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Status Replies posted by Hannah

  1. Oh, it breaks my heart to see Korean spam and be unable to delete it!

    1. Hannah


      Hope you get your rights back soon Rosie!


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I am hanging in there. Mourning the death of my oldest son. 

    1. Hannah


      I am so sorry.  This must be each parent's nightmare.  Wishing you peace and strength.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  3. How do you price used homeschool material? There is a used book sale I am going to this weekend and I want to unload some stuff but don't want to be taken to the cleaners either.

  4. This lone parenting thing is no fun with a streaming cold

  5. It is driving me absolutely batty that when I finally get free time the boards are down every.freaking.night.

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