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Everything posted by JaneEyre

  1. I have a book called 'The Lost Art of Housecleaning' (don't know how to link from my phone, sorry ) hat has given me some great deep cleaning help.
  2. I don't have any words of wisdom, but just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one. We are still working on last year's work too! Maybe you should find some new interests? I'm sure you thought of that, but really just getting out and starting to walk every day or learning a new skill can work wonders. Is there a way you could change things with your homeschool and add some variety? We were relaxed and then got more strict the last year or two and I was feeling overwhelmed, but yesterday I spent most of the day reading the 'Circe' thread and am now looking forward to Monday (Math, Language Arts, and reading some good/ great books that are right for my kids not just off a reading list somewhere). If nothing works, just know that almost everyone feels this way sometimes...
  3. Thanks for the warning about spelling. I'll be on the lookout for that. He can sound out simple words. He has trouble with sight words, things like 'ea' and 'ight', and knowing which sounds the letters should make in each word. Hopefully my little fellow is just naturally a slower reader, too. It wasn't a problem until he had to do 1st Communion class at our Parish and wasn't up to speed with the other kids. He noticed it and it bothered him, but not enough to buckle down on his lessons : ) Thanks
  4. Sorry for not enough information : ) He just doesn't seem to catch on to it as quickly as my other two. It seems like I have to remind him of the same words and word parts over and over and over... His fine-motor skills are excellent. Thank you for saying I shouldn't beat myself up over being more relaxed when he was younger. I was and that made me feel better. I think a little beating myself up is in order though.
  5. I taught my oldest 2 to read using 100 Easy Lessons. My youngest knew his letter sounds from the time he was 3, but I was reading a lot about unschooling, relaxed schooling, and 'Better Late Than Early' and didn't start any reading programs with him. I think now that some of this was laziness on my part, but I didn't realize it at the time... We started using more structure a little over a year ago and right before he turned 7yo I started 100 Easy Lessons with him. It was a huge struggle ( although none of my kids really liked it ). He was practically in tears about having to do it and I was at my wit's end. It didn't seem like he was really catching on, so around lesson 85 I started using a little Abeka phonics book I had found. We did about 10 lessons and then I got nervous and started 100 Easy Lessons back from the beginning. It was the only thing I'd ever used and I was afraid to try something new. Soon it was a struggle again, so I have now bought Rod & Staff 1st grade reading and purchased Explode the Code online. Do you think those might work or that he needs to have testing of some kind done? Please keep in mind this is a very sweet little boy, but he is my most stubborn child. He just wants to get things done and get back outside or to his Legos.
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