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Posts posted by DoraBora

  1. 42 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

     I think this is the second or third time I’ve seen you( not sure, maybe someone else) write that NYC won’t need that even at the peak, that Coumo’s overreacting, etc.

    I can not find any data to prove or disprove that. Where are you getting this, just from the comments at the briefing? Did they give any data to support that? Because I feel like Cuomo is a highly intelligent guy who’s listening to a myriad of intelligent health professionals and would perhaps be in a better place to understand what’s going on in NYC.

    I don't know whether someone else has also said this, but I think I said it twice in the context of one "conversation" with square.  Fwiw, I thought earlier that I should have added a comment to say he probably won't need them at the peak rather than he won't need them, because no one can be absolutely sure.  This thread moves fast and I have a lot to do, so I let it go.

    I'm sure Gov Cuomo is getting solid advice about what he might need as he tries to prepare for the impact of this growing crisis for New York.  It occurred to me that he may be using the 30k number as a point of negotiation:  hoping to get that many, but knowing that isn't possible right now.  Maybe not.  If I'm very honest, I would say he might also want to inflate that number for political reasons -- long-time politicians of all stripes are always on the campaign trail.

    "Just the comments at the briefing" are not insignificant, as they are based on the data collected about cases elsewhere in the world.  I suspect that people on this board will dismiss such numbers, as they were obtained from untrustworthy China, or testing-more-than-we-are South Korea, or some other nation that is handling this differently from our own.

    I think Dr. Birx's point is that 30k vents at one time won't be required (and that such statements frighten people unnecessarily) because the data doesn't bear out that number of patients requiring them in the next few weeks.  She added that the mathematical models that show such a need are worst case/no mitigation models, and that they show the progress of the virus over successive waves (fall 2020, etc.). In NY, the mitigation strategies appear to be making a difference, though it takes time to know for sure, but the task force is focused on dealing with this current wave.  Of course, anything is possible.  I could be wrong, but I'm listening to Drs. Birx and Fauci. 

    I humbly apologize for upsetting you.

    (I also try to watch Gov Cuomo's daily briefings because I have a personal connection to NYC.  My very, very dear BIL lives on lower east side of Manhattan.  He is a former smoker.  I am concerned about him, but he is taking the directives to stay at home seriously, so I remain very hopeful.)

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  2. 1 hour ago, square_25 said:

    That’s what the projections he’s working with are saying. I certainly hope they are pessimistic. In a few weeks, we’ll see if he was wrong. We already have about 1,000 ICU beds taken up, so I’m guessing not. But I sure hope he’s wrong.

    I hope he's wrong, too, and that the mitigation strategies work.  They seem to be helping.


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  3. 8 minutes ago, square_25 said:

    He didn't say he needs them today or tomorrow. He says he is going to need them at the peak of the NY outbreak, which is projected to be in 2-3 weeks. As it takes some time to get things transported (and takes a long time to get things made!), he does not seem to be reacting in a disproportionate way. 

    Of course, the projections could be off, but only a fool would ignore projections like this. He's being careful. I am deeply grateful to him for taking care of my city and state. 

    I think Gov Cuomo is doing a good job under very trying circumstances. 

    At yesterday's WH briefing, Dr. Birx (with our beloved Dr. Fauci standing right behind her) said 30k respirators would necessary if there is no mitigation (which there is) AND if/when NY experiences a second and third wave, again without mitigation.  She pointed out that such statements cause people to panic. 

    You are correct that he hasn't used the word "today".  That was my takeaway, but that is not exactly what he has been saying.  He HAS repeatedly said he needs 30k ventilators.  He won't even need that many at the peak in 2-3 weeks.

  4. 8 hours ago, Corraleno said:

    NY state is already at 19 deaths per million, and with deaths doubling every 2-3 days they may exceed 40 per million this weekend. If they were a separate country, by next week they would rank 3rd in the world (behind Italy and Spain) for number of deaths per million. Anyone who thinks Cuomo is overreacting doesn't understand the numbers he's dealing with.

    If the current trajectory for the US continues, we will have the highest number of cases in the world by this weekend, and by the middle of next week we are likely to have more deaths than any country except Italy.

