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Posts posted by GWOB

  1. Fargo

    Napoleon Dynamite

    The Princess Bride

    Forrest Gump

    Dirty Dancing


    Steel Magnolias

    The Big Lebowski

    O Brother Where Art Thou

    Pride and Prejudice (the BBC one with Collin Firth)

    Gone With the Wind (I gotta keep my Southern card up to date)

    Did I mention Fargo?


    Editing to add Sweet Home Alabama


    Editing again to add all the Harry Potter movies. I thought those were a given.

  2. Ummm.... NO!!! I love the idea of youth group, but I clearly remember all the "sinning" I did when youth group was closed from parents. IMO, and my oldest is only 12, a good youth pastor should welcome/beg for/encourage parent participation. This guy wants to lock the parents out? Oh he!! no! Silly me thought youth group was intended to encourage young teens in their life with Christ. And a pastor making a unilateral decision like that? Would not fly in this house (not that our Pastor would ever do such a thing). If I were you, I too would be livid.

  3. I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


    Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

    Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

    Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

    Antmanday's child is really tiny

    Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast

    Hulkday's child-SMASHSMASHSMASH

    Thorsday's child controls the thunder

    And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


    Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


    :lol: Love it.

  4. Well good morning! You ladies have been busy in my absence! :D


    I feel better today because you all have made me laugh and given me such great ideas to take to the next meeting! :tongue_smilie:


    Am I "scoffing" at my fellow Christians? Well, yeah, some of them. I do it because we have a serious mission, and it is about serious things, and no one will take us seriously if we say stupid things like hallelujah party and holy ghost weenie roast and Jesusween. And I gotta tell ya, I don't think God is impressed either.


    So come down on which ever side of the Halloween debate that you choose... But CHOOSE... And stand firm. And stop trying to have it all but pretending like you aren't. Be authentic. Please.





    Well, I'm only a nominal/fringe Christian (my LCMS pastor would LOVE that one), but I totally agree with you! Preach it, sista!

  5. :chillpill: I think you're the one who needs to be embarassed for your poor behavior and witness by publicly gossiping about your fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. I don't agree with them but I agree with you even less. Seems you like to point out how so many Christians are doing things you disagree with in order to make yourself more popular with fringe/nominal Christians or non Christians. Feel better? :glare:


    Whoa! I had no idea I was a fringe/nominal Christian. I guess I can stop studying for my Sunday School lesson I am teaching, tell my daughter she no longer has to study for confirmation, and I will just pass on typing up those minutes from my church's board of education meeting! Oh, and I guess since I'm not a real Christian, I will just cancel all those Advent events I was planning! Thanks for enlightening me about the real state of my soul!

  6. My fil is having open heart surgery today. He is having his aortic valve replaced with a piggie valve. He has a few other health issues (cirrhosis, damaged esophagus, diabetes) that make this procedure a bit more complicated. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers today.


    And now for the warning. I deal with stress by making inappropriate jokes. So don't be surprised if I start weird threads or get overly sarcastic. Just chalk it up to stressed out/PMSing wendilou. Thanks!

  7. I'm with you, Heather. It just seems as though events like "Harvest Festivals" ( or whatever you want to call them) are meant to draw attention to someone's "holiness". Now, I may be misinterpreting the Bible, but I thought we, as Christians, were just supposed to go about quietly doing the right thing and NOT call attention to our "righteousness".


    Wendi-whose kids will be trick-or-treating right after confirmation.

  8. Ellsworth is near Rapid City. Our very best couple friends are from Rapid City. Everyone I ever met from SD has been super friendly and fun. Rapid City is small, but is has most of the things you need. Tons of outdoor activities there- Black Hills, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Deadwood, Sturgis, Wall Drug, etc.. You can easily access things in MT, WY, and CO. The winters there, while not mild, are milder than the eastern part of the state, thanks to the Black Hills. So that would be my pick (since you can't come to Nebraska).

