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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. We have had our new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, Cody, for less than 48 hours. I had been noticing that this was the most non-reactive dog I have ever seen. Nothing phases him at all. It seemed to me to be almost abnormally non-reactive, so I decided to check his hearing. After running all the tests that I gave to my older cocker spaniel, after I suspected that he had lost his hearing, I am now pretty sure that Cody is deaf. Apparently, there are very few vets who can run a conclusive audiology test to confirm. The breeder would like to take Cody to her vet (who is one of the few that has the specialized equipment) to confirm. The breeder has given us the choice of returning him, of getting our money back, or of receiving another dog. My husband and I will discuss it tonight, but, I think a dog born deaf would likely be happiest if he had another dog as a companion and helper. So, my heart is leaning in that direction. On the flip side, Cody was the runt of the litter, is extremely small for his age, had two siblings who didn't make it, and now, likely, is deaf. Ironically, I asked for a bomb-proof dog, and I literally got one. With my cocker, when he lost his hearing, he became more reactive. He startled and could snap. Cody doesn't care at all. My kids are noisy; they drop things, make explosion sounds, sword fight, etc. Cody doesn't bat an eyelash. He goes up to everyone and everything to investigate and to get a pet. I was already planning to enroll him in obedience training, and the trainer I was planning to work with has experience training deaf dogs. I too have experience in working with my cocker in his senior years. So, none of this really phases me. I am just trying to think long-term about his health -- does this portend future issues? -- and how he will integrate into our family. So far, he is an absolute doll. So, dog experts, what do you think we should do? ETA: Puppy pics: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153723691443261&set=a.10150168523243261.307010.585033260&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1030885053658444&set=a.122192681194357.31592.100002108775692&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153722305623261&set=a.10150168523243261.307010.585033260&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153720349883261&set=a.10150168523243261.307010.585033260&type=3&theater
  2. I plan to enroll him in obedience classes immediately, with the goal of passing the Good Citizenship test. If there are other things that you think we should do, or look for when we meet him, I would appreciate suggestions.
  3. If you don't mind, I am going to PM you more info.
  4. Thanks for all of your advice. My main concerns with my Cocker were fear biting and food possessiveness. I really really want this dog to be good with kids and other animals, and cool with travel/being in new surroundings. He is coming from a reputable breeder, with all the health checks, but I am still nervous about adding a dog to a family with young children. What is your opinion about allowing a Cav to sleep with you?
  5. I have pics now, but I am afraid to jinx us. If Sunday works out, I will definitely post some! Also, we will be required to neuter him. I neutered my Cocker when he was 6 months old, thinking that that was just what was done. I realize that today there is more debate on the timing of neutering. Does anyone have a science-based opinion on this issue?
  6. If all goes well, we will be picking up a 16 week old Cavalier puppy on Sunday (Fingers crossed!! And, thank you to everyone who responded to my previous thread about it.). I haven't had a puppy in 17 years, so I feel like I am a little rusty. We live in an apartment, so the dog will need to be taken out to potty. Is crate training still the best way to potty train? I see so many people using pee pads inside. I would think this would send the dog mixed signals about where to potty. Any tips on house training? I used a leash and collar with my cocker, but it seems that everyone uses harnesses these days. Are there any that you especially like for smaller dogs? Any toys or training aids that are especially good? Gosh, it feels like so long ago that I brought home a little pup. I feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Thanks for any advice.
  7. I will also add that I just trained my second boy -- both were day and night trained by 2.5. My tips: No underwear! Keep them nakey from the waist down when at home for a good 3-6 months. Both of my boys peed everytime I put them in the undies until they were older and had pottying down really well. Teach them to use the big toilet immediately. I never had to carry around all these potty inserts or portable potties. You just scoot them all the way back on the seat, so pee doesn't shoot everywhere. For boys, teach them to point their penis down. By learning on the big potties right away, they also get used to flushing sounds. I never had the issue of public vs. home potty problems because the potties looked the same. Use the automatic flushers early and often to get them used to it. I have sat on toilet seats my entire life, and have never had a problem. You just wash your hands. If your kids get used to scooting all the way back, they won't feel like they are going to fall in. We have a step stool next to the toilet at home. We leave the bathroom door open, the light on, the stool next to the potty, and keep him nakey at home. After a few days, they just start going on their own without much prompting. My son moves the step stool to the toilet if we forget. Praise, praise, praise. Do the happy dance. Cheer. Reinforce that he or she is such a big boy/girl now, etc. ETA: No pullups! Go cold turkey on anything that resembles a diaper, except for naps and overnight. As soon as the wakeup with dry dipes from naps and overnight for several days in a row, ditch those too asap.
