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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. My son is a bladesmith and wants to start making sheaths for his knives out of leather. So, I want to buy him a basic leather making kit, but I have no idea what tools and supplies would be useful. What should I be looking for? Does anybody here know? thanks.
  2. I have no idea what kind of cloth you are talking about....disposable chunks cloths. Can you give me a link or something? thanks
  3. I need new dishclothes....ones that don't stain easily, ones that don't stink after a while but also ones that absorb well and clean well. Does that exist? What are your favorite dish clothes and why? thanks.
  4. As I was scrolling to get to this group, I noticed a ton of additional groups listed below, some with VERY old posts and threads. Are they just trying to organize old posts or what is going on? I find it odd, but interesting.
  5. thank you so much.....you guys have given me a lot to consider....and might have taken me into some birthday gifts as well. thanks.
  6. I want to get some books for these 2 dear ladies in my life for Christmas. They are both Christian ladies and do not like books with inappropriate things in them, but they are also not a huge fan of the Christian stories out there that are as predictable as a Hallmark movie. Mother in law is a huge mystery fan. So, that would probably be the best direction to go. But also any nice story with some humor tossed in would be fun too. Mom would probably like more of just a nice story with some humor, but nothing too deep. Both would be interested in books that are part of a series. Any thoughts for me would be great. Thanks.
  7. my suggestion is Deer in the Headlights. It's a dice and card game....but it's mostly random, but fun for all ages.
  8. A while back I started a thread about duffle bags vs soft sided suitcases for car travel, and overwhelmingly the opinion was duffle bags. SO, now my next question is which ones? I think I would like them to have wheels and we would get one for each of us....5 total....2 parents and 3 teen age kids. So any ideas.....good, bad...or indifferent...I am open to all thoughts. If you could send a link (preferrable Amazon) that would even better. thanks.
  9. The main reason I am asking is this: I know people who were exposed and 10 days later they got sick....I know others others its just a day or 2....but I am just so confused as to just contagious this virus is...I mean, it seems like so many people I know are quarantined with sick family members and never get sick...and then there are those that are exposed at by a less intimate interaction and got sick within a couple days. So I was just curious what others are experiencing.
  10. I know this is different for every single person, but I am curious about something. If you were exposed to COVID and you later got sick....how many days later? AND when you did get sick...did you run a fever? Unless you want to share more....you don't need to share your whole story....I am just gathering those 2 small pieces of information. THANKS!
  11. that is so tragic as I have 2 kids in college right now. I am just curious....where was she going to school at? Policies vary from state to state, college to college....and this is so not ok that she couldn't get the level of care as an asthma patient should receive. My heart breaks from their loss.
  12. these are both interesting. thanks. How did you find these...or do you know someone who attends these schools?
  13. thanks for the link. I will be checking that out. This is our situation with our son. He is a forger. He loves working with his hands. But after talking to many blacksmiths, we were told this is not a career job....it's really hard (unless you happen to be at the right time in the right place) to make a living as a blacksmith. He loves working with his hands, but he has no interest in welding for a job, or being a mechanic (although he can do mechanical type stuff). He is a great problem solver. He doesn't want to work with wood full time, but he can do it when he is making handles for the knives he forges. We have thought about a shop teacher...but he doesn't want to teach. He has no interest in other trades either...like electrician, plumber etc. The other issue is that he has no desire to attend a big university nor go to a liberal, secular school. We are church family and so that kind of college doesn't interest him. We are Lutheran and our church body has multiple colleges, but they don't have any sort of trade school or industrial arts programs. One has an liberal art program and that sort of caught my eye. So we are trying to take it all into account and try to look outside the box to see what else is out there for him.
  14. My son, a junior, just doesn't know which direction he wants to go as far as college programs. He has time yet, but we did want to start exploring options. So, one idea that I thought about having him get a liberal arts degree...but honestly I have no idea what that would buy him. What can you do with such a degree? Thanks for sharing your thoughts
  15. great, I love that show too. UGH! I fear if I boycott these shows until they go back to normal, I will miss out on great story lines.
  16. I wonder how many shows this will be.
  17. First off, I do NOT want this thread to be about masks or not masks....restrictions or not restrictions. I am not interested in knowing your personal, in your home, state, city situation. I do NOT care about whether you think masks are useful or not. I care, but I do not want this thread to be about yourself or people you know and love who have suffered with COVID. Now that we have that cleared up...this thread is your opinion on whether or not you will watch TV shows (even series that you have been watching for years and dearly love) if they are going to run with the COVID theme in their story lines. We live with COVID and COVID restrictions everyday, day in and day out. At the end of the day, I like to use my TV fantasy lands (even if they are based on semi reality) as a way to escape reality and if I have to look at actors with masks on and doing the social distancing thing too, I think I am going to scream. I just saw a trailer for THIS IS US.....and that is what they are doing....and I heard others shows are doing the same thing. I am just not sure I will be able to watch this fall.....and that saddens me. What are your thoughts on this?
  18. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have to mail this....they do not live close to us.
  19. My daughter's boyfriend comes from a large homeschooling family. There are 7 kids in all, ranging in age from 8-20 (the boyfriend). (plus mom and dad). We have become good friends with them over this past year and I wanted to give them a Christmas gift. Nothing huge, but I wanted to do something. They like games and movies, but with that age range it's hard to find something that they all would enjoy. They like the outdoors. They aren't sports fans. I thought about a restaurant gift card because they rarely go out to eat with the entire family because it's too expensive.....but gift cards are so impersonal. So, I am looking for ideas...any ideas....think outside the box for me....thanks.
  20. we used to have just regular Hulu and didn't have ads ever, so now that we have the LIVE option, and there are different things to watch, some shows have ads. So, I am thinking it's the shows are NOT on the regular Hulu...which is a bummer, because one of the reasons we did the Hulu live was to have different options than the regular hulu.....besides the LIVE options....and now we get ads....with the different shows. GRRRR
  21. yeah...if the commercials were short, I could probably deal with it....but they are 5 minutes long....and to do that 4 times adds 20 minutes to the 45 minute show you are watching.....which is insane....in my opinion.
  22. my account says I have Hulu (without ads) + Live TV. So, I was under the impression that the live stuff would have ads and the stuff that is not live would not. Except there are 3 shows that say there are ads before and after each episode. But that is not what I am experiencing. News programs that we like to watch (not live...a day or more old ) also have ads..... The old shows that have ads are not "live".....they are just not on the regular Hulu....but not live.....unless you mean those shows are currently being shown on some channel somewhere? If that is the case, I don't know for sure if that is true or not. I guess I am just confused.
  23. right....but it's not current shows I am referring to...it's old ones....again...not all of them...for example the show "switched at birth"....old show....at least 4 commercials through out the show.
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