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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. I have been wanting a new toilet for a few years now. It’s about 20 years old. We only have 1. My husband refused. He just doesn’t want to do it. He did it 20 years ago and that was enough. I can’t do it alone and a plumber is too expensive. So, I just did the silent toilet bowl test (food coloring in the tank) after getting a very high water bill, and it failed. Now he is fixing the gasket. The bill has been high for awhile. We probably could have hired a plumber for what we literally flushed down the toilet. I’m just super frustrated, but at least more aware of spotting a leak!

  2. It took my husband 2 years to like our dog. He grew up detached from pets and having a dog live outside and not be part of the family. It was a tough 2 years. He refused to take care of our dog in any way and just complained we weren’t training him well enough. I also think he was jealous of the attention the dog got.  At one point he even threatened that the dog needed to go. It was awful. We actually went and saw a therapist. It helped. He just decided to change his attitude and slowly began accepting the dog and liking the dog to loving the dog.  He has been working from home ever since the start of covid and he and the dog are totally attached to each other. A small miracle. 

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  3. I watched a bit of the trial on YouTube, where a bunch of lawyers watched and analyzed the testimonies and evidence. They began watching it very willing to give Amber the benefit of any doubt. In the end, all those lawyers were all absolutely convinced Depp told the most truth. The media is trying to re-sway the general public opinion that tended to side with Depp. Maybe siding with women gets more views. The same lawyers have been going through every inch of the unsealed documents and continue not to find strong evidence that changes their minds. A few of those lawyers have been reviewing those articles, similar to the guardian, and pointing out the extreme bias and lack of knowledge from the trial itself or the full breath of the unsealed documents. Much of what we are given as news is not real reporting. 

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  4. Right, my damage was at the driver's side front corner and front side. Her damage is her passenger side (I believe both doors). She actually denied fault to me in text today. I'm almost positive she didn't know there were 2 lanes. There is absolutely no room to the right of the right lane. I could not have been anywhere else. Logistically, she had to have been coming from the left lane. If I was directly behind her, I would have had damage to my mid front or passenger front corner. 

    Sorry Scarlett, her insurance has not contacted me. I have heard nothing from them. She has not gotten back to my insurance. My insurance company said that alone speaks volumes. My insurance is Liberty Mutual. Hers is called Hanover Insurance, which may be a small local shop in MA.


  5. I will say my biggest mistake was not calling the police at the time. The woman got out of her car and acted like it was no big deal and I got the impression she was going to just drive away. She did not, but I put all my energy into getting her information. I was so glad she had taken a picture of her license with her phone and then sent it to me right then and there. I was so focused on making sure she gave me her information, I never gave her mine! I sent it to her the next morning. 

    I can at least make this a learning lesson for me and my teen drivers. I typed up a list of directions to follow in case of an accident to put in the glove box. First thing, call the police!

    I still have no idea if she told her insurance that she was 100% at fault. She told me in a text yesterday that she was turning into a side street to turn around for gas (that she saw behind her). I’m just not sure she realized she was turning right into the street from the left lane (it was a 2 lane road in the direction we were going). I was in the right lane. She was completely unfamiliar with the area. She even texted me the next day asking the road and the town that it happened.

    Always best to call police!

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  6. So, I got into a fender bender several days ago. It was not my fault at all. When it happened another time, I was told by my insurance company it would be quicker to go through the other person's insurance. I think the other insurance company could come out sooner to look at the damage, so that's what we did. We had no trouble at all with that. So, this time my insurance company told me something similar. Since the other person was 100% at fault, the other person's insurance would pay fully for a rental while my car got fixed and I wouldn't have to pay my $300 deductible. So, I called the other person's insurance and they said that is not how things are done. It was really unpleasant. I had my husband call them too and he spoke to someone who said my insurance was bulls*** and we should switch insurance companies. I was done dealing with it all and I just told my insurance person to process the claim I had already set up (she froze it while I tried to deal with the other person's insurance). Who should I trust? Anyone know? 

  7. My ds19 is in his first year of college close to home. He managed A’s and B’s first semester. He struggles to spread out his energy to 4 classes. He is always taking 1 step forward and 2 back. His focus in science is laser and he thinks he’s putting so much into that there is no time for the others. I start to think he needs to take less classes but then that would take more time and money. His ability to regulate time is terrible. His ability to get himself up is terrible. I’m on top of him as much as possible. His social life is thriving more than ever. He has a great roommate and couldn’t have found a better one. He’s growing a lot. It’s great to have him out of the house. His negative energy hurt all of us. I can only hope and pray he will figure it out more and more each year.

