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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Landscapers hired teens to do the mulching (don't even get me started on why they wait until August to mulch...) and now I am missing a hosta *poof* gone pulled out not there and 3 of my expensive plants were buried/damaged and I had to rescue them when I got home. I hope they survive. I'm so mad I could spit. And DS is having a bad week with an allergen that is causing him to have a sore throat. So it hurts to swallow and every meal takes two hours. That's not an exaggeration. I'm mad about my plants and I MAY have taken it out on him a teensy bit. Overcooked rice in chicken broth is your dinner, dude. I'm not expending energy to make a gourmet meal for you to complain it hurts to eat.
  2. I would love to. There's this thing called a job, however...
  3. Laundry room is now painted. I'm sick of painting. Told DS we are starting back to school tomorrow - light schedule until September, but still. He's not thrilled. Our schedule is easy to figure out since I only have the one. :)
  4. Yeah, I guess I wasn't thinking sprayers because I usually think of that in terms of new houses without stuff.
  5. Do you usually brush your ceilings when you paint them? I always roll mine, so I'm wondering if you specified because it seems odd to you.
  6. See, that's easy for me. I get to keep all my homeschooling stuff according to KonMari, since it evokes happiness. Right?
  7. From the sound of it, I am a master at KonMari, and have been doing KonMari since before it was the "in" thing... So I will spend my time reading WTM posts, rather than the book. Cheers!
  8. I was thinking of it. But I'd have to re-teach myself first! I haven't looked at Greek since college, and haven't studied it since high school. I still have my books, though.
  9. No worries - just wondering. I'm sure there is someone out there writing one as I type...
  10. I used to make my son watch Hoarders whenever he didn't want to help clean. Now I just remind him of the show and of the bugs that will start climbing all over him as he sleeps if the house is messy like those people's, and he groans but gets his butt up and starts cleaning. I do not recommend this for certain kids who may end up traumatized, though. Some of those houses were SCARY.
  11. Slache, are you doing another Koine/biblical Greek curriculum, or is it going to be secular?
  12. I've done that, too! Not for my crown, but for other stuff.
  13. I'm game. As long as there is no Miracle Whip involved...
  14. I grew up with banana and mayo. De-lish! When I left home for college someone was eating banana and PB and I almost threw up at the thought! Too funny.
  15. I thought it was funny, too. As was your "unbiblical" comment. I guess my reply wasn't received in the humorous manner in which it was intended. :( My bad.
  16. Salted butter. Blech! Miracle Whip Capers Kalamata olives Cilantro Cantaloupe (so with you on this one, Mimm, not really sure why, just no thanks) pickles/pickle juice in deli salads
  17. That's because if cutie pie told you you were hopeless, you'd stop coming, and cutie pie wouldn't get paid. (I really can't tell if cutie pie is a he or a she in this case.)
  18. I usually end up reheating stuff for 20 minutes instead of 2, and then make rooms smell like burnt plastic. I empathize.
  19. #glasshouses Weren't you the one who wrote "Bite me" just as you were returning from church? We still love you, though.♥
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