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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I broke into a sweat right out of the shower as I was blow drying my hair this afternoon. Anyone here have any insights on the dog bather/groomer trainee position at PetSmart? I probably can’t do it (might be too physically demanding) but I’m looking into it, anyway.
  2. Ok just for reference, it is currently 8:48 PM here. The weather app says 75 degrees with 94 percent humidity. But I don't need to know the figures. My curly hair poofs up the minute I go outside LOL
  3. I made resume copies today and a short list of places to stop tomorrow to follow up with. But I might not even be able to do that depending on if I leave town a day early to do one car load/trailer load without the kids. My car doesn’t have a way to attach a trailer hitch. I’d get the parts but they are 99% done setting up my dad’s. We thought it was ok but realized something was actually not right. My car has no backseat vents but after a while the backseat cools off. My dad’s car has backseat vents but they don’t work. I’ll drive the kids in it if necessary but most likely I’ll do a trip without the kids and with the trailer — then unload at my storage unit and drive up with them the next day. Hopefully only need the trailer one day. I feel just awful. I couldn’t find my cat when I left town because she was hiding. I called out to her and IIRC I did look under my bed before I closed my bedroom door. My room was a mess and I didn’t want the neighbor or landlord (if they had to come over) see a mess. I left town Sunday… today my neighbor that’s cat sitting said your car was trapped in your room. I heard her today and noticed because the litter box. I thought geez I screwed up and I can’t keep asking others to watch my cat. It’s one thing after another.
  4. I looked up one bedrooms in several cities. I found one for $750 which isn’t much better than the 2BD townhouse for $800. I drove to the complex and it was horrible in person. Like they staged the website great because this place looked like a dump. Dudes outside, car on a jack with a broken windshield, bunch of items in the yard.
  5. I bike all the time. I own an upright and use one at the gym. I just limit the treadmill time. I don’t like the recumbent but I like upright.
  6. I went to the gym and took my aggression out on the rowing machine, treadmill and weight machine. Feeling better 🤣 I’m going to shower then visit a business I need to follow up with.
  7. Well it was dark/night time. So I wanted to leave the light on and just pop back in in a few min. I personally don’t ever turn off all the lights to the kitchen when something is in the oven. It says to me “don’t forget the oven is on!” I have had timers mess up, not be loud enough etc or get distracted and it helps me. the way his light switches are laid out it was hard to leave a lit path without lighting up the hallway and foyer and my aunt was in bed so I didn’t want to brighten up the house. If that’s makes sense. there's usually a method to my madness but it’s exhausting to explain and insteady family just assumes I’m a careless energy hog. Like seriously 3 min leaving the light on bs turning it off and back in. I think some say it uses more power to turn off and on again. —— this thread just confirms I’ll never follow suit with his rules/methods so maybe give up on the 2 bedroom apartment (to accommodate the kids) and just look for a 1 bed. Ds can’t sleep over if xh makes a big deal about the legal bedrooms required. Im running out of options.
  8. I think that’s true… and I tried to explain last time that a min with the car door ajar wouldn’t kill the battery. But what so I know…. I’m a dumb girl not a man that works on cars (this is how I feel around my dad — like it doesn’t matter coming from me). I have to micromanage all my actions or be sniped at and it puts me in fight or flight mode. I did flight before and my gf got fleas at her house and then decided to move in with her bf so I lost that option. I have no where to go. I was baking off chicken (he agreed to pay if it was the right healthy food… you know his standards are so high I’d starve at most grocery stores because of lack of options or them being only sporadically stocked… so I lucky they had organic chicken). I checked on it when the timer went off but it needed a few more min and he didn’t want me to leave the kitchen light on if I was leaving the room. Like good grief. I get that some people are anal about that stuff. But it stresses me the eff out. So he turned off the kitchen light and I tripped on his pickleball bag coming back to the kitchen from my room a few min later lol
  9. Ok, ladies. Thanks for your feedback. I am officially enrolled with one staffing agency and started the process with 2 others. One fell off the face of the earth. The other I need to return on Friday for an appt but they showed me what they currently have and the only one above $16/hr is paralegal ($16-18/hr). So basically I will need 2 jobs or work weekends which defeats the purpose of living close to the kids sorta… Im just very frustrated. I can’t get my insoles yet but even if I had them I’m not sure I could stand on my feet to work nights at Target etc.
  10. I skimmed the link — I don’t see a year listed to define old vs modern. His car is only 2 years older than mine. Mine is 2010 and I’ve had to sit in car pick up lines where you aren’t moving immediately. Yes, it was his car because only his car can attach the trailer and we carpooled to the friends’ home for a 4th of July meal. This is humid Mississippi. No one I know can tolerate their house at 79. I am fine some parts of day, but others it’s really uncomfortable here. I do own shorts and T-shirt’s but “skimpy” is not a look I’d advise to anyone staying with their dad lol I just need out. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. My mental health is constantly affected when I come here. I can only job hunt. I have no friend to stay with… and that doesn’t work with the kids, anyway. I have court soon, my lawyer is on vacation. I’m under an immense amount of stress.
