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chelsea in TN

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Everything posted by chelsea in TN

  1. Here is my two cents on Dolciani Algebra 1 : 1) Mastery? Or incremental/spiral method? I would say it is an incremential / mastery method as there is ample practice in the sections for the lesson being taught BUT there Are also MIXED REVIEWS, Cummulative revies and such mixed through out - after main problem sets to make the student remember stuff that has already been covered - and also in our experience they are a nice break whne the lesson has been challenging to go back to something easier and familiar 2) Visually appealing student materials? Well, it is a text book - I would not say it is as much fun as say Life of Fred - but it is clearly laid out and easy to undertand. 3) Any materials available besides the textbook? Workbooks? TE? Which are necessary? Which are not necessary but are recommended?I just have a student text and a solutions mannual 4) Is the TE a solutions manual, or just an answer key? The solutions guide is a true solutions guide with EVERY problem laid out and answered - even to the chapter tests so you can use them as your tests and not have to buy a seperate bank for them - which would proabbly break your bank LOL 5) What math courses are available beyond Algebra 1? Alg I, Alg II and Geometry - FYI I am planning to use Jacobs Geometry instead. FYI We are planning to do Alg I , Alg II and Then Geometry - His senior year hopefully will find him at the community college. Hippo campus has an on-line free course using this test book that looks interesting. HTH, Chelsea __________________
  2. IMO MUS is not a good choice for anyone wanting a rigorous program. We switched to Dolchiani Structure and Method Book 1 after becoming frustrated with MUS. MUS was also very confusing for my son and myself. I do not have a BJU alg. book in front of me but one example I can come up with is that in division of polynomials; MUS never has you doing problems where the numbers are to the 3rd power OR that you have to add "0" variable to the nth power when the polynomial that is being divided does not have that power. I am sure that was as clear as mud.... would be much easier if you were sitting here to explain that. Both myself and a friend both felt we did our kids a disservice with MUS alg. I. Some kids are able to take what they learned from mus and apply it to a harder problem in kind. But my son and her son are the type where they need lots of repetition with different problems of varing degree of difficulty. We also used TT pre-alg and started TT alg. My son retained nothing from prealg..... we went on to algebra and ad to back track through SEVERAL pre-alg programs and alg probems before finding a "fit". We really like the Structure and method book if you want ANOTHER algebra program to look at. the books can be found for around $20 used and an answer key will run you $50 from the company. I find it relatively easy to teach after all the programs we tried and failed at...... TT, MUS, and NEM 1...... HTH, Chelsea
  3. I am using the lists in WTM. This year we used HO Anceints - which basically uses that reading list but has everything mapped out for you. Next year I am going to use Lightning Lit by Hewit for Middle ages and the skakespeare tragedy program. I am planning to add in a few books from the WTM list as well. We do not read the whole list. I just aim form maybe 60 %. I am lucky though I have a son who like the classic literature. My path for my mathy middle son may be much different unless his interest changes. I also am using Holt’s World Literature and Spark notes (available on -line) to round out my oldest literature experience in Highschool. As for Sonlight... I just looked through all the lists quickly... IMO if you were to use Sonlight all the way through in HS - the only thing that sticks out is the lack of Ancient literature. If you are not following the four year history cyccle of WTM - you could have your child read some of the ancient lit you feel is important over the summers. HTH, Chelsea
  4. The Teaching Company World History is a little lame - My 6th grader is watching them this year and enjoys them. But either series (WH or American) are a lot below most homeschoolers in high school IMO. We have the Alg I series. It is a whole new ball game comared to the HS history courses. We are really enjoying them - though you really need a TI-83 /84 graphing calculator to get the most out of it as all the examples are done using the TI. My sone has an HP calculator- I am going to get him a TI though because every book I have seen using the TI. This was something I could not get through grandma's head when she insisted on the HP.... BUt that is another story. Unless I hear from someone who thinks my plans for chemistry are crazy - I will use the Spectrum, the bridge, Singapore, Teaching company videos and some SAT prep book. Or if someone has a chemistry program they just absolutely love - except for Appologia....... TIA,
