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Everything posted by tiddles

  1. Sounds like that doctor just needs any excuse for an opportunity to line his pocket - I would call the insurance company and tell them you didn't receive any counseling.
  2. I despise cooking - it's a big fat drag that I dread daily. DH won't/can't cook. DD so picky I don't know how she is even alive. If I could get away with doing cheese and crackers with a few grapes for "greens", I would..lol
  3. Longmire! For an old geezer, he sure is easy on the eye!
  4. To paraphrase Mike from "The Middle"; Teenagers are supposed to be awful, that way you don't miss them so much when they leave.
  5. The publics schools in our district are dreadful. My two have been going to a small Christian school, which they loved for the first few years but last year things changed. My DD was beyond bored and couldn't stand going to school. My DS has ADHD and would bring most of his work home because he wouldn't get it done at school - I would spend many frustrating hours with him each evening trying to get it done, poor guy. When I suggested homeschooling, they were both very enthusiastic about it. My DD is very motivated and I believe will do a great job. My DS is a challenge... I want to strangle him on a daily basis. Hopefully it will get better. We are looking forward to being able to travel for weeks at a time in the off season! Yay!!! We started early this year so that we could take a few weeks off in the winter to go somewhere warm! To me that is what makes it all worth while.
  6. Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll wait and see what else she does for art or computer. I'm glad it can count as either. You guys are all so helpful - so glad I found this forum. I also have all the SOTW books for my younger son.
  7. Hi everyone. I am new here and new to homeschooling. I have spent MANY hours perusing the forums and getting a lot of wonderful info. I do have a specific question that I couldn't find an answer to. My DD, going into 9th, will be signing up for a computer animation course (it will also cover hand-drawn) http://www.theanimcourse.com/theanimcourse.html For credit purposes, do you think this would go under art, computer, or is it just considered an elective. She is a talented drawer so I would love for it to be a fine art credit. I was educated in another country so this whole credit/transcript business is hugely confusing to me. One more thing - can someone think of a thread that lists ideas for electives? I'm sure there is one somewhere. Thanks so much for any info :001_smile:
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