  9. I suspected so. We're all just a tad touchy here after that "landmass" fiasco during hurricane Isaac. :tongue_smilie: And one news channel regularly mislabels its weather maps, switching MS and AL. :glare:


    That one really ticked me off too, and I always enjoy making fun of MS. (But only because I grew up in Louisiana. We have to feel better about being ranked 49th in the country. And y'all have Ole Miss. This Tiger fan just cannot deal with that:tongue_smilie:)

  10. Wendi, you ordered the wrong one! I thought you were going to order this one.








    Don't start with me, woman!:tongue_smilie::lol:


    And for those that mentioned the Treasury of Daily Prayer. Did you guys know that CPH has an app that is kinda like TDP? It's called "Pray Now" and had daily readings from psalms, OT, NT, and gospels, church fathers readings, and hymns. It has a listing of canticles, prayers, AND had the coolest journaling feature. CPH also has the liturgical calendar available for downloading onto you phone's calendar. So cool.

  11. The Concordia Self-Study Bible is 1984 NIV, and it is really great for homeschooling. Although the new Lutheran Study Bible in ESV is a better study Bible overall, especially with all of its theological notes, the old one is really great for fast 'do the next thing' chronological information and setting.


    I just purchased the new one about a month ago. I love that thing! And if I ever lose my hand weights, I can do bicep curls with that Bible. I love using it with my oldest for confirmation. I got suckered into teaching 5th-6th grade confirmation starting in Janurary. I hope that Bible helps me pretend to know what I'm talking about:lol:.

  12. Those 3 are the translations we use along with the Amplified and the New Living Translation. I am disappointed that the Lutheran church I visited uses the NIV, but we weren't happy with the KJV at the Baptist church.


    The LCMS has officially switched to the ESV. Some churches (like mine) just haven't replaced the LSB yet. When we use a printed order of worship, all verses are from the ESV. We also have tons of NIV Bibles. Those things cost a bit to replace.

  13. I live in a dorky province, but it's a little cooler because I live here. ;)


    Actually... to be entirely fair and honest... most people never notice the province in which I live. It flies under every radar. Even aliens can't seem to land here. When people envision a map of Canada, my province isn't on it -- even if they are also Canadians -- and sometimes even when they are actually from this province. When I tell people what province I live in they usually say something like, "is that in Michigan/Nebraska/Minnesota/Alabama?" When people are driving across the country and hit my province, they think they've taken that wrong turn and are halfway into the States, and wonder if they'll get arrested for having skipped the border sans entry port. My province is that place that when planes fly over it the pilot says... nothing, because he can't remember the name of it anyway and when the co-pilot, who will be from my province says "hey, we're flying over my home province" the pilot says "what? I thought you were from Michigan/Nebraska/Minnesota/Alabama."


    Wait a minute! You mean people have actually heard of Nebraska?!?! We mustn't be as dorky as I thought.

  14. I live in Nebraska. Obviously I don't care if I live in a dorky state:lol:. When we travel and tell people we live in Nebraska, they just kinda look at us like:001_huh:. I think people are shocked that there are people living here:tongue_smilie:. Our claims to fame include Johnny Carson and Kool-Aid. Oh, and Cornhusker football, which is the main religion in the state. Oh wait! You remember a few years ago when a state senator sued God? He was from Nebraska. We have more cows than people. A traffic jam is when you get stuck behind a combine/tractor. I stay to class up the place;).

  15. That is different. Not watching something, because it doesn't align with what you believe would be appropriate (or displays something that you consider inappropriate) is different than saying, "Smurfs are evil, a means of the devil, and will entirely corrupt a home and send your kids to hell".


    :iagree: Exactly. I refused to by my dds Bratz dolls because I thought they were trashy and in poor taste. They're not evil, just tacky IMO. If someone else wants to buy their kids Bratz dolls, great! I certainly don't think their girls are going to grow up to be prostitutes just because they allowed Bratz dolls in their house.


    I think most of the people posting in the other thread were speaking of extreme beliefs. Remember the post about the mom burning the kid's Care Bears because mom thought they were evil? That's extreme, and is does a lot of damage to children. I was spanked for listening to New Kids on the Block. That's extreme, and it's destructive. There is a huge difference between refraining from _____ because it goes against your beliefs and telling (and therefore scaring) your kids that everything is evil and will lead you straight to he!!.

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