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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Thanks for the link. I am actually looking for both LOL.
  2. I am looking for a new atlas to use as we start year 3. What are you using? Thanks!
  3. I am looking for a new atlas to use as we start year 3. What are you using? Thanks!
  4. My son is an independent worker so for me it was fairly easy. :) He did spend a good amount of time working daily but I am not sure just how much time and he isn't here for me to ask right now. I know he didn't feel the work load was too much( I told him to slow down if he felt overwhelmed) and his grades were good. I would say the physics was easier because he is more physics minded then chemistry but I will have to ask him what he thinks when he gets home on Sunday. HTH some.
  5. He enjoyed the courses and did well with them. He didn't use any other text so I don't have a way to compare. As far as SAT II prep, he didnt' do a book with the chem course and I now that I think back on it, he probably would have scored a bit higher had he done so. I spoke with Dr. Wile this spring about whether my son should use a prep guide before the physics SAT II and he did recommended using one. HTH some.
  6. Thank you all for the ideas and encouragement. I am feeling more confident about applying now. I was really worried there for a few.
  7. You are welcome! It was well deserved. :001_smile:

  8. I won't fudge the dates. I am going keep it as it is and list the courses under each subject heading. If they do question when the courses were completed or need more information, I can supply that information at that time.
  9. I agree and this is how I do it too. However, she stressed the fact that I need completion dates by each course. None of the other colleges my kids have applied to have questioned my transcript.
  10. Thanks. I think I am going to leave it as it is and stop worrying about it. If they ask for more documentation later I can send it in at that time.
  11. The thing is she doesn't even have his transcript and only has my name, not my son's. I called her to ask an unrelated question and somehow we got on his science courses. Edited to add: She was very nice and seems really helpful. I don't want to give the impression that she was unfriendly or anything.
  12. I am doing his transcript myself. I don't have grades such as 9th, 10th and so on. Instead I listed each subject area. Under science he has listed: biology chemistry advanced chem physics avanced physics I wonder with no dates listed how would they even know he didn't do each course over a year? Excpept that he has 5 sciences listed? Should I take one off LOL? I dont want to do anything dishonest though. One thing she did suggest is for me to leave it as is but write a letter explaining how we used the books, what book we used and the TOC. He does have SAT II scores to back up his grades even though this school doesn't require them.
  13. My son did Apologia chem and adv chem last year then Apologia physics and adv physics this year. I planned to give him 1 credit for each book completed because he did the work, did the labs, did the test etc. He worked at an advanced pace to finish each book in one semester. I spoke with a counselor at his # 1 choice and she said it needs to be a school year per course to receive 1 credit unless it's a CC course so he should receive only ½ credit per book. If I give him ½ a credit for each he will only have 3 science credits and they require 4. He did do physical science in 9th but I didn't plan on listing it as he is heading for engineering school. What do you think? Not sure what to do now.
  14. I am all for natural things but if it were me I'd be calling an exterminator ASAP.
  15. My 17 yo will be a senior. He will be doing a mix of CC classes and home.
  16. I miss my 21 year old who is pet sitting until Wednesday, my 20 year old who is living & working 2.5 hours away this summer and my 17 and 15 year olds who are at CAP encampment for 10 days. Feeels so weird having them all gone at once.
  17. I am trying to prepare memory work for my upcoming 4th (has LD including memory issues) 2nd and Kers. We have done some memory work in the past but usually just a Bible verse here and there and an occasional poem. I really want to get in the habit of memorizing regularly, but I am not sure what to expect as far as an appropriate amount of things to memorize at one time. I was thinking of a Bible verse, a question/answer from the shorter catechism, and then rotate through grammar terms, geography & history terms, science terms and some poems. Does this sound like too much at once? I pieced together a rough schedule today and looking at it written out makes it appear overwhelming. I’d love to see what others will be doing. Thanks!
  18. We had a table custom made for us. It has 12 chairs rather than benches. I love my table :)
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