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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. There are some versions of dementia that start in people's 50s. I'm just saying that if she only once in blue moon sees/hears about them, it's not as hard to forget than if they were regularly in contact, IF there are some cognitive issues. I just don't get favoritism if there's nothing to base the favoritism on, kwim? Is the oldest named after someone in the family, and the youngest isn't? They're both boys, iirc, so gender can't be it. Anyway, maybe she is just a jerk - I'm not saying she isn't. It's just puzzling. ETA: you can be physically healthy while still having cognitive decline.
  2. Is the 12yo adopted/from another marriage? Because I don't really get it if they're both yours and DH's and neither of them speaks to her. That really would make me think that she accidentally forgets the younger one. Some elderly do have a slow, drawn out mental decline. I mean, if you're going to be a jerk, there tends to be a reason... and I'm not seeing it - I can understand liking one kid better if you have contact with both (or just with one), but otherwise... it doesn't make sense.
  3. Maybe if the 12yo were to Skype her about 3 weeks before xmas etc that might jog her memory just in time to include a gift for him? Beyond that, I don't know... is she starting the get Alzheimer's? Does your husband have a sibling living near her who can help her remember to get appropriate gifts for everyone? Of course, the above assumes that she unintentionally forgets or just really sucks at picking out presents (like a calendar). If you think she forgets on purpose, the other ideas in this thread are more appropriate. ETA: my grandfather at some point didn't remember he'd ever been married, never mind that he had 7 kids. So, I don't think it's impossible for an elderly person to accidentally forget 1 or more people, especially when they rarely have contact and live in another country.
  4. Maybe nurse is the way to go :leaving: (((Bookie)))
  5. Since I've never heard her speak, I have no clue how often she does this, so I'm not sure - I wouldn't necessarily even bother with an eval. Could you ask a friend, preferably one with older kids who's been around her enough to hear her speak, and see if she has noticed and thinks it's an issue? Because I think this really depends on frequency - if it's a zillion times during the day, maybe look into it, if it's only a couple of times a day, meh. I agree with a PP - DH needs to back off. It's not going to fix it, will make her insecure, maybe even to the point of getting her to stutter eventually.
  6. Will they pay for any degree? Because ime, they'll only pay for things with a good chance of getting a job. So, that would narrow down choices, which could help with indecision. Of course, maybe they're not helpful like that where you live.
  7. Oh, yeah, that's it: Denpo! Someone asked about it and some people replied. I don't remember if you were one of the repliers. And yes, I did it as a family gift.
  8. In your case, I'd probably drag everybody, including DH to the dr, and have the doctor write a list of when to see the doctor, and then have DH keep track of symptoms on a calendar so his mental 3=7 days thing doesn't happen. If it's not on the calendar, it doesn't count, and if it's not on the list, the 'kid' doesn't need to see the doctor. If that doesn't help, maybe couples therapy.
  9. Muscle pain in one spot would not make me think flu. Muscle pain all over... maybe - I think it matters if it's sudden onset or gradual - sudden onset of muscle pain all over, fever, etc, would make me think flu. We don't go to the doctor for the flu either, unless it just started (like, that day) and we're willing to spend good money on the doctor's visit, a flu test, and Tamiflu to make it last one day shorter. I've done that once, because it was close to finals week, but it generally would not be worth the money, since it just doesn't make that much of a difference. So, for flu, I'd expect it to last 2 weeks, and my timeframe for seeing the doctor would still be a couple of months, but, again, contingent on how bad symptoms are. The worse the symptoms, the shorter my patience, lol. But I've never had a flu be full-on flu for 2 months... I've had it be full-on flu, and then linger more like a cold. If it was full-on flu the entire time, I'd probably go see the doctor after 2-3 weeks or so (full-on flu meaning basically being completely incapacitated, bedridden the entire time).
  10. I expect it to last something along the lines of a week. How long it'd take me to go to the doctor would depend on how severe the symptoms are, but probably a couple of months.
  11. Of course he can. But, that'd be a poor choice of his - it's not like you asked him at 4yo if he wanted the polio vaccine, he said no, got polio, and is unable to walk for the rest of his life or something. 12yo, pros/cons for both options, not life-changing either way... if he hates you for the decision you let him make, that'd be his problem.
  12. Maybe, maybe not too bad... I don't care about teeth being *perfect* (obviously, if they're hideous, fix it if you can afford to... I just think that people often fix stuff that would've been fine... e.g., when I was 12 my dentist suggested braces for me... I didn't get them, and people are often surprised that they were recommended to me, because they think my teeth look fine - one of my bottom teeth is slightly crooked, but not real noticeable, and I've got a bit of an overbite, but again not noticeable to most people). Anyway, esthetics are personal, and, like you said, too soon to know how it'd look anyway. My point was that when you file away enamel, you're leaving less enamel... and therefore increasing the odds of cavities. So, I'd try to remove as little as possible, possibly nothing if you can get away with not reshaping them. I'd be even more hesitant about dealing with implants etc though.
  13. Here, I edited my post: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/545334-ignore-this-thread/?p=7932975
  14. Everything is educational. I'm getting quite an education in forum addiction.
  15. (and yes, I know what game you're talking about - just being silly)
  16. You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to get free shipping with Prime.
  17. Maybe I should've put an Adpo warning. For advertising products. Not that I get paid to mention them, nor can I review them as I don't have them yet.
  18. We also have warnings like Vopo. And at least another one I can't think of. I think maybe Popo?
  19. I guess I should've prefaced it with Edpo. We have all sorts of warnings these days, that people are kind of random about using. So, it could've gotten: Edpo! Avert your eyes! Reported! Or, nothing at all. Or just some of the warning. Plus, it's a game, it's not educational. (really, I have no idea how educational or not it is - I guess the Mayan one is supposed to be somewhat educational, but the rest... I dunno)
  20. I also gifted us a subscription to the Yum Yum box someone posted about on Chat a few weeks ago: http://www.universalyums.com And DW said that she thought it was a great idea. :) I'm so glad, because I was worried she might think it's a stupid idea. The first of that one won't get here until January either. (btw, I did not actually subscribe to the escape crate, because I wanted to try it out with the family first, and it's plenty expensive - at least the Yum Yum's can be part of the grocery budget)
  21. Although maybe the actual solution is that they got trapped in a 21st century escape crate through some time warp or because of unethical time travelers or w/e.
  22. ETA: Fine, warnings for all! Edpo! Adpo! Avert thy eyes! Reported! Don't go down the rabbit hole! I'm going to figure it out soon (got this for xmas, but won't get here till January): https://escape-the-crate.com/escape-the-lost-colony/ (I know, it's not going to solve the *actual* mystery) They also have one aimed at 4-6th graders about Mayan temples: https://escape-the-crate.com/escape-the-m/ And a free online mini adventure: https://escape-the-crate.com/subscriber-exclusive-escape-the-midnight-express/
  23. No BTDT, so didn't vote. Yes, but reshaping existing teeth basically means filing off some of the enamel, doesn't it? Which is not good. I'd lean towards doing nothing, or braces to move the teeth forward (but not reshaping). Of course, like I mentioned, no BTDT. We also have small mouths where pushing back would be a bad idea.
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