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Posts posted by RioSamba

  1. Our house was on the market last spring. We moved out and were up in the mountains (about 90 minutes away) during the open house. Our agent texted that it went well, but someone had "explosive diarrhea" in one of our bathrooms during the course of the day. She texted a picture. It was extremely gross. She knew we were up in the mountains but did not even flush the toilet, much less clean it up or offer to send in a cleaner.

  2. I have been following and am sorry but not surprised. I hope you have an excellent attorney, and that you are in a state with laws that recognize the equal contribution you've made to X's career.


    I'm sure you are talking to the attorney regarding the rent situation. You may be better positioned if you pay rent to your sister, or move, or not. Make sure you are running everything financial past your attorney!



  3. DD will use it on anything that doesn't move fast or have fur. She likes to make collage book/notebook covers, cover her pens & pencils, make tiny flags for cords, straws, decorate makeup cases. Temporary art installations on walls, fixtures, and non antiques furniture. Siblings. Car interior. I'm going to stop writing now, but I could go on and on!

  4. I like the intex inflatable mattresses. They have a built in air pump and are reasonably comfortable and easy to store. The raised comfort one is around $40 for a twin but the price varies quite a bit. I put prices watches on and grab them when the price drops. I've bought the more expensive ones and they don't last any longer.

    These have worked very well for us.
  5. No not really. Besides I am not an attorney and not giving legal advice. My my own advice.


    What everyone 'thinks' family court looks like is very different from the reality. And by the time a kid is 16 the courts just dont care. They still care about cs....and like I said that is a different issue.

    It really varies by jurisdiction. I'm watching a case right now where a nearly 16 year old is being forced to remain with her battering parent. This is a good kid, with evidence. In many jurisdictions, she would be free to choose. Not here. Internet advice on family law topics is a problem because jurisdictions vary wildly not only in their statutes, but in their practice.
    • Like 5
  6. You have a complicated case, especially because you are dealing with two states. There is a federal act which governs interstate custody jurisdiction, and lays out rules regarding parental kidnapping. I am BEGGING you to get not one, but two attorneys. You need one in each state. Look for attorneys who specialize in family law and know the local judges well. There is the law, and then there are the judges. There is little recourse and oversight with these judges, so it is critical that you work with an attorney who knows how the system really works, not just how it is supposed to work.


    You may obtain temporary emergency jurisdiction in your state, but it will be kicked back to the home state. Obtaining temporary emergency jurisdiction can sometimes really offend the home state court. Sometimes it's a good move. This is why you need two lawyers, they can figure out your first move. You need to be prepared to go to court in the home state.


    No one can tell you exactly what to do, because these cases are complex and involve state and federal law, and the particulars of your situation. More importantly, they often turn on the whims of the judges in the juridicrion. It could be a nightmare, it could be easy, it could be something in between.


    Sell something, borrow from family, do whatever you can to build a chunk of change quickly. Understand that every lawyer could fill their calendar with worthy pro bono cases, so don't ask them to do it for free. Tell them what you can pay today, and make clear that you will find a way to cover all hard costs. It's easier to say yes to a little money and a promise to pay costs than it is to no money and the knowledge that you are going to have to cough up your own money on top of it.


    My heart goes out to your family. The bright spot is DSD's age. Many jurisdictions will simply let a 16 year old decide, but you need legal advice before you do anything.

    • Like 14
  7. OP, it appears this is over the counter now. It has urea in it. No peeing in the shower. I am not sure if the product that is not specifically for nails has the urea in it or not. http://www.kerasal.com/products/nail-renewal/


    The applicator sticks are effective. When they were Rx, they were EXPENSIVE.



    Black tea and coconut oil with lavender are happening. I was planning to start bleach soaks until DH said, "What if you kill it before you see the Doctor, and then it comes back? Then you will need another appointment." So the bleach attack will wait a few more days.


    I'm disappointed that no one has recommended that I go to a beach destination, swirl my feet in the ocean, and bury them in warm sand.

    • Like 1
  8. Thank you for being such a blessing to this little girlâ¤ï¸


    I would talk to the parents (is their a dad?). "Neighbor, We love having Jane over at our place. Lately I've noticed that she is coming to our back yard when we're not home. I'm a little concerned (and so on and so forth). What do you think?"


    Maybe you can find a solution that feels good to you without taking the space away, like limiting the areas of the property she can use when alone.


    The liability issue is a real thing, but probably a small risk.

    • Like 3
  9. Are you practicing good sanitation practices to prevent reinfection--no barefoot in house, bleaching out shower, etc?


    I think the above advice is good, but I am a bit worried that your body hasn't been able to kick this yet.

    Yes on the sanitation. I did not detail all of the extreme measures (it was already a loooong post) but anything that touches my feet is treated like a bio-hazard. I use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect, but per Schadenfreude, I think I will switch to bleach.
  10. I was in the military during their all leather black boot phase and got something like that. Apparently there is an athlete's foot fungus that can only be killed by bleach or urine and requires a prescription foot cream for months. All of my socks were bleached after each wear, my shower floor was sprayed with bleach daily, and I was given permission to wear tennis shoes. It took about 6 months for it to heal. I had no other issues then smelly feet and an extreme burning itch.

    I hate bleach so much, but your symptoms sound very much like mine. I think I'll pick some up at Target tomorrow. I'm glad they let you out of those boots, that must have been awful!
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