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Everything posted by Mercury449

  1. We were using 100 EZ but didn't get very far with it. After reading this thread, I got The Reading Lesson and I love it! My son is not bogged down with small text like in 100 EZ. The Reading Lesson is visually more friendly and it's also easier to find stopping points.
  2. A lot of the Disney DVDs have different language options in the menu. I don't know if you want him watching that or not, but just a thought.
  3. Margaret in CO, I've been looking for a harpsichord for a while. How/where did you find one? Or did your daughter practice on someone else's?
  4. I don't think I did that quote thing right. Oh, well, I tried!
  5. I know it might be early (he's 3.5) but I'm trying to figure out what type of learner my son is. He can sit still to do a tracing work sheet, sings along with SSL in the car and can sit in my lap listening to books for at least 30 minutes (haven't gone beyond that). I am very much a visual person and struggled in math big-time. In fact, I'm thinking now that I probably have that dyscalculia. So I've been teaching him in a visual way thinking that I'm being so insightful and making it so much better for him than it was for me. However, I've noticed that he doesn't seem to be taking to it. For example, I made these cute numbered, laminated dog stickers so he could line the dogs up according the number on them. He can rattle off 1-20 no problem most of the time, but he couldn't put the number 5 dog after the 4. So.... auditory? And if he IS auditory, he's still going to have to see and manipulate numbers in life so how do I approach this? Does this mean he will be more of an abstract thinker when it comes to math? Also, when doing crafts or drawing, he always wants to watch ME do it. I've never met a kid that doesn't love coloring. He does like legos, blocks and that sort of thing though. Maybe if I put numbers on some Duplo.... Anyway, I'm just wondering if there's anything I need to know here or if someone reading this can tell me what the deal is. Also, if he is an auditory learner, what math programs and/or curricula would cater to that? Thanks All!
  6. I just took a look at Progressive Phonics. That looks pretty good! I'm going to try that in conjunction with plastic letters on a tray (using 100EZ).
  7. I'm glad someone brought this up because I have also been struggling to get my son interested in 100EZ. We've done couple of pages, but now as soon I pull the book out, he says, "No!" haha. I have since bought the Leap Frog DVD, which he's seen a couple of times. That was my substitute until I figure something else out. The plastic letters is a good idea. Might try that..
  8. Has anyone used Ray's Arithmetic? I just stumbled upon it while looking up other math curricula from a previous math-related post. It's definitely "old-school" (pun intended). No manipulative or fancy stuff, but from what I can see online, it looks pretty solid. Anyone using/used it?
  9. Since starting this thread, I DID find some good ideas (mostly through Pintrest). I AM going to get the placemats- they have world, USA and most continents. I'll also do a small photo album with places we regularly go and maybe one for local examples of land/water formations. I also found a free website with printable materials that can then be laminated: thehelpfulgarden.blogspot.com. And one of those plush globes too! All in all, I'm feeling better about it : ) Thanks for all the ideas!
  10. I don't know if 3.5 is too young or not, but I'm trying to incorporate geography into our day and kind of failing at it. So far we've read "Me on the Map," which was good, but I'm not sure he really made all the connections there... I also have a map of the US with magnetic states; that was too time consuming for him to figure out where all the states went. Lastly, I bought a PreK geography workbook that looks awesome, except it is just slightly advanced for him at this point. Should I just wait until comprehension is a little further along, at which point I can jump into the above, or is there anything else that is more at his level for now? Thanks!
  11. I mentioned this is another post, but the Kumon books, above mentioned, are great!
  12. First of all, can I just say that you sound like an AMAZING mom, TheAttachedMamma? You have obviously been having a rough year and I don't think you are whining. Those were legitimately ALOT of set-backs. I think there have been several good suggestions here (taking note myself). I too, plan to teach through the summer: I don't like being relegated to traveling in June or July and the mind turns to mush if unused. And like you said, you have two kids that REALLY need the extra help and attention. I know YOU know you're doing the right thing, but it helps to hear other people say it too. You are doing the right thing. It sounds like they DO still have plenty of time to play. As for the toddler situation... If you can do it, I second the suggestion of getting a mother's helper. Hang in there. Sending good thoughts your way!
  13. I have been LOVING the Kumon workbooks. My son is 3.5 and we are doing the Tracing and Cutting right now. His handling of a writing utensil has improved dramatically from doing these exercises. We will be starting the Kumon Letters and Numbers books in a week or two as well.
  14. TexCanAus, I'm close to Spring as well. I have a 3.5 year old boy :001_smile:. Maybe we can meet up when you return!
  15. I asked my husband what we should call it, (I suggested "The Round Up School" since we're into Toy Story right now) and he said we should call it something different every year based on a theme. It's a fun idea but then I can't use it on documents continuously. My Round Up School idea doesn't work either because it would soon be outgrown. Guess I need to think of something more sophisticated!
  16. I love that! That's so funny. ...Young gentry... Sounds like you have some pretty cool kids : )
  17. On the government website, it said something about sending a letter of intent just saying that you will teach your kid reading, writing, arithmetic and good citizenship. But maybe that's if you start in regular school and the pull out? I'll have to look at it again. I DID look at that Cypress group a little online the other day. I might give them a call. I didn't see one for Spring which is really more my area : / I did find a potential homeschooler today at our first fencing lesson so maybe we can share what we find! Thanks everyone!
  18. I'll take what I can get! Thanks for replying!
  19. I'll probably go to the Fort Worth one next year since that's closer to home. By then, I should know what I want to see and get :laugh: .
  20. I posted this question on the PreK board already and didn't have any luck. I just wanted to see if there were any homeschoolers in the Houston, TX area. I'm looking to make some local contacts that I can talk to about Texas homeschool regulations as well as just making some new like-minded friends.
  21. Has anyone named their homeschool just for fun? Just curious.
  22. Can't stand Nut Brown Hare. I love Goodnight, goodnight, construction site and Steam train, Dream train.
  23. Ooo, good idea, Slache! I'll look into the conventions.
  24. I was just wondering if anyone here was in the Houston area. Just looking for some like minded people close to home! Thanks!
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