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  8. What I have found works for me, as a carboholic is having 1 day a week that I can cheat with sugar. I found it best to limit those cheat days, so I wasn’t desperately eating sugar all day. So, maybe 3 small things or 1 bigger thing on that day. Also, I allow a bready carb in the morning all week and then stay away from them the rest of the day. I might have a bagel in the morning, tuna with corn chips for lunch, and meat and veggies for dinner. For dinner I might have very light pasta or rice. It may help to keep a daily food diary as well. Creating new habits is hard. Good luck!

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  9. We just did both over Christmas and had a great time. I have 3 teens. We did several days at each. For Universal it was a gradual increase. One trip we did a day, the next trip 2 days, and then 5. This time we didn’t miss anything. We were able to take our time and relax in the middle of the day. We did Disney for about the same days right after. There is never enough time to do most things at Disney. But, we were well planned and had a blast. 

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  10. If a person was born and raised in America, holds dual citizenship, and their parents were born and raised in a South American country, whose ancestors immigrated from Europe (pure European background), is the current generation ethnically Latino? Can they mark Latino on their college application?

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  11. I went this summer with my dd14 and my sister. We did both of the things you mentioned and loved every second of each! That’s really all we did. Mostly just walking around the park is an option. We did go to the tiny aquarium close by, which was okay. After, we stayed near Chautauqua and my sister and I went to the Lucille Ball museum and loved it!

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  12. It’s a clear odor. Her brother definitely notices. I’m just not sure if it started when she started her period last year or it just began a few months back. It seems possible that it’s similar to what Tap said. She does not get in the sun much. I’m not so concerned that she hasn’t gotten it for a couple months, since she is super active with ballet. She’s very good at keeping clean and is not on the pill. She doesn’t take any medication. 

  13. My dd14 has had her period for just over a year. I’ve just recently noticed she has a strong body odor during her period.  Nothing fishy like, but almost a harsh metallic like smell. I’ve brought it up once so far, but taking it as gently as possible and we went and bought some body mist I told her could be helpful during her period.  I just asked her if she had her period yesterday because I could smell her and she said she actually hasn’t gotten her period for a couple of months! So, the smell seems to come when she should have her period, but has nothing to do with her actual flow. I’ve thought about making a doctors appointment, but am looking for any insight here, thank you.

  14. A bit of detail: girl is 14, adopted, parents separated, older parents (55+) seem to be permissible type of parents, no idea where or with who she is going. No personal information beyond that.

    Wealthy suburbs.

    • Sad 1
  15. No cutting with the metal pipes.  You just buy the length you want.  They are pre-threaded to easily twist together with the elbow joints.  

    We followed ballerinas by night YouTube video how to make a ballet barre.  Shows exactly what to buy.  You just determine the length.

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  16. My 17 year old moved to brick and mortar school in 9th grade, and switched again from public to private this year for 11th.  Since doing earth science in 9th, he is now behind for chemistry and most likely won’t fit his schedule in the fall.  The class he was supposed to take just canceled for the summer, and the other option at community college went from 6 weeks to 4.  It would mean 2 six hour classes a week.  I’m hoping there is some 8 week online class somewhere.  I’ve checked the Potter School, WTM, K12, and Memoria Press with no luck. Please let me know if you know of any, thank you. 

  17. Our state just declared no return to school.  We received an email from my dd’s ballet school saying they are closed through June, but we are invited to sign up for their summer intensive for July.  And, she thanked us all for emotional and financial support.  I don’t recall being asked to support the school during the closing.  She has been trying to offer 1 or 2 classes a day on zoom (Monday-Friday). She gave 4 or 5 recorded classes, and the rest have come live only from some of her teachers and around the country.  She also thanked the teachers for their volunteering their time to teach.  My daughter was in the conservatory program, noon-5 Monday through Friday, and Saturdays 11-3.  We will have lost 1/3 of the year.  It’s about 3k.  Do I just swallow that?  I assumed the owner would offer a free intensive or money back.   There is no way I’m giving her more money.  Are any of your ballet schools giving money back?

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