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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. it does...so that is all I need? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! thanks.
  2. I hear your pain....and I have searched for a solution too...so I am watching this thread of some very wise person who has the perfect solution to this.
  3. I have a bunch of photos I want to scan and put into digital photo books. I have a 3 in 1 printer/scanner but whenever I scan a picture, it scans it as a small part of a piece paper like image...so I am not sure that will work when I want to try to make photo books. I have looked at photo scanners...and I am sure this is a case of "you get what you pay for"....and I can't afford an expensive scanner. Does anybody here have a decent one that you could link me to? or experience using a regular 3 in 1 printer/scanner that could help me navigate this project? Thank you very much!
  4. I would love to see a picture of your window...if you don't mind sharing it. Thanks.
  5. thank you...that is what I figured....I just get paranoid sometimes...
  6. I put a piece of frozen roast beef (covered in BBQ sauce) in my crockpot an hour ago and I thought I put the crockpot on high...but in reality it was on "warm"...that isn't a big deal, right? I put it on high right now...and it will cook all day...intended for supper tonight. thanks.
  7. We have a big window seat in our home, with 4 big windows. We are replacing the current windows (today) with new ones. The current ones have blinds inside the window panes, so I never worried about window treatments either than a valance for a little color. But we are now going to need something (the new ones will not have blinds inside) because certain times of the year the sun beams in pretty strongly. We rarely completely closed the blinds, but sometime we slightly close them for privacy (we live in a small town with neighbors) or to keep the sun from blinding someone. So, I am toying with Roman Shades. What do you all have for window treatments for such windows? Any suggestions. Also the window seat has become just one more horizontal space that collects stuff. I want that to change....after removing all of the "stuff" so the windows can be replaced, I LOVE how it feels not so cluttered. But, I am not sure what to put on the seat part. I looked on pintrest and all of the pictures look like they came from a model home...not a real people's home...So I want to know what real people do with their window seats. All I see is a putting pillows on the window seat...which is a nice idea...but I want to have several to choose from...any other ideas? (pictures would be awesome if you have them to share) One issue we have is that under the seat part there is actually nothing there...no inside storage...it is actually just the outside...so when I removed the lame cushion I made years ago, there was actually some dampness (from condensation) and even a little bit of mold on the cushion cover. Not bad...but enough to notice. Under the cushion is an UGLY old fashioned tile that is stained and just icky. So I really want to cover it. Would making a cover that is plastic underneath and cloth on top be the answer? Or is there a better idea? I am open to any and all decorating ideas....send them all my way! thanks.
  8. wow....let me first again say, I am so sorry if I offended or hurt anybody here. That was NOT my intent at all. I also wasn't trying to poke fun or fingers at anybody. Please forgive me if I offended you. Again, I was simply clothes shopping and hated how I looked and how hard it was to find clothes that I liked on me. I am not trying to fit any sort of stereotype...I am just wanting to make improvements in my life that would hopefully be reflected in how my body looks. I appreciate the advice given and I look forward to trying the ideas out. Thanks...and again I am so sorry for those who have loved ones who struggle with food issues and weight. I know that is a real thing too. But please just know if I had even thought this would bring up some sadness and frustration in others, I would have have thought twice about posting.
  9. Well, I am not trying to ruffle feathers... This is an real issue for me. My weight emphasizes my middle that much more. If my real question makes someone unhappy, I am truly sorry and I will delete my post.
  10. the reason this came about is that I was trying on dresses and many of them made me look like I was pregnant...and if I could get rid of that...I would have so many more clothing options. I have lots of friends my age that do not have this issue...but I suppose they have prevented....instead of try to fix after the fact. or do I just need to learn how to dress differently? If that is the case...then I need lessons in that? sigh!
  11. OK...I am 53 and I have decided that it is long past time I face the facts and try to deal with my ever growing waistline (and I am not pregnant.. 😊 ) I am not a big gal...petite and about 115 pounds. So, I really don't feel like I need to loose weight really...just a couple inches around my middle. I am going to be honest with you all...I do not exercise really (on nice days I will walk about 1.5 miles)...but I haven't done that much since it's cold here. I do have a basement where I sometime walk in circles there (especially if I am on the phone...I like to walk and talk)....I have fitness tracker and my steps can literally be anywhere from 5000 a day to 15000 a day depending on the day. Lately it's way more towards the 5000 step than the 15000....but maybe when it gets nicer outside....it will get bigger. I also do not eat the best....so I know that needs to change...I learned to cook (from my mom) with lots of cream sauces, pasta, white bread, etc. SO.....where do I start?? I know fewer calories...more activity...but then I also know there is something to eating more protein...but protein foods have high calorie counts, right? What might be some tips or tricks that might help me. We live in a rural area, so I do not have access to a gym or anything like that. I just need some basic guidelines to start a healthier way of life. thanks.
