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Posts posted by RioSamba

  1. My grandmother wore French braids, usually wound around in a crown all of her life (well, not when she was a baby), and she looked beautiful. I stopped doing anything with braids when I was in my early thirties because they just didn't suit me anymore.


    I see women of all ages with braids from plain to fancy around here.

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  2. If there is anyone who can show her YouTube videos, that might be helpful. We travel frequently and I see people that are clearly infrequent or first time travelers absolutely stunned by the cattle yard atmosphere that prevails in some airports, with rude TSA agents barking at passengers.

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  3. I must be crotchety and difficult because many of the aforementioned slobbery offenses drives me up a tree. Recycling is burgeoning? Hey, step up and be the hero that empties it! Other people can do it. Take that extra step and put the empty box from the cereal you just finished in recycling. The empty tube of toothpaste takes as much effort to set on the counter as it does to drop in the trash.


    Cabinets, closets, and drawers need to be closed. I'll sleep clothed or nude so long as I'm warm enough!

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  4. I can't imagine a wedding where guests will get muddy, where people aren't warned in advance that it's casual. Does that really happen?

    Yes! It happens because of assumptions. Bride assumes everyone knows this is a *real farm* and people should wear boots or similar for the hike to that perfect spot beyond the field where there's a little waterfall. Guests assume it's more a venue, hilarity and tragedy ensue.


    I was married in a tiny old church that is important to my family, with a reception following at a nearby inn with all the conveniences. The church is on a very twisty road Andy there's no paving or sidewalk for the church. It has an outhouse. We hired SUVs to ferry guests from the reception site to the church and back again. I made sure everyone knew the setup, and it was fine!


    A friend of mine who married on the side of a mountain didn't plan very well. No, your 80 your old grandma cannot be pushed up the trail in a wheelchair. They piggybacked the poor lady!

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  5. You really have to ask, because the possibilities are limitless. Will you be on a dirt floor, walking across a (potentially muddy) field, or will you be in a hotel like ballroom that looks like a barn on the outside? Will there be indoor plumbing, port-a-potties (gack), fancy port-a-potties in a truck? Will you be outdoors? What's the weather like? Indoors, is it climate controlled?

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  6. Most days I wear mineral powder foundation, mascara, and lipstick. Three minutes. If I know I'll be home all day, I may or may not bother. I definitely don't feel I need to wear makeup to leave the house. Sometimes I go out without any at all, if I'm rushed or just don't feel like it. I enjoy putting on a little more if I'm going out in the evening; I add concealer, eyeshadow, and liner.


    I do not feel that I need to "look my best" for the family or (almost) anyone else. They have a clean, dressed mother who loves, teaches, drives, emotionally suppports, cooks, blah blah blah. The only time I feel that I *must* wear makeup is for certain Very Importan Business Meetings. It's expected and while I don't care for that, I don't have the energy to fight it either.


    I have a low maintenance haircut that I adore and I have my brows waxed and lashes tinted when I can. For me.

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  7. I'm just honestly curious. Why would it be considered a swear word to say? I know there are also other meanings but they are all religious. For instance the Tabernacle Choir. Is that considered a swear word?

    No. Think of it like this. You might be having a theological discussion and use the phrase, "damned to hell." That's not cursing, right? But if you use that phrase to express some other concept- anger, surprise, etc., it's cursing.
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