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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Hang in there! Believe it or not, you will get used to it. Our child also had night time/falling asleep seizures. We tried a monitor but it didn't work well- too many false alarms.


    Since your ds is so young, I'd consider moving him into your bedroom until you get everything figured out. Or a pallet on the floor i his room for you. Keep the house quiet and if you a light sleeper you will hear if he has a seizure.


    I can't remember whether they medicate for Roland's? Whether or not they medicate you son you may want to consider going gluten free in his diet.


    Keep in mind that most seizures don't actually cause damage except from falling/ injury from the lack of body control.


    There are a number of good medications that you can try. I'm sure that you will find something that works.


    Hugs to you. I was a wreck during our initial dx but things got more tolerable with time.



    I agree. My 13 yo started having seizures a few years ago. He also only has them as he is falling asleep. We did have him sleep in our the first few nights until we knew what was going on. You do get used to it. :grouphug:
  2. I understand your feelings. I do. I've asked many of the same questions and come to similar conclusions more than once, but I'm never able to stay there. Others who go through terrible things still find great comfort in their faith.




    The Bible is quite clear that believers can and should expect hard times. There are many instances of "bad" people triumphing over "good" people. There is much suffering by God's people in history and there are no promises of an easy life on earth. The difference in the lives of believers is that though they mourn, they believe (as a friend of mine who has suffered much always says) "God is good - always." Even if we can't see it through our human eyes.


    A book I have found useful is When Life and Beliefs Collide by Carolyn Custis James. But it is still so hard sometimes.


    :grouphug: :grouphug:

    What does "God is good" mean here on earth? Or is it supposed to be talking about going to heaven?


    OP, I am so sorry you are hurting. :grouphug: I don't look at things like this as God is responsible, but rather that He allowed it. I think it grieves Him when things like this happen. The reason for pain, suffering and death is sin( I don't mean these 19 men's sin, I mean sin in general as in sin = the fall). God created the World perfect with no death, no pain, no suffering, but because of sin there are these things in the world. One day everything will be made right when Jesus returns. We aren't promised that life will be easy and there will be suffering. Our hope is in Jesus. Even though we die an earthly death, we will one day live again with Him and there will be NO more pain! NO more death! NO more tears!


    The website says they ship internationally and you will be charged actual shipping rates. They will call to confirm the price with you. If someone else attempts to order, please post the approximate shipping cost. I heard a while back that he would be writing his own elementary curriculum. I would be really interested in ordering...


    I think I am going to order it, but not for another week or two. I will post the shipping costs afterwards.
  4. Never change a running system! If Saxon works well for her and she likes it, keep doing Saxon math. Calculus in senior year is absolutely fine for a STEM major. Please note that I am saying this as somebody for whom Saxon did not work at all, whose kids hated it, and who loves AoPS - but Saxon is a solid program for the students who do well with the method, especially the infinitesimal spiral.

    I would not, at this point, switch to AoPS.

    I have 2 kids who went into engineering after using Saxon. One is a grad student now and the other just finished his sophomore year at the university, he is also getting a math degree. He did Saxon through Advanced math, then Calc I & II at the CC during his senior year. The other did the same but only did Calc I before college. My upcoming 10th grader is heading into engineering also and will do Saxon through Advanced math, then Calc I & II at the CC.

  5. Hearing all these stories about refund problems I'm going to get a tracking number for the box, take pictures of everything before I send it back to be able to prove the condition, and contact my bank five days after they receive the package if they have not issued a refund. I'm pretty sure the bank will refund the purchase and deal with the company themselves.


    The more I read the more surprised I am that they are still business.

    I know it's pricey to ship priority, but with this company I would pay the extra and not deal with media mail. I also recommend insuring it.
  6. When you mentioned frequent urinitation, I thought of PANDAS/PITANDS--which is infection (strep or other) induced OCD. Urinary frequency often goes with that. But you didn't mention any OCD issues. Then, at the end, you mentioned a lot of questions about heaven and God. How often/repetitive, and is there anxiety associated with those questions? Is he seeking reassurance?

    I was wondering this too about the Heaven and God questioning. It could be a sign of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrupulosity
  7. My brother is considering homeschooling and they are concerned about socialization because they have an only child. They live near Tamarac. Does anyone have information about homeschool groups or co-ops in that area? Thanks!

  8. Well, I asked bju, and they said that they don't know either ?? I guess the higher ups decide the sales and then we get notified when that happens.. So, I thought if it had happened a few years in a row, that the possibility of it happening again this next year would be higher :p

    Does anyone out there remember if the 99 dollar sale happened more than just last year?

    I wouldn't mind waiting a few months into the school year to get that deal! I'm sure others wouldn't either! :)

    I'm pretty sure they did it last December and the one before. I'm not sure if they offered it before that.

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