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Everything posted by 3girls4me

  1. I got the CLE program because I heard it was good. And I like that it has vocabulary built in and other "perks." But I have a wonderful little series I got at a convention with guides and want to do that. And I want to so some of Narnia with them. And we are going to dabble with Ready Readers throughout the year. So while I don't anticipate finishing the CLE program, I just liked it but also didn't want to forego reading wonderful literature with them and diving into great discussions about what we read. So I just thought i would go back and forth.
  2. It's for 4th and 1st. Well, not logic for the first grader and she is using a combo of WWE and EIW for writing. But I don't worry as much about slowing it down for her. So for the 4th grader, would you do reading/literature, writing and language arts (grammar, HW and spelling) each day? I am only planning to do Latin 2-3 days and beginning reading and reasoning once or twice a week.
  3. Hi ladies, We just finished our first day of school. My takeaway - it was TOO MUCH!!! And my science curriculum hasn't even arrived yet. I tried implementing some morning time and it took an hour and a half. I think it will take about an hour in the future but I was explaining a lot. Math is math. History worked nicely. But help me sort out language arts and Latin. If I hadn't already bought things, I would order ELTL right now!!!! Here's what I have: CLE language arts - grammar, spelling and HW all in one. CLE reading/literature with study guides - rotating these every 2-3 weeks W&R with occasional writing workshops Beginning reading and reasoning - CAP Song school Latin How would you schedule all of this out so it won't take 2 1/2 hours for just these? Thanks for any tips!!!
  4. Yes, I already like our grammar and writing program. Science we have covered this year but I may farm it out next year via an online class. I'm not a science person. I'm pretty smitten by the look of Wayfarers right now. I'm eager to see how people enjoy it after it is released. I'll take a look at Beautiful Feet! Thanks!
  5. I'll have to take a look at that. Never heard of it. Thanks!
  6. I have TWTM, but I am wondering if there is an updated one that adds SOTW in? Or does she keep it as is and not include her book? Just wondering if I should get the updated one if I go this path. Also, would activities and discussion questions and such only exist if I use SOTW with this or make them up myself? Thinking about energy level and time! :)
  7. I've taken a brief look at TOG, but to be honest, it looks quite overwhelming. But I'm willing to investigate it further! Thanks!
  8. Sorry I wasn't clear. 4 year history rotation as opposed to SCM that has a 6 year with 2 laps through or sonlight that is back and forth with world history and American for part of the years.
  9. Hi ladies, Can you help me brainstorm? I am trying to put together a list to start investigating different curricula for future use. Here is what I am looking for. Classical 4 year rotation Literature included Schedule included Discussions questions and extra activities suggested or included NO need for science, grammar, math, or writing, although if writing projects are included, it's ok Mapping/geography preferable I know about these: Biblioplan, Mystery of History, Easy Classical, MFW If you suggest one and have a moment, will you tell me why you like/don't like it? Thanks so much!!!
  10. We are enjoying CLE with math mammoth sprinkled in!
  11. Hi! I know this is thinking ahead a bit so things could certainly change, but I'm hoping to do a 4 year cycle of MFW and a 4 year cycle of biblioplan over the rest of dd's years homeschooling. Actually, mystery of history is an option too. Which of those would work best for 5th-8th with others tagging along and which for high school? I've heard great things about both - particularly MFW high school. But just trying to decide which to go with first? (Assuming nothing else comes along and knocks my socks off) Thanks!
  12. Thanks! Do you supplement with a different spelling program? I am not on board with a program like AAS or other programs which require a lot of "manipulatively" and such - like the tiles. Prefer workbooks for spelling. We use our hands on elsewhere :) Oh and mine are decent spellers!
  13. Hi, We used rod and staff grammar last year and it was great. But we switched to CLE to have the benefit of combined grammar, spelling and handwriting. I keep hearing how great R&S spelling is. Can someone tell me how this compares to the spelling included in CLE? Thanks!
  14. I forgot to mention - this is mainly for my 4th grader, but I have a 1st grader too that I may start with something in addition to WWE1. Thanks!
  15. Hi, Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of these 2? Thanks!
  16. Ditto on best value copy. Excellent work. Great prices. Very quick shipping.
  17. Thanks. Any suggestions on sites that have good guides for kids in elementary school? I just google it when I'm searching for my own book club, but those are way over her head.
  18. I am starting it this year with a 4th and 1st grader. I'm not planning to use a separate spelling program. I can't speak yet to whether it is thorough enough in spelling, but the people I know that used and recommended it liked it mostly because it includes spelling, handwriting and grammar all in one. They didn't add to it except for writing of course!
  19. No, I haven't read that. Assuming I should?
  20. Hi ladies, I am trying to decide on an approach to teaching good literature this year - a 4th grade girl with a 1st grade girl listening in somewhat. We are kicking off the year with a series about horses that I got at a curriculum fair. There are guides that go along with it. I suspect that will take us a quarter. I have thought about doing some of the chronicles of narnia after. But I have recently started a classics book club with several other women and have been reminded how incredible it can be to not just enjoy good books, but really dive in and have incredible discussions about these books. Obviously my kids are fairly young and the older can handle more than the younger, but I just want to do a little more with what we read than just read and narrate. I'm not interested in a program that teacher grammar and such through literature because we already have a grammar and writing (and spelling) program. We even have CLE reading to use some if we want. Any suggestions for programs to look into? Thanks!
  21. Hi ladies, I started a classics book club a few months ago. The first month, we did Uncle Tom's Cabin. Everyone loved it. Tonight is our second meeting and we are discussing Jane Eyre. I'm going to present about 3-4 possible next books. I am considering Madame Bovary. Any thoughts on this book? Or any other suggestions? We want to ease into the classics because some women there have never read one. (Aside from mandatory high school assignments that likely weren't fully read or enjoyed) I also thought about the Scarlet Letter or Brothers Karamazov. Thoughts?
  22. I am going to use memoria press states and capitals. I got it in and while it's not knock your socks off creative and fun, it's exactly what I wanted! I am looking forward to using it. I also ordered a magnetic US map puzzle and states and capitals songs from rainbow resource!
  23. Hi! I am trying to find a way to incorporate art lessons into our routine this year for my 1st and 4th graders. They have taken lessons at a studio before so are fairly familiar with things. I am NOT an artsy mom AT ALL. So I want something they can be fairly independent with and that doesn't take much prep and shopping for me ahead of time. I am thinking of going with Home Art Studio or Mark Kistler's DVD's. Can anyone compare the two and suggest either? Thanks!
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