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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. My 10 y/o daughter is begging for the guitar one, so I'll keep an eye on this thread :D
  2. Wow, congrats on your loss! And you're right that the most important thing you can do if you slip up is just get right back on track, and not let it turn into something like "Well, I already did bad for this meal, may as well do what I want the rest of the day. I already did bad today, so may as well just enjoy the weekend. This whole weekend stunk so my week's already blown, etc." I really am not a fan of the "replace a meal with a 'shake'" kind of plan to begin with- what I like about WW is that it is healthy, realistic, doesn't cut out foods or food groups or replace meals with shakes or require taking pills and so on and so forth. But I'm ESPECIALLY not a fan of the idea while you're nursing a baby. You definitely need extra calories while nursing. You can probably google how many extra calories you should eat while nursing and dieting and find some sort of formula online, and WW has a nursing mom's plan, but I wouldn't do the meal replacement thing at this stage if I were you. Too funny! I had a dream once that I was eating too much food and woke up in a bad mood, feeling like I really blew my diet, but it was just a dream lol.
  3. Bummmmmp. C'mon and join us, people! You know you want to! :D
  4. Where's the "you mean sometimes they actually STOP nursing?" option? haha. With my son it seemed like he nursed CONSTANTLY for the first 15 months of his life. At that point I gradually started weaning him and finished weaning him at 19 months.
  5. LOL! Well, they're not ALL that mean, and some of them are only for a week or so.... :D
  6. Hm..I will have to call the doctor back on Monday and ask them about this, then. See if our ins. will even cover it, who they can send us to etc. Stupid question but do you pronounce that like a word "rast" or do you sound out all the letters, when saying it aloud?
  7. Ah..I didn't realize. The Dr. Sears site mentioned "All Clear, Dreft or Ivory Snow." Thanks! And thanks, everyone, for those fish oil suggestions regarding the liquids and squeeze packets and so on, I will look into those!
  8. I just can't remember with my oldest daughter, and with my youngest we're not there yet. So you'll have to let ME know lol.
  9. :party::party::party: Woohoo! That's VERY exciting! Congrats!!! I still have about 16 lbs to go before I can join you there! *** HEY ALL, I want to let you know that I just started a "Weight Loss Challenge" social group here at TWTM (click "Community" above, then "Social Groups" and look for "The Weight Loss Challenge"). I've already posted several fun contests and challenges there, and you guys can join any/as many of them as you want- or create and post your own! Some have specific time frames, some are just ongoing. They're all geared toward either some friendly competition or toward encouraging healthy changes and choices... come check it out when you get a chance! :)
  10. Wanna join a "Challenge Group" for fun contests/challenges pertaining to diet, fitness, exercise, and weight loss? Check out the "The Weight Loss Challenge" social group I just started. (Click on "Community" then "Social Groups" then look for "The Weight Loss Challenge"). I've come up with and posted several "Challenges" already on there. Some are for specific time limits, others are just ongoing. You can look through them and pick and choose the ones you want to join. Or you can come up with and post your own challenges. Let's have fun with it and get healthy! Anyone want to join me...? :)
  11. I just reserved it from my library, sounds interesting!
  12. Your library might have a writer's club. Or look on meetup.com for one. See if you can find some sort of writing critique group. If you can't find one in person, you might be able to find one online (I used to belong to an online one years ago, and was a member for a few years until the guy who started it and ran it died and the rest of us kind of drifted apart). :( Your local community college might also have course you can take for fun, not sure about prices. And sure, why not read books about it? See what your library has to offer!
  13. I've never seen it or heard of it but I don't like low or reduced fat peanut butters (I've tried a couple of different kinds). I'd rather just eat good old-fashioned, tasty, creamy, yummy, flavorful full-fat peanut butter- in moderation. :D
  14. Thanks, Leav! So, I don't know what it is with me, but I'll have a good weigh in on a Thursday- and I'll leave there feeling totally motivated... and then it seems like without fail by Friday/Saturday I'm having a hard time STAYING motivated and wanting to eat stuff I shouldn't be eating! This resulted in me eating pizza last night and going 6 "points" over my allotted number of 'points'. Which is probably okay because some days I eat a bit lower, but I'll just find myself SO easily tempted, and then the last three days or so before I go again, I'm scrambling to exercise a bit more, eat a bit less, and make sure I have a good weigh in. Sometimes it just seems like I've been doing this forever and that I'll have to KEEP doing this forever. Don't get me wrong... I love the results I've been getting... but it is so tough to just stay motivated and focused after a while, sometimes!
