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Everything posted by 3girls4me

  1. Hi ladies, My niece lives in Florida and has a 2nd grade son. He is remarkably gifted. He is in the gifted program but still is bored. They won't bump him up. Homeschooling isn't an option for them. The school has said she could send in extra work, homeschool curriculum, etc..... But she doesn't know what to use. His strengths are reading, math and science. He loves history as well. He's really into how things are made. All around a little whiz. Any suggestions about things he could do? I have no idea how to go about helping her. Thanks!
  2. Thanks everyone! I've ordered it!
  3. We haven't done Ooka but we love reading eggs. my daughter thinks it's a treat to "play" each day! We also love math seeds that is attached to it!
  4. "lightning" - might be the spelling. Not "lightening". I just checked and saw it listed
  5. Thanks! I will look more into bju as well.
  6. Hi ladies, I have been posting a lot of questions on here lately about HOD. In definitely using it for my 5th grader next year. I will also have a kindergartner and 2nd grader. I'm a bit concerned about the transition for my oldest to HOD and the independence required but she needs it so I'm excited. But i know it's pretty teacher intensive for the younger years. I've looked into many other things and nothing was striking me as the right option. Today I was piddling around on Abeka's website for kindergarten stuff - phonics, math, handwriting.....and felt like it could be a good option. Then I looked at 2nd grade and I really think that daughter would enjoy it. They both like worksheets a lot. And color!!!! Am I crazy for considering something so traditional? It just seems like it might be a good way to transition the oldest to HOD while the others don't have quite as much teacher driven stuff. That being said, I would still do a lot of read alouds and such together. Not totally have them doing worksheets all day. 😉 my guess is it would be for 1 year. Then move at least the middle child to HOD. Thoughts?
  7. Hi, I have a 4 year old that is starting to read and we are using the Reading Lesson. She's doing great. I am thinking of using AAR next. I can't find good samples anywhere though. My 1st grader is using cle 1 reading and I'm not a fan at all of the crazy phonics markings and such. Is AAR like this too? Trying to decide if it's a good next step. Thanks!
  8. Hi ladies! Can anyone help me understand a little more about how teacher intensive HOD is? We would be using CTC, Bigger and maybe Little Hearts. When we did sonlight, I felt like all I did was read all day, which was fun, but my younger two would go cross eyed listening all day to the content over their heads. Or I would just have to give them busywork while I read. So I like the idea of HOD where they have their own stuff, but I'm not sure how I can get it all done and do what is required for each child. I've started considering VP self paced history instead for the 2nd and 5th grader instead and then doing my own thing with the other subjects. We like rod and staff, cle math, W&R and WWE. I was like planning to farm out science anyway. But I like the idea of HOD. The way it all comes together, that it's all planned out/open and go. That there are hands on projects. But I'm really nervous that I will be overwhelmed and we will end up ditching it. Any thoughts? Thanks!!
  9. I want to add that marine science or zoology would be her first choice. I saw that Landry is full for that.
  10. Hi, Can anyone recommend an online science class for a 4th grader? I think we will try the Potters School for 5th grade but she wants to do one next semester. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  11. Keri - how do you feel about Bigger?
  12. Do you all feel like HOD is just as challenging as BP and TOG?
  13. Sorry - they are 10 and 7 and 4. Of course the 4 year old is just there to have fun 😀
  14. Hi ladies, Sorry for multiple posts at one time. I think this may be the question I really need the answer to. I really want a guided curriculum. I have used Sonlight and have no interest in going back to that at this point. Perhaps later. My kids need a little more hands on. I've considered MFW, TOG, HOD, WP, and Veritas. Here is what I like and is working. I need to fill in history and perhaps science although I think science will be farmed out next year.😉 CAP Latin CLE reading R&S grammar W&R and Treasured Conversations CLE Math CLE Bible for a couple more years A Reason for Handwriting I really want something that has some "pretty" elements if that makes sense. HOD Notebooking pages look awesome! And I don't want to create all that myself. I don't want to search the Internet endlessly for fun crafts, games or recipes on a given time period. What am I looking for??????
  15. Hi ladies, I have another question going about HOD but instead of adding more questions to that thread, I thought I would start a new one. Why would you choose HOD over TOG or BP? Or vice-versa. Thanks!
  16. I haven't tried any others. Just basing everything on the catalog and website. So if Preparing was too easy, why not move up to the next one? Just curious. Also, if I am drawn to HOD "package" - so some hands on, lots of writing, not overkill on history - but plenty, what else could I use?
  17. Hi ladies, I am tentatively planning to use HOD next year. I have 3 girls that will be in 5th, 2nd and K. As far as I can tell, we will be doing CTC, Bigger and LHFHG. But I have to say, I have LHTH this year and it's not my cup of tea. Way too easy for my 4 year old who is starting to read right now. I feel like I heard someone mention here before that they only like HOD guides from a certain level up. I've debated using something else for K altogether and then hoping my middle will be ready for preparing instead of bigger. But I'm not sure she will be. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
  18. You are cracking me up! I'm not sure my husband can endure "Let it Go" more than once on that trip!!
  19. Hi ladies! We are traveling to Disney World for thanksgiving and need some good movies for the kids to watch during the 11 hour drive!!! Throw out some good ideas!!! Girls - ages 4,7, and 10. Thanks!
  20. Any thoughts on this book for my book club? We have done Jane Eyre, Uncle Tom's Cabin and A Sever Mercy. Thanks!
  21. What do you use to teach the Greek and Latin roots?
  22. Horizons worked for us through 3rd grade. Midway through third it got super hard for my non-mathy child. We switched to cle and are so pleased. But I loved horizons through I guess half of 3rd. For my next child we are switching to cle earlier just to stick with the same program.
  23. Hi ladies, I am about to finish up W&R Fables. This is with my 4th grade dd. My plan is to do TC next, then go back to W&R Narrative. My question is this......we use CLE for Language arts. Should I quit using that while doing the first section of TC since they both cover grammar? And while doing the first section, should I go ahead and start Narrative for the same reason - that the first section is grammar? Then once the writing part kicks in, I can stop Narrative and resume when TC is over? Thanks for your help!
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