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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. We're going light this week since DH and I are on vacation next week so I told him no school next week. I had fun stuff planned, that's the kicker. It was going to be spelling review, math review, and then I was introducing him to code.org's Code Studio. His student profile was all set up, ready to go. He's been bugging me to learn this stuff so he can be an all-star gamer...but we couldn't even get past the spelling and math review. Grr...
  2. Take the 3rd day of school, add in a whiny kid, stir in some flopping on the floor, and what do you have? A mother who goes ballistic and threatens to call the local PS in the morning to enroll a new student. And a clean living room and kitchen floor. 'Cause you ain't sittin' 'round all nite playing on the iPad kiddo, and I am D.O.N.E. - done! Done with listening to you whine, done with fighting. You think I am going to work all day, come home and take you for a bike ride to the park, cook for you, wait 2 hours while you eat, so that I can listen to you whine and fight with you about schoolwork? Nope. Not going to happen. What is going to happen is you are going to march down there and clean up you mess. And you will do it without speaking, unless those words are to apologize. And when you are finished cleaning - apology or no, you are still cleaning - then you will come up here and finish your math. Again, without speaking. Because I am done. You want to homeschool? You better start showing it. It was cathartic. Then again, come to think of it, I slept horribly last night. Sigh.
  3. You should do something creatively expressive after DS12 goes to bed, and tell him tomorrow that cat liked the look so much cat begged for more. Hair stylist for cats. OR Spa treatments for cats. I bet people would pay money for that. I mean if this guy can make 10K a day...
  4. Jean, may your good days continue indefinitely, and may winter sickness pass you by! #betterlivingthroughchemistry
  5. Not likely. She died in 1939. I think duct tape was invented after that. Thus, there would have been no duct tape creations to Kon-Mari.
  6. The Worst Hard Time : The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan My DS is only 8, and has not read it, but I read it and the whole time I wished I had been taught this stuff in school. :) I looked it up, and the reading level is given as 7-12 grade, so this might work for you.
  7. DS told me last night his life is boring. I asked, "Boring how?" His response? "It's too predictable. I know what is going to happen everyday. I get up, do schoolwork, eat, go to daycare, come home, eat, do schoolwork, and go to bed. It's like nothing ever happens in my life." He's 8. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Oh my, if I could like this 100X. Everyone suggests coloring, cutting, crafting, as if your child will be a total failure at life if they don't like to cut and color. There are other things that can develop motor function, you know? Don't pressure a young kid into meaningless tasks for the sake of "learning." My DS hated to color, and I never made him. Day care workers were always worried because he never wanted to join in the "centers." I flat out told them to leave him alone - if he didn't want to, he didn't have to. Now at 8 he loves to cut and tape :) create costumes for himself. He draws. He paints. But he still hates to color. Who cares?
  9. That's typical? My dream life is boring and a-typical, apparently.
  10. When my maid does that (often), the butler has been known to remove them to do his stinky work laundry AND THEN PUT THEM BACK IN THE WASHER for me the maid to deal with. No, he does not run the load again. He just shoves them back in. But I guess the key here is that the butler does his own laundry.
  11. My maid forgot to switch out the load of laundry and now I have to wait for the sheets to dry before I can go to bed. If she had just not shown up the sheets would be dirty, but they would be on the bed and dry, and I could go to sleep.
  12. First "official" day of school. We played Trivial Pursuit using 6 categories of Professor Noggin's card games. 5 were review topics, with one being a new topic that we are studying this year. It was so much fun. Why didn't I think of doing this before? I even got him to do some German, read a chapter in a book, and practice math facts. We're off to a good start. :party:
  13. They're providing the equipment? He definitely should try it! Lacrosse is a great sport. It was bigger than football at my high school. (Granted that was an East-coast private prep school back in the 90s...)
  14. Alpha Betty. :001_wub: It's like Boggle, but better. I need to stay away from time-sucking computer games, though.
  15. Renai - Good luck with with your first week of preK! Slache - Have fun with your hubby! wintermom - We pulled old carpet on stairs and scraped and scraped and scraped and sanded...and never did stain and get the runner we had envisioned. It is hard work, indeed. Susan - Good luck finding the culprit. Could be corn. I'd lean more towards something in the burger, but you never know. My DS is allergic to some very strange things. Jean - You can complain all you want. You are one busy lady. I'll take my FT job and homeschooling an only any day over what some of you ladies post. I am amazed at how much you all accomplish. Reading it all wears me out! LOL
  16. I think you can make a case for Star Wars falling under the category of Religion, no? Besides, everyone ignores us anyway.
  17. Death of spouse possibly, or if child wanted to.
  18. It must be back to school time. For the first time this summer DS said, "I'm bored." Woot! Time to put all that planning into action. I can't wait. :)
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