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Posts posted by RioSamba

  1. Actually, I think it's good you took your car and left.  No telling what the jerks would have done to your car had you left it there to run the errand.  




    I agree 100%


    I'm so sorry they acted like jerks, happi, that was just plain mean.


    Now, whoever writes the book about irritating jerks without breaking any commandments, I'd like to pre-order!

    • Like 2
  2. I've always felt safe on metro. I hate trying to drive in DC and parking is such a pain. I'd definitely find a place near metro (some hotels will have shuttles to metro). They are currently doing some major work on the tracks (long overdue), so check the website and avoid staying where those service disruptions will cause delays. If you are flying into DCA, I'd probably just stay Crystal City/Arlington at a place with an airport shuttle and metro access/shuttle. Uber can fill in where needed. Have I mentioned I hate driving in DC?


    ETA: So "mentioned" auto corrected to "Entirely Ned." It feels like the iPad is sending me coded messages.

    • Like 1
  3. When we saw him last night, they were trying to put in an arterial line. They tried several times and got it in but couldn't get it to flush. They decided to try again in his ankle after a few hours later, but we decided to head home. He doesn't like all the poking and messing; you can see him squirm and flinch. It's pretty awful not to be able to comfort him at all. He's too little even for a pacifier.


    They upped his feeds to 2mL every three hours, but of course, they stop his feeds when they give him blood. They're still very very concerned about his lungs; we just don't know how long they'll be able to hold out.


    Pumping is going well. I'm getting 20-30 mL from each side, and that's really plenty at this point because more will go to waste. I did get a hospital grade pump for home, and it's quieter, gentler, and more efficient. At least he's got plenty of milk available to him, although it's taking over my freezer, LOL. (They only like the little bottles, no bags.)


    I'm struggling really hard to make sense of it all. I don't understand why God would have performed all the little miracles that even got us to a place where he could have a chance (like me even having a BP cuff because DH broke his back a few weeks ago), only to stop them before our little guy comes home to us, but I obviously don't see everything. I'm really having a hard time.

    Of course you are having a hard time! I'm sending you many hugs and I just prayed for you and your sweet baby.
  4. I've switched to hard sided spinners for everything; they are lightweight and better protection against other passengers and their attempts to overcome the laws of physics. I *hate* checking bags in any case but I think the hardsided spinners are so much easier to handle. I miss the old days: Hartmann hardsided and porters. Sigh.

  5. I would not have liked receiving that after my miscarriages. There are so many things about it that upset me, most of them have been touched on by other posters.


    It is wonderful that you want to reach out to her. Tell her you love her and are sorry for her loss. Send cards that offer love and support, not an explanation or negation of her pain. Give her an opportunity to talk about her baby not just now, but in the future. Giver her a chance to tell you how beautiful his tiny fingers were, how his skin felt, not just how it felt to lose him.

    • Like 9
  6. You have a cottage on your land? I would look around for a young couple that might be interested in trading rent for helping you and your dh X number of hours per week.


    You are definitely overworked. That schedule will kill you.

    This was the first thing I thought of as well.


    I agree with the children doing more and the schedule shifting. I would try not to take handbells away from youngest DD, but would definitely explore alternate transportation.

  7. Most of the city hotels will have steep parking fees, so it's probably cheaper to use metro and Uber. It's hard to make any recommendations without knowing more specifically where you want to be. It's been a long time since I stayed closer in than around DCA. I do have a fave hotel there, very clean, very nice staff, good breakfast included. Renaissance Arlington Capital View. I stayed recently for $99 on club level. I'm guessing you want to be closer in though, and I just haven't stayed closer in for 15 years, so I don't have a recommendation


    Have you considered Airbnb as well? Having an apartment with kitchen and living space can be great when traveling with the family.

    • Like 1
  8. DH is a pretty awful gift giver. He's loving and generous, and every few years he hits it out of the park, but I do almost all the shopping. DH's gifts usually scream, "I waited until December 23 and then I had to be near (Crate & Barrel/ Jax/ Whole Foods)."I sort of wish he would fill my stocking, but when I think about what he might put in there? I think we'll be maintaining the status quo.

  9. Sugar cookies

    Almond Crescents

    Lingonberry jelly candies

    Gingerbread men


    To come:

    Bark,bark, and more bark (my olders love making it)

    Peppermint Mousse Parfaits (tomorrow!)

    Bûche de Noël

    Marbled red velvet cake

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