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Posts posted by NorthwestMom

  1. Hugs to you, Jenny. Your situation sounds so sad. 

    I suspect that you may have already heard advice to get family counseling, but are you in counseling just for you? I think it is SO helpful in this kind of situation because of the terrible truth that in the end, the only person you can control is you, and an impartial third party can help you decide what you want to do to change the dynamics of your relationships. You can't control how your DD and DS treat each other. Also, hopefully a counselor can help you come to accept the stage of life you are in. (My first child is in college now, so this issue is breathing down my neck too ?

    I am so sorry you are going through this. 

    • Like 3
  2. Today we were at a graduation party held by a family we have known well for 16 years. Their grandma from out of town was there too. Although she lives several states away, we have seen her every year or two and three years ago she went camping with us for 3 days. 

    My 19 year old son had no idea who she was. 

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  3. My deeply cynical side wonders how long this group would survive under best-case scenario. It is an EXCELLENT idea, but it rotates through people's houses and the members are all expected to pitch in. There is SO much room for conflict if people have their turn getting their house cleaned and then don't show up for others' turns, kids getting into trouble at other people's houses, people bringing sick kids, etc. 

    If you launch this group in some form, please keep us updated. ? ?

  4. I agree with the mild PTSD. I have a similar reaction to trauma - I deal with the problem like a machine in the moment, and then am haunted by it for weeks/months/years later depending on the issue. If you have ANY counseling benefits - now would be the time to use them. Self care - physical and mental - must come first. What will everyone do if your MS flares? You matter too. Your sleep will improve if you can treat the PTSD.

    There are problems that can be solved with money. Can you hire a cleaning service? Have groceries delivered? Can your neighbor afford that?

    Are there resources available to help with your neighbor? Some kind of social service like Options For Seniors that connects the elderly to the services they need to stay in their home? As you know, there's only so much that you'll be able to do if he declines. Can he take an Uber to appointments?

    Hugs to you. 


    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Farrar said:

    This really galls me that these folks have already been told there is a real medical condition at play and they still think they should stick their nose in it. I mean, it's bad enough to start with, but that's just appalling. At this point, I wouldn't care about being nice. She needs some really forceful back off because you are not a medical doctor and your words are hurtful and rude language to hit them with.

    I agree. I read this thread early on but did not respond because the only response that springs to mind is, "F*ck right off." (which is not helpful to the OP. Sorry OP!)  I have protected my DD from my MIL's weight obsession (she is long-distance so it is easier)  but my flying monkeys WILL appear if acquaintances think they have the right to fat-shame or "help" any of my kids. They need to BACK RIGHT OFF. 

    • Like 4
  6. I am there with my 16yo DD. Sometimes she just has to feel the consequences of her decisions(or lack thereof) herself. If she is rude to me when she herself came and asked for advice, I address that directly. < if we had eye-rolling emoticons I would have one here. LOL>  It's hard to watch them make poor decisions but unless her safety is at risk, I offer my advice and try to let it go.

    Hugs to you. If only we were as smart as our teenagers......

    • Like 3
  7. 41 minutes ago, jmatiska said:

    I have done several sprints. They were a blast! You can do this, especially if you can do all three distances individually. Putting them together is not too hard in a sprint.

    You may feel very drained after the swim, but your energy will come back on the bike, so don't worry.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the transitions, especially since you are probably not going to win (sorry to say). Just make sure you practice each transition a few times so you notice what to do/bring. You are not going to have a 30 second transition like the pros. More like 3-8 minute transitions.  

    Practice biking in a wet outfit to see if you have any chaffing problems. Don't use any untested equipment, nutrition, or clothing on race day. Wear what you practiced in, so you feel comfortable and at ease. It's not a fashion show; you'll see all kinds of interesting outfits. Wear what works for you.

    You will really have fun! Trust me. You have plenty of time to put in a great fitness base for a sprint. Try to do each sport a minimum of twice a week, if possible, and try to do a brick workout once a week. You could add weights once or twice a week to build some strength and confidence, but if time is limited, just stick to the three sports.

    Have fun!

    Wow! I just noticed that I'm a newbie and my user name is gone. Off to figure out how to get my account back...


    Great advice here!

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