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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I am considering using the Apologia Academy recorded classes for my upcoming 8th grader net year. He has some LD and is currently doing general science. He reads the text as he listens to the MP3. I think he could benefit from the teaching portion, but I am wondering if he will be able to keep up with the course. I'd love to hear from those who have sed these courses and your experience with them. Would you recomend the courses or a child with LD? Thanks.

  2. In other countries you can get powdered milk with actual milk fat, but most powdered milk in America is nonfat. LDS food storage cookbooks have suggestions on how to deal with this, and I actually think the powdered milk you get from their own food storage facilities probably has fat, but I can't find my food storage cookbooks since I moved and since I am not actually LDS myself I don't know where to get new ones. 


    Thanks. I will see if I can find one. Be interesting to see.


  3. thanks. I;m not sure @ fat in powder milk but I will look.

    I think they call for coffee creamer because that's where the fat/richness is. You can used powered milk, as mentioned above, but then you'll want to add hot milk instead for extra flavor. Unless one can buy powdered milk with fat in it? I'm not sure.


  4. If you prefer one version but your church uses another, what about a side by side bible? I'm not sure of the proper name, my dad used to have one though.


    Our church uses ESV and we use KJV. We have a parallel Bible for study and each use a personal size KJV for our daily reading.

  5. Saxon Math with Saxon Teacher DVDs or TT DVDs? Between these 2 choices, which would you choose and why? One of the students has dyslexia and dysgraphia, if that makes a difference. Thanks.


    Edited to add: I am leaning towards TT because the kids can type their answers onto the computer. With Saxon they have to write everything out. I really like Saxon though and both these would do well with Saxon.

  6. I personally would never assign the research questions to my olders, with the expectation that they will come back with the answers. I would have them sit through the reading with the youngers, and make SURE they fully understood them. Too many high schoolers and adults do NOT know the basics.


    You might like reading the first couple introductory chapters of Science Matters, to read more about science literacy. Just the full lessons for the younger students will achieve scientific literacy with the olders.



    After the regular lessons, IF my older students had time, I would go over the research questions with the olders, and then would encourage them to read more about whatever they can find on the subject. Then let them come back to the group later and share whatever they found. Let them takes notes in a notebook, but give their report orally.


    This would be for olders that are junior college bound, not direct entry into a 4 year bound. Direct entry into a 4 year requires more science than is in Bedell.


    Thanks again! I appreciate the info!

  7. I've only used Bedell with adult remedial students. My KJV ladies have loved it. I have some personal differences with the author, but the curriculum just WORKS for some of my students that nothing else will work for.


    I'm anxious to pick up the last volume when it's finished, to have a complete set, even though I'm not using it with anyone right now. I just want to have it there.


    Whether people like Bedell or hate it, there's nothing else like Bedell. :lol:


    Yes, it can be used as the main spine, along with some basic 3R resources. You can spend a lot more money and time on pricier and more expensive "full" and "complete" programs to accomplish no more, than you will accomplish with Bedell.


    Most people would add some free reading--either Bible reading and/or literature, and maybe a book basket of nonfiction library books about the topics covered for the week in Bedell.


    Thank you!


  8. Is Bedell Arminian? http://www.bedellcurriculum.com/


    I'm using it, but don't know if it is. I've always been pretty neutral about this, so don't even notice.


    If you e-mail him, I'm pretty sure he knows whether he is Arminian or not, though :-)


    ok, how come I never heard of this until now?  :D I am curious if anyone has used this as their main curriculum, adding only reading/spelling, grammar/writing and math?

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