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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I did it. I bought RSO That's wonderful! :hurray: I just bought A,B & C and I am LOVING them!
  2. If your child took Algebra in 8th grade.... Did they ever return it??
  3. foreign language, and the perfect as the enemy of the good Oh, is this the sequel to "native language, and the subjunctive as the dasher of hopes and dreams"?? I've been waiting for a sequel. The first book was riveting.
  4. How many here have just a monochrome printer?? Me. It's all I own. Just my monochrome printer and me. :)
  5. HOD Moms running more than one guide Thanks for the warning. I always knew those moms were trouble. :D
  6. Have you seen Jay Wile's new post? Oh yes! It looked lovely right up there next to his new fence.
  7. :smilielol5: hehehehe I've seen it now like 15 times and each time I laugh so hard it brings tears to my eyes. :lol:
  8. HOD Preparing and higher and Sonlight PQR Singing and puppies and rainbows. :D
  9. Ah I finally got this one. I had to look it up too. I'm blushing now. :eek: :svengo:
  10. Oh sweetie, you've been through so much. I pray that the tests speak loud and clear and are irrefutable. Praying for you. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Is there such a thing as an unbiased church history spine? I don't think so, but I've heard that there are clavicles and femurs that are unbiased. Spines are always going from one side to the other and therefore should not be trusted. Just my humble 2 cents. ;)
  12. I looooove getting curriculum in.... my shoes. It's so squishy. :D
  13. Thinking of cloth diapers I'm thinking of chocolate, but hey, to each his own. ;) :D
  14. M's in the field N's in the bushes. O refuses to play and is watching t.v. instead.
  15. For German Families: if you were placing an amazon.de order for your 6-year-old... How much was the shipping and how long did it take for them to deliver the child??
  16. Jane, can I just tell you that the smilie you have in your signature is the best ever! :) Love him! hehehe
  17. Sons close in age/dating rules? Your sons shouldn't date each other no matter how close in age they are. ;) :D
  18. Anyone sew jeans into skirts? No, I usually sew just the skirt.
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