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Carpe Diem

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Everything posted by Carpe Diem

  1. Hmm. Well, this month she started her cycle on the way to TX and I don't believe she has had another one and it has been more than a month. So this month as far as I know was the first one that has been off. She hasn't really been telling me about her cycles but I know this one because she asked for supplies and then again but it never came.
  2. I feel so badly for her. She was crying in bed last night. One thing I thought of was that for the last month or so her hair at the scalp always looks so greasy. Could that be a clue?
  3. Just in the last week she has complained that she is losing hair. I don't want to tell her but I think she is correct. Her part seems wider and I see more of her scalp. While we were in Houston she did swim in a pool several times. Certainly she has been under stress with my treatments and other issues. Does anyone have any knowledge about hair loss in teen girls? Thank you.
  4. Katie, I am so sad to hear that your Mom is suffering right now. She is so sweet and I can tell you are a sweetie as well. She is an inspiration to me and will continue to be. (I just posted that I returned home after my treatments from inflammatory breast cancer.) I will pray for your Mom and for all of her family. I will pray that the doctors and nurses will give her the best care. I will pray that the Almighty Physician will bring her comfort and quick healing. Please keep us posted. :grouphug:
  5. All done with treatments at MD Anderson! We arrived home last night after 4 days on the road. I was so happy to see the junk in our garage. I was so happy to see all of the annoying points of chaos in our house. I cried happy tears when I sat down in my living room. It feels so good to be home. When I left there were no leaves on the trees and now everything is so GREEN! The weather is much cooler here. Houston had 105 degrees here it is 50s. It COULD be a LITTLE warmer!!! I have some skin breakdown (and swelling still from my surgery) that is annoying and makes it hard to sleep but I am so blessed that it doesn't hurt! Now I just have to start adjusting to life and believing that God will provide me with abundant health. Thank you for your support and all of your prayers!!!!!! :grouphug:
  6. My heart goes out to you and your family. Have faith and feel our prayers surrounding you and your family. :grouphug:
  7. Hello Just wanted to check in. I think I am getting close to half-way done with my radiation. At first it was very difficult for me but with prayer and talking to the doctors/techs I am much at ease. I have not had any side effects really. I do usually take a nap after my first session but that is only because my appt is early in the morning at 6:30 (okay sometimes 7:30 but that is still early for me!) My skin is starting to turn color but they want my skin to burn. So far it hasn't been painful. I have been meeting women while waiting for my treatment. It is upsetting sometimes to hear other women's stories and wondering if that will be me sometime in the future. I just keep praying. We have been trying to enjoy Houston. We've been to the zoo twice, the children's museum, the natural science museum, the Miller Theatre where they have free outdoor performances and to Galveston to see the Gulf. The kids have been loving the swimming pool here, often swimming until 10 pm. We did smuck up our van trying to back up out of parking garage. Poor dh. He hit one of the support poles. Oh well. The kids have been doing their math most days along with some reading for pleasure and drawing. I still wonder about the fall and what to do about my eldest who wants to do high school. I just want what is best for her but I don't know what that is right now. Take care. :grouphug:
  8. We made it to Houston in time for my first appointment yesterday. The last 5 miles or so were really worrisome as there was something obviously wrong with our vehicle. We found out the tire was ready to pop off the axel. It is at the mechanic. We were riding on angel wings for sure!!! We also were nearly in a 4 vehicle plus a motorcycle accident. The man on the motorcycle was so blessed. He looked like he was pinned but he wasn't. His name was Wayne. I held his hand. I cried during the whole first dry run appt. It is so scary. Today was my first day of treatments. 21 more days of treatment to go. :grouphug:
  9. I think it was miraculous that we left our house today at 4:15!!!! I didn't really have that many melt downs either!!! ha ha. We made it to Madison, WI. Tomorrow we will drive to my parents in MO and I think my Mom will come with us. We have no idea where we will stay yet but I know it will all work out. Maybe I can't meet some WTM friends in Texas. Thank you for your prayers. I am not really super confident about the radiation. Truth be told I am scared. This is the worst part I think of all the treatment so far. I am afraid of the long term side effects. Just praying that the Lord will grant me a lasting cure so that I can raise my children to serve the Lord.