    Yeah, I don't think Gov Cuomo is overrreacting at all in his push to expand hospital beds, source more PPE, and plead, cajole, and "threaten" New Yorkers to get them to take this thing seriously and stay home.  The stay-at-home order does appear to be helping. 

    I do think he needs to stop repeating that he needs 30k ventilators today or tomorrow.  It's not accurate and is panic inducing.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, DoraBora said:

    Coronavirus task force is holding its daily briefing right now.  Mr. Pence has reminded me of something I've heard before: the machines anesthesiologists use for surgical procedures can be quickly altered to serve as ventilators.  I think that is positive news.  

    56 minutes ago, Plum said:

    Dh’s hospital looked into that. I just remember him saying it wasn’t ideal, but can be done. His hospital contracts the anesthesiologists so they can’t recruit them to help in the covid ward. 😞


    Maybe not ideal, but better than no ventilator.  Mr. Pence said Gov Cuomo has plans to use the ones found in ambulatory surgical centers if needed.  I suppose the governor can recruit them.


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  6. Coronavirus task force is holding its daily briefing right now.  Mr. Pence has reminded me of something I've heard before: the machines anesthesiologists use for surgical procedures can be quickly altered to serve as ventilators.  I think that is positive news.  

    ETA:  I had wondered about Gov Cuomo's continued insistence that he needs 30k ventilators NOW.  Dr. Birx said (and Dr. Fauci didn't disagree) that such a statement is a huge overstatement.  If nothing is done to mitigate the spread, that number of ventilators might be needed over three cycles of this disease (since it might be with us beyond this year, just like the flu).

    So, I will assume the Mr. Cuomo is understandably panicked and feeling the pressure when he says such things.


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  7. 15 minutes ago, freesia said:

    And they aren't ever coming back?

    I helped my mom move from my childhood home a couple of weeks ago.  We found many bottles of rubbing alcohol.   I told her they were gold and wouldn't let her throw any of them out.  She gave me some, too, so we are good.  But the fact I never see hand sanitizer and haven't for over a month, is odd.  I guess people come in right away and clean out the store??? But our store has had limits for several weeks.

    A PP said her dh is in the TP business.  PP, if you hear me, where is the TP??????

    Has someone already posted this?


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  8. 3 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

    Absolutely. The local authorities--from governors to mayors to county boards of commissioners--are the ones who are in control of the stay at home orders. Not to get too political, but POTUS has made it known that no one should expect much or any help from the federal government. So local authorities have no reason to care what his wishes are.

    Well, off the top of my head, I know that the federal government, through FEMA, will fund 100% of the cost of deploying the National Guard in states whose governors activate that option, and that those governors will still remain in control of Guard operations.  FEMA is providing large medical stations containing thousands of beds in NY, CA, and WA.  US Navy hospital ships are being sent to LA and NY.  An admittedly smaller-than-ideal number of ventilators are being provided to NY and I suspect the president has negotiated with GE and 3M to encourage them in their reported plan to manufacture more ventilators and masks.

    (Respectfully, that type of sweeping statement is the opposite of not getting too political. )



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    16 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

    My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong, people!) is that it did originate in the House.  But when it reached the Senate, the Senate decided to write their own version.  That's what people are saying would then have to go back to the House or to reconciliation (which I read online is a committee made up of both House and Senate members). 



    14 minutes ago, Slache said:

    See, I don't think this is true, which is my problem. Someone fix this!

    (Slache: I'm not sure what you mean.)

    I think the Senate is currently working on the House bill that was passed a week or so ago.  As usual, there has been a lot of wrangling because members of both chambers have strong differences of opinion about where the money should go.  By the time a stimulus bill passes the Senate, it may look very different from the House version.

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  10. The new (or altered from the House version) Senate bill returns to the House.  If the House approves the Senate version, it will go to the president for his signature.  (Both chambers must vote to approve the same version of a bill before it goes to the White House.)

    ETA:  Approval in both chambers requires a simple majority.  

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  11. I thought this was interesting.

