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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I am afraid to say that it may be necessary to bomb the Bronx! Are you the same person who just posted about finding "Science Fair" bomb projects for her "son"?? You terrorists have really got some nerve! :glare:
  2. Looking for a serious partner who wants to "do" Well Educated Mind with me! I don't mean to be rude, but that's just kinky. :glare:
  3. Who has a rising senior this year? We really don't discuss it since it's kind of an embarrassing situation for my senior, but yes he often spontaneously rises off the ground. We've tried everything! Weighted shoes, weighted vests, feeding him more, but nothing works! He'll be just walking along, everything fine, then all of sudden, up he goes! It's the weirdest thing! What do you do for your son because seriously I'm at a loss? :bigear:
  4. should I push my son to read more Why don't you just try asking him nicely first? There's really no need to get so physical with him. Just my humble 2 cents for whatever they're worth.
  5. Books with upstanding main characters who overcome obstacles, etc... I think Dolly Parton's BooKs win hands down! Her BooKs have been fighting against gravity for YEARS!!
  6. Books for a Cat-Obsessed 9 year old First can I just say that I think it's great that your cat is such a voracious reader! Kudos to you for teaching him how to read! :) As for recommendations.... The Cat Who Ate the Canary is a good one. Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Mice and Rats. (Get the original hardcover edition of this one though. It's FULL of color photographs.) And any book where the dog dies at the end. My cat LOVED Old Yeller! :) Hope this helps. Best of luck to your reading obsessed kitty. :)
  7. Really bad books I'd can't imagine the woman that this is for. :eek: :svengo:
  8. What she said! I'm so glad it's all over. I hope and pray you have a perfect bill of health! :grouphug:
  9. Another nugget from Corbett's Classical Rhetoric I'm gonna be rich! Woo Hoo! :hurray:
  10. LOL Seriously! come clean mine too! I split the find with you. ;) That's awesome Denise. Have a wonderful time with your friend. Congratulations! :)
  11. Barton vs. ?????? Oh I LOVE Barton vs. The Mystery Man!!! It was one of my favorite shows growing up! :)
  12. Where to buy apples and pears I suggest going to the grocery store or the Farmer's market. :)
  13. Oh poor thing! Don't feel bad mom. It's hard when they can't tell you what's wrong and you have to guess. :grouphug: She'll be well and over it and will still love you.:)
  14. You're welcome honey. :) You can check H&M too if you have one near you. They have cute stuff too. :)
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