  15. So, funnily enough, just last night my daughter (who just turned 10 on October 1st) came to me about a hard little lump under one nipple- on one side only- and I immediately thought first of this thread lol, and then of my experience with my oldest DD who I guess was probably about the same age, and then we had the "breastbud" talk! I just thought it was funny that mere days after you asked this and I posted about my experience with my oldest, MY 10 y/o came to me with the same issue! (Now she's kind of excited and wants to know if she'll get a bra soon).
  16. Hm. What if you get a book of children's plays (skits/scripts etc) and see if she wants to organize something with friends, a homeschool group, a scout group, or something like that if relevant, to do for the families in the end...?
  17. Oh!! Good point!! You're right. Okay...so I will get her allergy testing done on Wednesday morning and then start her on the Zyrtec after that. We'll just use the humidifier and the lotions and creams for now and the medicated ointment as needed. It's only four more days.... sigh!
  18. I updated my "eczema" thread to say that these are the steps I plan to take at this point to try to help dd10: 1. Get the allergy tests at the ped (we have the appointment on Wednesday) just to see if that rules anything in or out. 2. Use a humidifier in her room at night every night in the winter months, starting tonight. 3. Continue to moisturize/lotion 2-4X a day (we'll use the lotion we have for now, and then we'll start using CJ's BUTTer when it arrives and see how that works, as it is said to work well for eczema; it shipped out today). 4. I will buy AllClear, or Dreft, or some such detergent next time I go to the store and start washing her clothes in that. 5. I will get something like cetaphil cleanser (soap free) for her showers and baths (and of course we'll just pat dry and moisturize right after baths) Baths will be warm, not hot, etc. 6. I will pick up Zyrtec (after reading about it here, and then on Ask Dr. Sears) and start giving it to her morning and night for at least a few weeks (Dr. Sears says it's safe to use daily for several weeks but that they should get a break from it after a while when the symptoms are gone or mild) and start giving that to her to control the itching; as the scratching makes the eczema worse and then of course it goes in a cycle from there. 7. Continue to use our prescription ointment on areas that flare up, as needed. ...if these things do not seem to help then I will push for seeing more specialists rather than the ped or the same dermatologist we saw last year and didn't find all that helpful... I have my fingers crossed that these steps will help though and that the allergy tests will tell us SOMETHING even if just done at the ped's office. Wish us luck, eczema is horrible! Thank you for the help and responses!
  19. Thanks again for all of the help and replies here! I really appreciate them! After reading them several times and doing some more research, here's what I've decided on for now: 1. Get the allergy tests at the ped (we have an appointment on Wednesday) just to see if that rules anything in or out. 2. Use a humidifier at night every night in the winter months, starting tonight. 3. Continue to moisturize/lotion 2-4X a day (we'll use the lotion we have for now, and then we'll start using that CJ's BUTTer when it arrives and see how that works; it shipped out today). 4. I will buy AllClear, or Dreft, or some such detergent next time I go to the store and start washing her clothes in that. 5. I will get something like cetaphil cleanser (soap free) for her showers and baths (and of course we'll just pat dry and moisturize right after baths) Baths will be warm, not hot, etc. 6. I will pick up Zyrtec (after reading about it here, and then on Ask Dr. Sears) and start giving it to her morning and night for at least a few weeks (Dr. Sears says it's safe to use daily for several weeks but that they should get a break from it after a while when the symptoms are gone or mild) and start giving that to her to control the itching; as the scratching makes the symptoms worse. 7. Continue to use our prescription ointment on areas that flare up, as needed. Please keep your fingers crossed that I can keep this somewhat under control over these winter months by taking all of these steps! I don't want her to be as miserable as she was last night, let alone how miserable she was last winter. P.S. Her face is a lot better today after having put the prescription meds on it last night and again this morning. P.S.S. I was also going to try fish oil as recommended here but found it only comes in softgels and she can't/won't swallow anything like that unless it's extremely tiny, she can't quite figure out how to swallow it without gagging and gets scared and resists trying. But hopefully the above steps will work. P.S.S.S. That CJ of CJ's Sewing Room is an absolute ANGEL. I said before that I'd ordered the "CJ's BUTTer" from her last night and had asked to make sure it's safe to use on her face, and she had written me back this morning saying it was and that she'd also "throw in" a stick of BUTTer "for her backpack" which I thought was so sweet! And when I emailed her to thank her for that kind gesture, I added in a little bit of details/history pertaining to my daughter's eczema and how last night her face had been bothering her so much and commented that I hoped this stuff would help, and do you know what she said?! She said: "Bless her heart, poor girl!! That must be awful for both of you. I'll also throw in an unflavored lip balm. It has some different ingredients than the BUTTer, but it might be easier to apply around her eyes because it's so small. Worth a try anyway!!!" She's wonderful!!!!! I hope the product is a fraction as wonderful as she is!! AND, I got a notification that my stuff already shipped- TODAY. Thank you, whoever recommended that site to me!
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