  12. Just out of curiosity she called a pharmacist...according to him, he shouldn't have to wean himself off that particular medicine, however, if the doctor prescribed it for 3 months he needs to take it for 3 months because his stomach needs to heal and taking the medicine is allowing that to happen. So, when he stopped (and I just found out he tried one other time with the same results) his stomach got upset because it still needs to heal. So, because it happened one other time...my vote is not flu...but also not rebound...but rather what the pharmacist said...that make total sense to me.
  13. I guess he is feeling a bit better...he has eaten some jello...but he still has small amounts of loose stools (maybe 6 times today). (not like diarrhea when you are sick).... The "right method" looks like what his mom was telling me they were going to try...so I don't know. When you mention trigger foods...he had chili here at our home last night...that probably didn't help...huh?
  14. they have decided to follow the doctor's instruction and wait the 2 months...so I think they are just now wondering how long he will feel bad.
  15. they don't think that is it...he isn't acting like he has the flu. I don't know...I am not in their home....
  16. My friend has an 18 year old son who was on a prescription stomach acid blocker (20 mg once a day). He took it for a month. They were wanting to see if it made a difference in his symptoms (which it did) so they could know how to treat it more naturally. The doctor wanted him to be on it another 2 months...and then they would help wean him off. the mom and dad didn't want him on it that long, so The mom did a little research on the computer and came up with a formula for weaning him off.....she started with the first week being 1 whole pill on day, I half pill the next, 1 whole, 1 half....so, he took a whole one on the 17th and a half on the 18th....no pain...no problem...whole on 19th and half on 20.....he said he felt some cramping on the 20th (which was yesterday). So then, I guess last night he was up several time in the night with loose stools and cramping. This morning he took his full dose of medicine but he has felt pretty crummy all day and has thrown up a little bit 2 times. (not like the stomach flu) I am assuming all of this because he tried to take himself off the medicine, yes? What are the odds he will start to feel better tomorrow and what can he do now to start feeling better? I guess he hasn't eaten much all day... any advice?? Thanks.
  17. thank you for these suggestions...many of them are spot on.
  18. I need to buy a gift for a young man who is a freshman in college. He lives at home. He is pre-med and loves swimming for competition. He lives in New York City....for what that is worth. I just need a general type of gift. Any ideas for me?
  19. I know you need to do this slowly...(I did it once....years ago, but forgot the method)....and I have a friend whose son wants to do this....and her doctor wants to keep him on the medicine, so she doesn't want to ask them about the process. Does anybody here know the process. The patient is a older teenager (18)....if that matters. I know you slowly cut back....but I don't know if there is an exact formula or not... they want to try more natural ways of dealing with the symptoms. They only agreed to try the medicine to see if it made a difference...with the idea that if it did, they would then know how to treat the symptoms naturally. thanks.
  20. I fixed it....I added a lot of cream...some cream cheese, oregano, Italian Seasoning, chili powder and salt. Topped it with those fried onion things. It tasted a lot better. Now, the left overs will have over cooked pasta (having cooked it already twice)...but it will at least taste better. THANKS for saving my supper.
  21. Last night because I was in a super duper hurry, I threw together a pasta, hamburger, cheese and tomato sauce dish. It turned out bland and dry, even though I added spices and onions. There is a lot left and I need to "fix it" to make it more enjoyable. There is melted cheese on top....so mixing it all up might be an issue while it's cold....but I am willing to do nearly anything. Thanks.
  22. the age range and ability level of kids I have is so big (preschool - 3rd) that I do not try and do anything too formal. In the past couple years, all I have done is set up 4-5 stations with craft activities where the kids can wonder from station to station at their will to complete the craft or activity. It doesn't work to keep the kids at one location and move them from place to place at the same time, so it's just sort of organized chaos. On occasion (depending on the theme of the day) I have done one group activity...for example last year with space, I had my son some and shoot off a couple homemade rockets outside the library. But then we all went in and did the variety of crafts and activities. thanks for all of your suggestions.
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