  5. I 2nd Rod and Staff - The upper grades are communicating Effectively. Rod and Staff is a VERY Solid grammar program.
  6. How does this look for a Chemistry class aimed at taking the SAT II at the end of next yesr (ds will be in 10th grade) Spectrum Chemistry Singapore "o" Level Chemistry Matters Bridge Math Prior to starting Chem. Teaching Co. Chemistry HS DVD He will probably read through a SAT II prep book and do some on-line labs and such as time and interest permits. Thank ou! Chelsea PS He will be taking Alg II (Structure and Method) Next year.
  7. Ya'll have saved me some money :) I think I actually was given the Jacobs Geometry as well. One class for next year taken care of. Thank you again1 chelsea
  8. Rainbow science?? It is for middle school but if you took it slow I think it would work. It comes with a kit and the experiements actually work! Singapore Science would be another sugestion. But for Lab you may have to go outside the program as some of the equipment for the praticals are hard to find. Or What about Physics Workshop??? That looks fun. It is costly though. But having all the stuff in one kit would be cool. Kinex Physics kits - I think timberdoodle sells them. At this age we did a lot of fun stuff. Like the kits. Some were duds but these above were pretty good. Science with Toys also looks good. I just bought it for my 1st grader. But my 6th grader enjoys the experiements as well. Usborne Encyclopedia of Science is pretty engaging with explanations of physics concepts. Or the Usborn Childrens encyclopedia.. I know the childrens encyclopedia has a few experiements using hosehold items. HTH, Chelsea
  9. You might want to consider " So You Really Want to Learn History" Series from galore park pub. in the UK. We have book 1 - I have read the first few chapters. Seems very interesting. We are planning on using this book plus possibly the other books in the series for middle ages study next year. My son will be in 10th grade. We are also using Spegeilveil (sp) Western Civ. If you want British history - who better to learn it from than a British publisher?? From their Website: http://www.galorepark.co.uk So you really want to learn History Book 1.The first book in the new Galore Park History course covers the Key Stage 3 topic of Britain 1066 - 1500. Designed to be used over one or two years, this ISEB-endorsed textbook features clear explanations followed by questions that will stretch pupils of all abilities. Edited by ISEB History Editorial Board member Niall Murphy and written by Chief Setter Bob Pace, So you really want to learn History 1 is the ideal textbook for all Key Stage 3 and Common Entrance History students.
  10. Hello, I have a copy of Geometry 2nd edition by Harold Jacobs - I also have the teachers guide but no test booklet. I have thus far been unable to locate a copy of the test booklet for 2nd edition. How important would it be to do the tests? Would we be okay to just do all the problems fromt he text and perhaps me make up a test from the problems already covered?? Or should I consider the newer Geometry Text - Seeing and doing? And buy the tests and teachers guide? Thank you in advance, Chelsea
  11. We have been using the So you really Want to Learn latin book 1 - it has gone okay... but I really wish I had used the prep books 1-3 at an excellerated rate and then book 3 of SYRWTLL. I think my 9th grade son would have enjoyed Latin a lot more. We will be switching to Spanish next year. I am thinking on calling this year of Latin - intro to Latin instead of Latin book 1. I think he has grasped a basic understanding of Latin this year but in no way do I feel he is comfortable witht he material. It moved very fast - I think longer explanations as in the prep book would have been better. For number 2 son in 6th this year I think we will be using the prep books in 7-8th grade followed by book 3 in 9th grade. For 9th grade son I am thinking of switing to the Galore park spanish series and using Rosetta stone as well. HTH Chelsea
  12. We used Holt Visualizing Life - HATED IT! We are using Singapore Biology Matters and castle heights Biology. Also supplimenting with Self Teaching Guide Biology and the SAT II prep book. HTH chelsea
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