  10. Hello, I managed to find my way to TX through the Angelnetwork!!! Then an agency called Angel Ground Network picked me up at the airport in Angelton and brought me into Houston!! I didn't have to have a rental car. I fly home tomorrow. Today I saw the doc, Doctor Wendy Woodward. I REALLY liked her. I have decided to go with what she recommended and do the twice a day radiation. I am VERY scared. Radiation causes cancer, right? Bad long term side effects, right? I am just putting my trust in Jesus. Please Lord see me through this difficult time. I will have a half day to pack and start driving with my family to get to my appt on Tuesday. The best part is that I can get free chair massages AND I didn't have to receive tatoos!!! They used markers and I just have to keep them up! I am totally exhausted. Tomorrow though I will meet two women who also have IBC. One is flying on the plane with me and the other is meeting me when the plane lands. I will have a 7 hour drive home. This should all be an adventure. Wish me luck in getting packed, finding a place for the dogs and finding a place for me and the family. I always love a challenge and this one will be no different. The very, very best part is that baring any setbacks I will finish my radiation before my family reunion!!!! I didn't think that was going to happen. I am so happy! Take care, :grouphug:
  11. Just wanted to say that I have been spending most of the day on the computer researching. I have a lot of phone calls in my future tomorrow. I will be calling the angelflight people. Texasmama we are leaning on coming to MD Anderson. I am grateful for your offer. I will pm you. My main concern is should I really do the twice a day or will I fine receiving the once a day at home. I am praying for the answer to appear to me. Thank you. :grouphug:
  12. His big sister typed in the words he wanted to say. With all that I am going through it just brought tears to my eyes. I pray I see many more Mother's Days. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and all nurturing loving women. Here is what he said on his ecard. He also drew me a beautiful picture. I love you Mom! Your such a dear to me! Happy Mother's Day! I like you a lot! Just wait until you see next Mother's Day, with another cute card. I want to be with you really much. So, just remember, I love you a lot. To: Mom From: (name) xoxoxooxox
  13. All of your hugs and prayers and suggestions are so appreciated. I am feeling a little better today but still feeling scared and uncertain. I looked at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I was a bit excited about that as I could live with my parents and bring my kids. But I don't believe my insurance covers this facility but I will call to be sure. It sounds like an awesome place where your whole person is treated and supported. The woman I talked to on the phone for MDAnderson made it sound like there weren't any openings in the Hope Lodge and that realistically I would have to stay in a hotel for 80 bucks a day. It would be cheaper to go to Philly where I saw Dr. Cristofinelli. He actually worked at MD Anderson a year ago. He started up the first Inflammatory Breast Cancer clinic in the country there 4 years ago. What I don't know is if their radiation people are as experienced and if it matters compared to Dr. Woodward at MDAnderson. What some woman with IBC have been telling me is that I don't want to go anywhere for radiation that doesn't have the experience for twice a day. It apparently is very involved and not as simple as just doing it twice a day! So, I guess I am glad that my local rad.onc said he wouldn't do it I just wish I would have found out a week ago or more. I also received an email from a woman who had twice daily at MDA and her cancer came back 8 months later anyway. Another woman had her esophagus damaged and she can't swallow now. She was at MDA, too. But for every scary story I can also find someone who is still living after a few years and attributing it to twice daily radiation. Jesus I trust in you. Help me through this.
  14. My plans for having my radiation therapy (to combat inflammatory breast cancer) in my hometown have been put on hold. The office called today to tell me that the doctor here does not do twice daily radiation and that I would have to go to MD Anderson in TX or some other hospital. I am very upset. I was under the belief that they would do the treatment. They have waited so long to tell me that they won't do it that now I am scrambling. I do now have an appointment to get into MD Anderson on Thursday but it is all so overwhelming. A plane ticket to get there is 1300.00 for one ticket!! I would likely have to leave my family for over a month to go through this treatment. I am so tearful. I don't even know if having twice daily is the right decision. Some women have reported problems while others are doing well. The studies done at MD Anderson are small. My understanding is that some doctors believe it to not be worth the risk, while the onc. I saw who is a world expert feels it would be to my benefit. Please pray for me to discern what to do. I have no time to waste in deciding. If anyone has any opinion on what to do please let me know.
  15. You are not a failure. I wish I lived near so that I could lend you a smile and a hug. Prayers going up for you Nakia. :grouphug:
  16. Thank you for sharing in my exciting and wonderful news. I have two of the three drainage tubes removed. I am seeing a PT for gaining softness and movement to my musculature as well as to move lymph fluid. Each day I am feeling more like my normal self. My next appointment is for meeting with the radiation oncologist on the 12th. I am so afraid of the radiation. Also, they will give me little tatoos for lining up the machines. Yikes! Thank you for all of your prayers.
  17. I ordered the SL but now am hoping that she will enjoy it. Didn't realize the experiments were lacking. Looking at doing Nature Studies now as well.
  18. Oh and I just came across NL science. Would her science number3 be a possible match or would it be too easy? I see that NL science is scripted and I am not sure I like that exactly. Of the two I mentioned above which one has more science experiments? Thanks.
  19. With fighting for my health I have been away from the boards. I've done posts here and there with my updates. It felt really great to think forward with hope that maybe we can continue to home-school. :grouphug:
  20. Has anyone used this? Thoughts? Did it work for your family? Thanks.
  21. Sonlight Science D or Apologia Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 with the notebooking and science kit. This would be for my 10 yo dd who is in need of interesting and fun science that includes plenty of experiments that work etc. She would like to be able to do somewhat independently. Or is there another option? Thanks.
  22. What MUS level should be completed before switching into Saxon 4/5? Thanks.
  23. She would like to try an online class. I think she is too young for everything I have looked at so far. Any suggestions? Something not expensive would be needed. Thanks
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