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Posts posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Under the "Your Current Avatar" section, you should see another section -- "Custom Avatar" that says:


    Custom Avatar If you have a custom avatar and want to keep it as it is, leave the fields below as they are.


    Use Custom Avatar


    You may upload a new custom image using the controls below.


    Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website

    Option 2 - Upload Image From Your Computer

    Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 80 by 80 pixels or 19.5 KB (whichever is smaller).



    I don't have any of that?

  2. Hi Everyone-


    Click the "User CP" link in the upper left of the page. From there, click "Edit Avatar" from the Settings & Options section on the left-hand side of the page. The directions there should help you through, but let me know if they aren't clear.


    If you want to create an avatar, I found different sites via Google. I created one at http://www.doppelme.com.


    FYI -- "User CP" means User Control Panel. Sorry, not our choice of terms/abbreviations.



    When I got there the avitar button is an X and there is nothing to chose? I can't click anything? This is what is says:


    Your Current Avatar No Avatar Specified Avatars are small graphics that are displayed under your username whenever you post.

    Do not use an avatar( radio button which is clicked and I can't UNclick it)

    Note: if you have a custom avatar selecting this option will delete it.

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