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Everything posted by hsingscrapper

  1. Thanks for the heads up. There are tastier ways to get Omegas.
  2. One thing that really helped me was my MIL bringing easy meals for the oven or microwave. Having a one-handed snack at the ready during breastfeeding helped to keep me calm and my boys latched on easier.
  3. Ditto what Kinsa said but I would add either oats, bread crumbs, or crackers, and maybe onions if you have them. Form into patties and fry or use a grill pan. Or you could totally rock the stovetop meatballs as Mrs Mungo suggested. Another option is to brown it off and make sloppy joes or hamburger gravy with it.
  4. I'll have a go. Hsing = homeschooling Scrapper = scrapbooker There you have it.
  5. What's the difference between pre-algebra and beginning algebra in LoF?
  6. I have a credit to spend at Rainbow. Ordering elsewhere is not an option financially. I might consider Saxon.
  7. I'll second this but we used the paper version. You don't need the response book just notebook paper.
  8. BJU was a not a good fit for us. My personal upper math skills are shoddy and I felt like the Pre-Algebra course assumed too much skill on my part.
  9. Fury just turned 15. I'm looking at the Rainbow catalog and trying to find something thorough but not intimidating and costs $50 or less for Pre-Algebra/Algebra. I've thought about the Painless or EZ or Power Basics. Have any of you used any these? Any other suggestions?
  10. I know most kids are done with a formal spelling program when they finish 8th grade so I feel a little silly asking this. Fury is about to finish Building Spelling Skills (Christian Liberty) for 8th. His spelling skills are finally improving! Unfortunately, that's where the series ends. He is also using Vocabulary From Classical Roots B. What would you do?? How do you follow this up??
  11. I think I finally get the saying about "those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." I think I do. I can write very creatively and persuasively. It's as easy as breathing for me. Teaching my boys to write beyond their names makes me want to pull out my hair. Are there any good self-instructional writing programs out there where I just have to be available? Help me!! (Goes hunting for clippers)
  12. Went to ortho this morning. He is having an MRI done on Friday. He might need an ultrasound-guided biopsy. My head hurts. :(
  13. I have a list of things that are weighing on me. I need to share before I explode. 1.) Dragon (10 yo ds) has an appointment tomorrow for some kind of mass on his knee. Doc took xray and it's not the bone but I'm still nervous. 2.) We may very well run out of our non-meat protein, a.k.a. dairy, and there are next to no resources to buy more between now and the ninth of May. 3.) Both Dragon and Mr. Picky have to get their triglycerides down and we can't afford to go out and buy different flours to cook with. I worry for my boy as there is a history of cancer on both sides of my family. I was up crying last night from worry and haven't slept well in almost a week. Thanks in advance for listening.
  14. We eat 6 small meals throughout the day and are counting calories and dh eats near twice what I do. It doesn't help that we have a very picky toddler. *sigh*
  15. I guess it would be accurate to say I'm looking for a "how to". I am wondering what changes, if any, did you notice in your waistline and your wallet? I love to bake and the cost of coconut and almond flour is intimidating on our meager budget.
  16. We cleaned up our diet. No corn or soy if we can avoid it and try to eat as few preservatives as possible. My bil and his wife have gone paleo. I'd like to know more about it but it seems like most sites are out to make a buck. Does a website or ebook exist that's free? Do those of you following a paleo diet have any "wish I knew then what I know now" moments to share from when you switched?
  17. Would your family eat the same thing every week if it meant not being hungry at the end of the month? Like every Monday would be the same, every Tuesday, etc. The only day that's different for us is Sunday because we eat at his brother's house. I plan a backup meal in case that's cancelled. At first, I really enjoyed not having to think. Now, I just want to go back to buying staples and shooting from the hip. My dh wants to "stick to the plan". Please, hive, help me to find balance. This isn't working the way it should. I just want to cry.
  18. Hello Hive! I am wondering if anyone uses educational apps on a daily basis? I need it to be android-friendly but all suggestions are welcome as one could contact the developer about making a version for other platforms. I have only mobile data and so thought apps would help save on the allowance. At least until I get an unlimited data plan.
  19. Grands are a store-bought biscuit. It calls for flattening the biscuits and my biscuits always seem to be fragile things, tasty, but fragile. The Immaculate Baking site won't cooperate with my browser. :(
  20. I found a very neat recipe for cheesburger pockets on the "Mommy Hates Cooking" blog. I'd like to make them in bulk for my boys but I need an alternative recipe or product to the Grands biscuits she used since I'm trying to stick to whole foods. Any ideas?
  21. One of our favorite things is sandwiches. If you have a George Foreman or panini press, you can make paninis. Cold cereal is yummy when it's hot out.
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