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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I don't think it's too much at all but I don't know your child and his struggles. I'm curious why you are asking. Does he say it's too much? Does someone else? Does he struggle to complete the work? Does he struggle to master the work?


    I'd love to help you brainstorm solutions.


    I do feel it's a good fit for him. I just wanted to see if I am on the right rack. Sometimes it's hard to know with these types of learners.

  2. Could you please tell me if you think this is too much a workload for a 14 year old? He has dyslexia, dysgraphia, processing issues and a lower than average IQ.


    Math: TT 7-1 lesson a day.


    Science-Apologia General with MP3. He reads/listens to the lesson and follows the schedule in the Apol. Journal. He needs a lot of hand holding with this. He has been writing the answers out in the journal but I am thinking off having him type them instead because of the dysgraphia.


    LA: CLE 5-does ok but a lot of careless mistakes

    CAP Writing-just starting(2 days week)

    LLTL-just starting. (3 days a week)

    Baron Reading and Spelling 7-going very, very slow


    History-Biblioplan-I read it aloud to everyone and we answer questions orally. Do maps/timelines together.


    Reading-He is supposed to read 1 chapter a day of a book of his choice but this hasn't been getting done. I need to do more audio while he reads. We do have a Learning Ally subscription. He just hates to read or listen to books. sigh.

  3. I think you would still need to do some workbook- type activities for practice and maybe diagramming. Grammar Recitation looks pretty fantastic, though. I think simply reading through the book would provide a parent with an excellent background.


    We are starting MP's complete curriculum in January, so I can try to remember to post about grammar after we have used it a bit.

    Thanks! I'd appreciate that!

  4. I looked at this and thought it looked like a strong program.


    However -- things I know about my son.


    1) he guesses on computer programs -- so I would have to sit with him -- or he would just guess.


    2) he really needs some multisensory components -- I would have to add that in


    3) he is a wiggly kid and it is easier to let him wiggle when I have loose materials -- it is hard when I am battling him just to sit in the chair (we have a computer desk and not a laptop).


    He likes computers when it is what he wants, but that has not transferred to learning. He likes the computer for math practice. When it is hard for him he needs so much personalization and he squirms so much -- I don't think a computer program would be a good choice.


    I tried a few early on -- thinking he would like the computer.


    But with that said -- I thought this looked like a solid program. But I would want to think the child would do it! I would consider it for sure if I did. But so many kids do need the multi-sensory part I would think it might not be a good primary program.

    Thank you. I have the same concerns for my son as he is wiggly too and without me there, I do think he would just guess too.

  5. 152 pages. Don't buy a separate book. You don't need to write in the workbook (we use a separate notebook) and the only thing you would need to copy is a page from each chapter (the fable itself). They need to highlight/cross over in the fable, so they need a copy of the story, but all other written exercises can be done in a separate notebook. Get your kids to sit next to each other and read out questions from one copy.

    Thank you. I ordered the set today, with just 1 student book. It should arrive Wednesday! Can't wait!

  6. I think you could do this orally and scribe. I do a fair amount of scribing for my son and I do a lot of it orally now as I only have the teacher's book. I think that he would need a good memory though for some of the exercises. I wouldn't want to start it unless he can narrate(orally) very well.

    Thanks. He does narrate fairly well, but I think I am going to use this with my older two this year and start him in the fall. I doubt he will be reading and writing well enough by then, so I will scribe for him.  I really like what I have seen of the program so far!

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