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  1. I'm not sure which one introduces it, but I know it's in the third grade text. That's the earliest one I have had.
  2. Not all studios require ballet, but most consider it a core class. At our studio you can take jazz without ballet unless you are competitive dancers. Shop around for a studio that dresses young girls like young girls. Our studio does not do midriff-showing costumes (and it's not a christian studio). It just our owner's policy. Costuming is VERY expensive :blink:, and is definitely something to be considered when making your decision.
  3. Another dance mom here... My dd has done both, and we dropped gymnastics after less than a year. She has danced for the past five years (tap, jazz, ballet), and has done so competitively for three. We love it!! So, obviously, that would get my vote. :001_smile: However, it truly is a personal decision. Let her try out ballet and gymnastics and see what she most enjoys.
  4. I purchased RoadTrip USA to use with my dd next year. We are going to take two years to get through it doing it only on Fridays. It looks good to me, and I am excited about it!
  5. I have used the later years of R&S, and they move pretty quickly. I use them a grade-level behind in middle/high school. So, I will be starting R&S 3 after we finish FLL 3. My dd will be 4th grade in the fall, and we will finish up FLL 3 in a few weeks. We will move through the review lessons quickly, and focus on the 'new' information. If she finishes R&S 3 before the end of the school year, we will move on to level 4. But, I want to make sure that she has all of the foundation necessary to succeed in the higher levels.
  6. I'm in the same boat, and I'm looking at a boxed curriculum for the first time in 10 years. This year, I homeschooled 12th/8th/3rd grades, and I am burnt out on planning. Next year, it will just be my youngest at home (my oldest will be at college and my middle starts high school at a local charter school). I so desperately want a year that I don't have to plan! I'm looking at Illuminations (from Bright Idea Press - MOH). I know I don't 'need' the lessons planned for me, but I'm thinking it will be worth it to pay for the convenience so I can :chillpill: on the weekends instead of planning!
  7. Yes. I let mine choose. I have one in Spanish, and two in Latin. Next year, my dd wants to learn ASL. I am going to let her, but I will have her stay in Latin, too.
  8. How much teacher time is needed for Lightning Lit? I am considering the 7th grade pack for my upcoming 8th grader and the American Lit for my senior. I'm also doing the 4/5th readers from SL for my upcoming 3rd grader. I'm worried about stretching myself so thin that I can't do any of them the time they need. Any thoughts?
  9. My dd and I did Milly-Molly-Mandy from VP this year, and it was a favorite here!!
  10. Does the Sonlight schedule include the read-alouds, too? Or is it just for the readers?
  11. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your fantastic planners. I used them this past year for R&S English 6 and General Science. I'm using them this year for R&S 7 and Physical Science. I'm also using your blank planner to plan my other subjects. Right now, I'm working on FLL 3. Again, I say, thanks!
  12. My third grader will be doing the following: Math - Horizons 3 Grammar - FLL 3 Bible - Apologia Who Is God? and Kay Arthur's How to Study Your Bible for Kids Science - will correlate with her geography Fine Arts - Harmony Fine Arts 4th grade Beautiful Feet History of Classical Music Sketch Tuesday, Drawing for Children, and nature notebooking for 'art' lessons Latin - Latin for Children A Spanish - The Easy Spanish History - TOG Y3 (units 3, 4) and Y4 (units 1, 2) Geography - Cantering the Country and Galloping the Globe (over the next 2 years) Literature/Writing - will correlate with geography, history, and science Free Reading - selections from SL, VP, and AO (haven't made my list yet) Spelling - Spelling Power Extra curricular - dance classes (tap, jazz, ballet, competitive team)
  13. Thanks so much everyone for the opinions! I have decided to go with FLL next year, and we'll switch to R&S later. :001_smile:
  14. I can't decide which grammar book to use for dd next year. This year, we will finish FLL 2. My oldest uses R&S for his middle school grammar. Any thoughts or opinions. I do know that R&S requires a lot of writing, and I have my oldest just doing evens for his lessons. I would definitely do some chopping of the lessons for my dd. I read that FLL 3 has a lot of review built in, and I'm not sure we need that. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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