basically gave them 15K. It is ok, the septic IS going out and it is an old house that needs some stuff done. Being a seller in this market is just like that. We are now just scared with the credit rating dropping for the US that it won't close. We have worked our behinds off for the last 6-7 months to get this place sold and we are 2 1/2 weeks from closing and now this.......it is just frustrating. We have goals and this sale of the house is of course, the ticket. My husband needs to get a different job, we need lower bills yada yada yada. We try to protect ourselves from disaster but it seems good things (financially) don't happen for us anymore. Can anyone who reads this (and prays) just take a sec to pray that our deal can go through. I dunno. It may be a day late and a dollar short but, we can pray! We trust God has our back, he sees the big picture, we will trust Him but, we can still pray. Thank you all,
  10. I am trying to buy CLE Language Arts from someone. She has 1 teacher manual--not two. Does that mean it is old? She only has half of the light units so I would have to buy the first half but I am afraid with only 1 teacher manual it may be an older version. Does anyone know CLE and can tell me? I think it changed in 2009, is that right? Does one TM mean it came before then? Thanks!
  11. For the Math 500 should I get the TM? Is it helpful? My daughter is a bit behind and not mathy but we are on a limited budget. I would rather spend the money than short change her but I am afraid it is one of those TM's I will never look at. What say you all?
  12. Could anyone help me real quick? I am struggling with my daughter's math. Right now we are just using Spectrum books because I am just trying to GIT R DONE. I have thought about CLE for her math. She is in fractions: making improper mixed numbers and backto improper again, reducing, factoring --all that jazz. We are going to be hitting decimal and percents and all that. What level would that be in CLE? I don't want to shuck out another 13 bucks (with shipping) to find out on a diagnostics test. All of you have convinced me that this may truly be a good place to land. Oh, also, question! My daughter is not super mathy. I had her in MM which my son loved but all the twists and turns with the problems that really makes kids think hard (like what is half the number found if .........) really threw her for a loop. We need something explained well and straight forward. I think CLE is like this--is that true? Thanks all!
  13. Great! Do you think it can be a stand alone program or does it have gaps (like metric system or time or things like that)? Anyone else? Sometimes I have a hard time explaining things in a simple way and I would love a program that is step by step but simply. I have math mammoth which is good about the step by step but she is tricky sometimes the way she mixes the problems up which was great for my son but my daughter gets too confused.
  14. Has anyone used this from Mastery Publications? It seems like it is different and may explain thngs well. Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about it?
  15. Just FYI, MFW rocks. I really don't find that you will need to do much planning for it at all. There may be a thing or two for your grocery list but that is really about it. Also, I will let you in on something. We don't live anywhere near a good library so I almost never (OK never) get book basket books. We still get plenty out of the program. I own a lot of books too and I pull out my own stash when I have some that correspond to the topic we are studying but I don't go to the library and get the recommended books. It would be nice but I can't and the program is great without them. Enjoy your year! It is a great one. We did that one last year and it was great and my son is doing AHL now and I am really impressed with it.
  16. Personall, my advice is: If MFW is not broken -- don't try and fix it. I left MFW for "something different" and it was a very long and expensive year that I regret. My kids never properly learned Romans. sigh.... The history years of MFW rock. We really got a ton out of it. I have also found this: Whenever I try to "save" money like that I wind up wasting way more money because it does not usually work out like I planned and I wind up buying the thing that was supposed to save me the money plus the one I was avoiding buying. ALWAYS HAPPENS Does not matter if it is curriculum, underwear or silverware. I wind up buying both the "money saving" option and the one I knew I should have just bought to begin with.:001_huh:
  17. I may have missed this but why are Trappper Keepers banned? Every party has a pooper--not everything has to be politiacally correct--there is a context to this thread. Can't we just be happy about homeschooling bennies without someone coming along and casting yuckiness on it? This makes up for all the people who look at us like we have 3 heads when we say we homeschool and sneer that they could NEVER do that. CHILL!
  18. We love to put olive oil, salt and smoked paprika on ours. Highly additctive. Also olive oil and Johnny's Seasoning salt. It has MSG but oh, it is delish.:lol: We do airpopcorn. We love it so much we buy it by the 35 pound bag of kernels (Orville is the best is our humble opinion).
  19. I am not positive he his heading for college but I am prepping him to be. I don't want to close any doors for him. I think I will start with latin alone and see what happens. Since he would need 2 years of said modern language and he is in 9th, if we know by the time he is in 10th that he does in fact want to go to a specific college, we will have time to do it and latin as a backround to start him out. I love it when a plan comes together!:lol:
  20. Does anyone do only Latin for language requirement? I just don't really see the point of doing a modern language (I remember NOTHING of the French I learned:001_huh:) and I can't decide what one to do anyway.
  21. OK, I have a highschooler and a middle schooler I am asking about but I know there are more people on this thread so I am asking here! The question is mostly for my middle schooler and she JUST started 7th grade so I don't think I am too far out of line. I have many questions so I need to organize myself. We are halfway through year 3 of PR. My son was doing it with us but he is now doing high school (MFW) and there is lots of writing and grammar in that so I am not having him do PR with us. So, that leaves my daughter and I to do PR. She is an amazing girl but LA is definatley her worst subject. I am wondering if she would do better with a CLE kind of spiral thing than a mastery PR kind of thing. It seems really, no matter what I do for her for LA she just does not "get it" very easily. SO, my next thing is latin. I like the roots of PR and I am completley clueless about what kind of latin program I would like to do. I would have him do the latin program because he needs a language and as far as I can tell latin is the best choice in languages. I know I took 2 years of french and I can hardly congegate the "to be" verb much less "use" the language. At least with latin my kids can improve thier vocabulary and have a base for a latin based language should they be motivated to actually master one later. I was planning on keeping on with PR through the end of Latin Road but I the cost is high and I am not sure it is the best LA program for my daughter and I am not sure what kind of latin program it is compared to others. This truly is a muddle! Any ideas? Does any one have an option I am not thinking of? Does anyone know of a really great latin program that is not super expensive? I am not sure this is well thought out but I am going to post it!
  22. Oh no, I agree. I was talking about along with the legal agreement of what we consent (or don't consent) to fix. It was how they gave us our offer-- it just came with the offer explianing why they cut our price. Gotta keep it all totally in contract. I just wanted to give an explatnation along with what ever we agree to because my mind is already panicking a bit over what all they may ask for. However, I shall do what the agent of revious posts said and just sit tight to see what they do ask for. It is all speculation and rumors right now. The thing we figure is if they do ask for too much we kill the deal and we have the mineral rights completely back. I will keep you all posted when we get the repair request. They have till Monday to get that to us. They did the inspection last Saturday! It took 4 1/2 hours! We were pretty alarmed that it took so long but we do have barns and outbuildings, spigots etc. to see so maybe that is part of it. Of course then they had the septic inspection........sigh. To them they are just taking their time and not rushing, to us it is do we move on with our lives or just hang on for dear life some more!
  23. I can see what everyone is saying. Do you think that the younger books would be better. It says it is for 3 to 4 year olds and she is 4 in October. I love the set, even though yes, I feel like a looser mom cause my kid is NOT neat and tidy. OK, I am really fine over all with where she is at. Like I said earlier she was exposed to the worst drugs there are and she is pretty darn smart. I think she may just be too ADHD to color just yet.
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