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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Got my car back today. Gearshaft sensor (?) was bad. Susan, glad your daughter (and hopefully the car) is okay. Happy weekend, everybody.
  2. That's adorable. Dog just needed someone to snuggle with.
  3. Last night: Car would not accelerate. Added gas. All better. Got home. DH came home and tested car to make sure. Car again would not accelerate. Not the gas. This morning: Had morning off to take DS to allergist. DH refused to let me drive car. DH took DS to allergist while I got to take care of car situation. AAA called for tow to Garage. Garage called to let them know it was coming. Enterprise told to pick me up. Bright red compact pulled into my driveway. Lucky me. Get to work. Boss leaving as I pull in. He chipped a tooth (know the feeling!) Covered conference call for him in afternoon. Emails didn't stop all day. Tired, and want to go home. Rental in rainstorm, accidents everywhere, traffic bad. But then I got home and my Rainbow Resource order was waiting for me!! All is well.
  4. Swear that smoke part wasn't there before. How did I miss that?
  5. :grouphug: Hopefully it's not indicative of how the school year will go. ETA: the bad mood stuff, not the good first day. :)
  6. I am a firm believer in dishes are made to be used. My Nana (great step-grandmother) would always use her nice wedding china when we came over, even as small kids. Why not? Can't take it with you when you go, she used to say. I think she rubbed off on me. Besides, tea tastes better from a special pot. :thumbup1:
  7. So what was she going to do if you bent over backwards to give her dh the last-minute lessons, and her daughter still didn't make orchestra? Blame you? Geesh.
  8. Why Tuesday, BTW? Why does this mother feel the need for 6 wks of lesson by Tuesday?
  9. I'm glad you told her no. What a ridiculous thing to suggest. What a ridiculous thing to believe.
  10. We use Beast Academy now, but we did use MiF for 1st and 2nd. I had the Guide for 1st. It was helpful in that it gave more detail about how to teach, hints if the child was having difficulty, games to play - at least that is how I remember it. I've since passed it on. For 2nd grade I skipped it. I felt I knew how to approach the curriculum, and wasn't worried about knowing the answers. I was originally planning on continuing on with MiF and using BA as a supplement, but decided to just use BA. I was planning on going back to the Guide, though, if not for 3rd, then at least by 4th. MiF is not how I learned math, and I found the Guide helpful. I missed it last year.
  11. DS is in the kitchen painting and listening to Beethoven. Homeschool bliss.
  12. I've only met my MIL once, when DH and I were first dating. It used to bother me that they didn't have a relationship, but now I just feel relieved not to have to deal with drama.
  13. So DH just told me that a long conversation with DS today revealed his throat "swallowing issues" are really just anxiety he's been carrying around since he swallowed pool water down the wrong way a few weeks back. After I told DH late last night that I suspected he was partially faking it, I guess he caught him eating something that's hard to swallow without any issues and called him on it. He's been avoiding liquids, so it was becoming an issue. #toldyouso Good thing that came of it was we got him to start taking season allergy medicine for his congestion due to season allergies and dust. So maybe things can start to get back to normal around here. :hurray:
  14. Tex, maybe she can just - I don't know - call a cab? :thumbup1:
  15. We use those blister packs, too. I found putting one inside a lipstick case such as this http://www.wellpromo.com/Wholesale/Cases/Lipstick-Case-158691.htm works well for protecting the blister pack from being punctured when in my purse. I have two, and one fits better than the other, so you might have to try a few on for size before you purchase. :) Mine is actually a bright pink beaded one so I can find it in my "Mary Poppins bag" with ease.
  16. Stand firm! And if it is high school level, it should be the kids asking the questions. Parents need to butt out. I can't remember ever having my mom ask my teacher a question about homework in high school. ?????
  17. Honestly, I have never worried too much about "out and about" - more just not leaving it in a car, where the temperatures can get quite high. I guess it depends on where you live and how hot it gets. I do put the epi-pens in the cooler with ice packs (not directly touching, though, as extreme cold is also not good) when we are at the beach or pool for prolonged periods, though.
  18. I have a pouch on bike to carry DS' meds when we go bike riding so that I don't have to carry my purse. DH has his own set of epi-pens and Benadryl so that no matter which parent he is with, we have meds and don't have to switch it back and forth between ourselves. Taught DS from an early age to ask us before we leave the house if we have his meds? The more people tasked with remembering the better, and it is never too early to get them actively participating. There are lots of cute carriers online, too. If you haven't already, research different ways milk can be labeled, and start reading every label. It seems like a lot at first, but you will get used to it. DS still makes us "triple check" his food labels. (I make him read the labels now, too!)
  19. That DS will turn out to be allergic to formaldehyde (allergic to so much I wouldn't be surprised) and it will put a damper on our Human Body/Anatomy studies this year. He's super excited to do them I am super nervous.
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