    The national stockpile used to be somewhat more robust. In 2006, Congress provided supplemental funds to add 104 million N95 masks and 52 million surgical masks in an effort to prepare for a flu pandemic. But after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.


    • Sad 11
  12. 20 hours ago, Bootsie said:

    Did he literally say "Let old people die"?  The reports I have seen is that he is saying that as an older person HE is willing to take some risk of dying to preserve the economy and lifestyle for his children and grandchildren and that he thinks there are other senior citizens who feel that way also.  

    You are correct.

  13. Texas:  All four major counties of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex have issued shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders.  We have a little over 7 million people here.

    And, whomever asked what was up with our Lt. Governor: I have no idea.  I'm deeply embarrassed by his words.  ☹️

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  14. 48 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

    He has explicitly said he wants restrictions lifted by April 12th, insisting that people will continue voluntary social distancing and will protect the elderly. 

    ... but wanting something isn't the same thing as ordering it.  He wants that.  He is "considering" that.  It doesn't mean he will order the country open.  In the ABC interview, he said it's his opinion that we have to get people back to work. 

    “I would love to have the country opened up and rearing to go by Easter,” Trump said during a Fox News interview.

    (You know, *I* would love to have the country opened up by Easter, too.  I want a lot of things.  Doesn't mean I will act to make them happen in my little corner of the world, regardless of the potential harm it might do to others.)

  15. 4 minutes ago, Garga said:

    I have a tube-like “thing” that’s supposed to go on your head to cover your hair. I never could get it to work right.  I’m thinking I’m going to wear it as a mask when I go out next.  Instead of putting it on my head, I’ll put it around my face.  I can fold it so it’s 3 layers deep when it’s around my face.  Some pictures: 






    I have a few masks left over from science experiments, but I’m feeling funny about social pressure of people wondering why I haven’t donated them to local hospitals.  So, I’m not sure I want to wear hospital-type of masks.  

    I've seen several people wearing these over the last few days.

    51 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    I can’t believe the markets are dumb enough to believe this is just going to go away or that all will be well if we end social distancing 8 days from now.

    So, his purpose in saying this has to be to offer hope to the service industry workers who just got laid off.

    The rest of my comments would all be political...lots of yelling, the occasional curse word, and a sincere hope that he kicks off the end of social distancing in 8 days with a large party at Mar-A-Lago.

    Fortunately, this decision is largely in the hands of governors.

    How is this not political?

    Here is what President Trump said yesterday (and what I am guessing people here are discussing): 

    "Our country was not built to be shut down," the President warned on Monday. "We are going to be opening up our country for business because our country was meant to be open."
    "We are going to get it all going again very soon," he said, without setting a timeline -- though he previously called for rethinking the White House's guidance on social distancing next week.
    Nothing specific.  Hopeful, but open-ended. 
    I copy/pasted that quote from CNN.  Notice the word "warned" (emphasis mine).  There are any number of verbs the writer could have used to make Mr. Trump's words seem less ominous.


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  17. 1 hour ago, Lanny said:

    OP the people you refer to have absolutely no clue what the Army National Guard or Air National Guard units do. Primarily, they are run by the States and their first job is to help the residents of their states, during times of various emergencies. That is an extreme over simplification, but I think is fairly accurate.

    Those units can be, and often are, activated during times of war, or, when the units, or some of the members, have special skills that are needed and not available in Active Duty personnel.

    Now, with regard to the COVID-19 Coronavirus. If my memory is correct, the Governors of six (?) states in the USA, possibly all of them are Democrats, requested, in total, about 1000 National Guard members be called up?

    IMO (I was in the Air National Guard) this has NOTHING to do with Martial Law. This has to do with the Governors of those states seeking additional help and requesting permission to deploy those troops to help the residents of their various states, during the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis.

    Yes.  Civilian governors.  

    Deploying the National Guard doesn't involve a military takeover of government.

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  18. 1 minute ago, CuriousMomof3 said:

    How are they defining "elective" medical procedures?

    He said he expects  hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, dental offices, etc., to determine whether procedures can be postponed or cancelled based on patient risk and considering the need for resources to be redirected to fight the virus.

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