  8. This is exactly what I was going to say. All of it. Just rip the bandaid off and do them both at the same time!
  9. Rabbits With Swords: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/storywarren/ember-falls-by-s-d-smith-author-of-the-green-ember
  10. We are finishing up Beast Academy and WWE2, and then we are done! Regardless, I am calling it quits by Memorial Day. So, if it isn't done by then, my DS can bring homework to summer camp with him for all I care. This goose is completely and utterly cooked. And I'm not even looking at my children again until after Labor Day. I need a nice, long, quiet break. :)
  11. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10154169802998684&id=103590278683 http://www.rfwp.com/series/royal-fireworks-philosophy-curriculum-by-sharon-kaye
  12. I wouldn't survive without breaks. I'm sending my kids to camp all summer long because I am so burned out on them.
  13. They are based out of the Bay Area, and have lots of amazing resources for locals, as well as online classes: https://outschool.com/listings
  14. Cleo Borac has put out a new schedule for her online courses: https://outschool.com/leaders/Cleo-Borac
  15. My DS7 took it this Spring and really enjoyed it. Basically, they follow the RS4K Geology curriculum.
  16. Thanks. This is good information. This is the breeder we are considering: http://jadestonecavalierkcs.com/welcome-to-jadestone-cavaliers/ Her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/jadestonecavaliers/ The boy and girl are from two different litters. Both are 16 weeks. The girl she was planning to keep for herself to show, but then changed her mind about having another girl. The boy was growing smaller than is typical because the mother was showing signs of mastitis. So, she bottle fed him from then on. She didn't send him with the others at 12 weeks because she wanted to give him more time to mature. The boy's info: Sire: CH Jadestone Legend Has It Dam: Chantismere Sandy Shores The girl's info: Sire: CH Angel's Pride Benjamin Button Dam: CH Bonitos Companeros Lorelei We are leaning towards the girl because she is supposedly more outgoing. She is also more expensive. :/ The breeder has been totally forthcoming in answering all of my questions. She is also on the referral list for the Cav Club of Southern California.
  17. Please don't tell my Pokemon-obsessed son that there is a dog breed called Peekachoo. ;) The kids want to name the puppy, Thunder, which I thought was hilariously funny for a sweet little Cav.
  18. You are right that it wouldn't be an issue if we had a powerboat, which generally have swim platforms on the back. But, we have a sailboat with a very steep ladder down to the living quarters (a good five foot ladder). My very athletic cocker used to jump down into the living area, and I was always afraid that he was going to break his back. Also, our boat is an older one, and it doesn't have a swim platform in the back. We have a very steep ladder on the side of our boat that we use to get on and off the dinghy when we are not at a marina. This isn't our boat, but is the same model, so will give you a visual of what I am talking about. Down to the living quarters (imagine a cocker flying from above): http://photos.mostsailboats.org/1987/m/1987-Morgan-41-Morgan-Classic_4370_2.jpg The ladder is something like this, except ours hangs off the side instead of the back: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MA824PtLzR0/U4zvU0yepzI/AAAAAAAAD1U/qSbAeGa3eJ4/s1600/Phase+1+-+out+of+water+1.jpg And you have to imagine that the boat and dinghy are both moving in the ocean, so it is rocky. Easy to drop dogs and babies! I have spoken to two breeders so far. One dog I ruled out because he has dental issues (but was still asking $2,000!), the other we are meeting with next weekend -- she has one female and one male available. So, we will see. I do like poodles, and think one would be a good fit, but my DH just can't get past the foo foo factor. He also really likes spaniels.
  19. Yes, I did, which is why I am researching breeders and the lines of their dogs very carefully. My second cocker had a murmur for many years, lived to 14, and died of cancer. We really never know. Unless we are ready to give up on the breed altogether, the only thing that we can really do is try to screen. I also hope that veterinary science continues to progress in helping these animals.
  20. I just want to thank everyone for your input and experience. This thread has been enormously helpful in clarifying the right breed for us. I have contacted two reputable So Cal Cav breeders that have puppies for sale, and am asking all the hard questions about health issues. I will keep you updated on how things go. Hopefully, puppy pics to follow! :)
  21. I know that this practice is controversial for some, but I would be flying the dog(s) as emotional support animal(s), which do not have the same restrictions re size. They just need to be well behaved. The airlines also require that the dog(s) sit at your feet, and not block the aisle. But, airlines do have to make reasonable accommodations (move you to a bulkhead or a row with less people, etc.). My goal would be to be as unobtrusive as possible, not raising the ire of either the flight attendants or the passengers, which is another reason why a lapdog/something that can fit into a large sherpa bag would probably be the best choice for us.
  22. I love Brittanys (sp?). I am just concerned that he/she will be too big. Does anyone have any experience with a Boykin Spaniel? A smaller one looks to be about the same size as my cocker.
  23. I love beagles, but I am concerned about howling (apartments, marinas, RV campgrounds are all about living with other people in small spaces), the amount of exercise they may need, house training, and how well they would do in-cabin on an airplane ride (to Montreal from San Diego, for example).
  24. My only issue with mutts is just not knowing what you are getting breed-wise/health-wise. There are some adorable Beagle mutt pups that I found at a local rescue, but I am nervous about introducing an unknown breed to young children. How much can you really tell about personality/disposition and long-term fit from meeting a rescue puppy of unknown breeding and background at Petco? I am not the type of person to give up on an animal. For me, it is a lifetime commitment. So, I want to make a wise decision about what we get, YKWIM?
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