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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Well, I craved eggs. Never really ate them before I got pregnant, and then was eating them every day. DS was born allergic. I still feel guilty, even though everyone tells me it's not my fault.
  2. If your chicken is dry you need to learn how to cook. I love chicken.
  3. Do you enjoy the shade the tree provides in the summer? You always have to option to cut the linbs that overhang your yard, no? I think it is rude to toss the sticks back. I would probably buy a little firepit at Lowe's and get out the s'mores.
  4. You can do it!!! Go, Critterfixer, go!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, Critterfixer!
  5. Yeah, well we just pretty much stopped exchanging with out of state family. Too darn expensive. The kids exchange names so each only has to buy for one cousin.
  6. He'll tell me everything he wanted on the 26th when he's complaining he didn't get it.
  7. I asked DS what he wanted for Christmas. "I don't know." Thanks, kid. That was helpful.
  8. Stand alone here. Was planning to do along with MiF which we were using before, but as soon as DS started BA, he didn't want to go back to MiF. We do review with iPad apps.
  9. I'm following the conversation but I have headache and am just waiting for DS to finish his schoolwork so I can crash into bed. Also following news out of Paris. :crying:
  10. Yeah, we need less philosophers, and more welders. (I know, I know, but I couldn't resist.)
  11. Good morning, ITT-ers! 7 days and counting. And I jogged more than I walked today. But the sunrise was lame. I'm sucking on a lifesaver right now, though, which more than makes up for a lame sunrise. Sugar rules. I'm wearing pants.
  12. Well if they ignore you anyway, why not just bring Izzy to work with you? When people ask, tell them you are training her to do their job.
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