  11. I had a phone screening for a casino job. My fears were dead on. I wouldn’t be able to justify the hours. They wanted me to work 3-11pm and my days off would be Wed/Thurs. Not child-friendly hours. I’d never have weekends off. I told them I couldn’t do those hours and we didn’t move forward. A family friend is loaning me their trailer. I’ll load as much as possible this week (washer/dryer, couch, maybe dining room table etc). This should avoid a uhaul rental. I blew up at my dad last night because I’m immature and impulsive. I said it’s ridiculous he thinks running the a/c will hurt the car by sitting in the parking lot parked and I’m gonna have to move out in like a week or 2 because I will die in a house kept at 79 degrees. To which he said he was “freezing.” My aunt and I were sitting in the car because we didn’t feel like going into Lowe’s. He rolled down the window and tonk the keys. I felt like a dog and I wouldn’t even leave the dog out there like that.
  12. It wasn’t really an interview. It was more like another bait & switch. They are a staffing agency and said they might just list “office coordinator” as a catch all for any clients they work with that have similar positions. I filled out all this paperwork on their computer… basically says I’d be the employee of the agency and not entitled to client benefits unless at some point the client asks to hire me directly. They will let me know later this week if they see any job matches. I told them availability, salary minimum etc. I went in person to follow up with a few places. One said they never received my application but would have hired me on the spot… when I asked base pay he said it’s not much $13-14/hr. I would have to work 2 jobs at that rate. Another place has decent salary but says no benefits til you’ve worked there a year. One place was a wild goose chase. The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Apparently they don’t really communicate and have 2 buildings but one is off limits to the public. They literally cannot tell me if the position has been filled and just say, “your application remains on file 30 days. Why don’t you reapply?” I said it was a snail mail only application (specifically said mail us a hard copy of resume) and I mailed it weeks ago. She said best I can do is hand you this paper application and tell you to drop it off here and I’ll try to show to the owner when they are here. Ok ummm if the owner comes in a few days a week (her words) why didn’t you just freakin ask them if they filled the position since I called about it like 3x. some people are ridiculously unhelpful
  13. Can you just close the garage? Is there a door? So the cat has a safe space. sprinkle pepper or something around a perimeter to deter the stray from coming too close to your property?
  14. Well the stray sounds more adaptable than your cat so maybe you could rehome the stray. I’d also say you kinda adopted it assuming you began feeding it and interacting with it. I had a stray come to our home and I put out food for it but I knew we couldn’t keep it and if my cat lived in our carport I might have been meaner/less welcoming to the stray and ran it off/not put out food. You’ll have to stop feeding it so it stops coming over or you’ll need to find another person to take it. I guess. I think it’s kinda unfair to give the stray more priority than the one that’s yours. If my kid was being a butt I’d still need to give them priority over a nice neighborhood kid in regards to living arrangements or such.
  15. My bad you said last remaining animal so the dogs aren’t there.
  16. Are the dogs still around? That could be an ongoing stress from the trauma. Even if they are kept apart, their smells, sounds, presence are in the home.
  17. I’m sorry I missed the traveling details. So you need a pet sitter? Is that what you currently do? Or she goes in the RV? I don’t know what to do. My soft side says there has got to be a root problem to solve but you weren’t given any advice?? Or much advice?? from the vet. if you really want to problem solve then watch Jackson galaxy videos on pet urination. If you really want to put the cat down, that may be a family discussion?
  18. Ok so you let your own car suffer and make you miserable or you drive that stray somewhere that will take it. That’s all I can think of now. ugh not good options
  19. I was thinking a barrier around the garage or whatever the cat used to safely seek shelter in. A gate they can’t easily climb (chicken wire?) no, I didn’t mean a shelter. Another way to relocate
  20. Or get a local rescue to haul off the stray… maybe someone can foster.
  21. Can you get rid of the stray? Using a gate or something? Your cat has seniority. I’m thinking this stray is not your problem
  22. What was the vet’s advice in the very beginning? Was she adopted from another home?
  23. When you first got her, she peed outside the box and had freedom to roam around the house? it sounds like the other cats aren’t necessarily the factor but probably don’t help the stress. What kind of litter box does she have? Would having a new one or additional one help?
  24. This screams stress to me. The cat isn’t free to roam? Moved in and out of rooms all the time. Then deals with other cats (son’s cat, stray). Reduce this cat’s stress.
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