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Posts posted by MercyA

  1. I called my mom today and asked her if I could have some of the leftover Pink Salad and cranberry sauce I was craving. Luckily she is 5 minutes away and likes to feed people.  :)


    Now I feel guilty for not leaving my tiny contribution to the meal there for her and my dad.  :o I'll save some for her.

  2. I would contact the person who has your cats immediately and tell her you will be picking them up today (assuming you have someone who can do so).  Offer to pay her a boarding fee for the days she had them and thank her for caring for them.  If she resists let her know that you did not leave them in her care or authorize anyone to give them to her and that they belong to you so for her to keep them would be theft of property (which animals are considered).  


    I like this phrasing better than what I suggested. Bringing up the police or a lawyer too soon could cause her to double down.


    I also like the idea of offering to pay a boarding fee. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar sometimes! 


    ETA: Be prepared to keep pleasantly repeating, "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but [this is what you're going to do / this is how it's going to be.]"

    • Like 2
  3. Oh, how terrible.  :mad:


    I think this might be my plan of action:


    1. Talk to the "friend" who gave away your cats. Remind him that was NOT the plan. Tell him to go get the cats back *today* and you will be sending someone else to pick them up. If he won't do anything...


    2. Talk to the woman who has the cats now. Explain that your friend was merely caring for the cats for you temporarily. You are now ready to take them back. A friend will be over to retrieve them. Be friendly but firm. If she refuses, tell her regretfully that you really hate to involve the police and/or a lawyer, but you will if you have to, because they mean so much to you and the children. If she still refuses...


    3. Call the police in your previous town and explain the situation. They may or may not be able to do anything, but they could probably tell you what your next step should be or whom you need to talk to.


    Please keep us updated. I didn't respond last night because I was asleep!

    • Like 11
  4. It is not my circle I am worried about. I see the action. It is the blessed are we who are privileged we are better than them.


    But I do not expect you (general you) to get it. I have read too long here and seen so often the jusitifications and mental gymnastics used.


    You don't need to worry about my circle, either. :) In just the past few weeks in my small town, I have seen theologically conservative Christians:


    Tutor at a homeless shelter to help residents and others in the community reach their educational goals

    Gather gifts to send to children in other countries

    Correct a relative on their overuse of racial descriptors ("that black guy," "the Hispanic guy," etc.)
    Plan a fundraiser and gift collection for children in Guatemala 
    Buy pillows for residents of a homeless shelter
    Donate clothes to a homeless shelter

    Donate clothes, toys, and books to other homeschooling families

    Express the desire for a "I Stand with Standing Rock" t-shirt  ;)

    Collect clothes for other disadvantaged families, when they themselves can't always afford gas or other things they need

    Gather shoes to send to Africa

    Love and serve others in a myriad of other ways


    I *am* privileged, yes, and I fully recognize it is not due to any merit on my part. With my privilege comes responsibility. "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required."


    I expect that you will somehow find fault with what those in my circles have done, and that's okay. I would just ask you to please think about not judging people so harshly when you don't even know them.

    • Like 12
  5. Except no one does. This is am empty holiday celebrating oppression


    If you don't know anyone who helps the needy or speaks out against injustice, you are running in the wrong circles. 


    I do think about what was done to the Native American people. It was wrong, and that is what we teach our daughter.


    For me, today is simply a day to be with family and thank God for the many blessings He has given me. I do not believe it is wrong for me to do so, although I understand that you feel differently.

    • Like 5
  6. We have that one, too. It's very good quality. My husband and parents put it together in a couple hours. Alas, it doesn't get much use, even though my daughter loves to climb at the park and pretty much everywhere else!

  7. Does anyone remember what DAY amazon had it's half off any book deal last year? Or have you heard-tell of it for this year?


    I used it for the complete Narnia audiobooks on CD and it was such a super great deal!!! This year I'm eyeballing the complete Amulet series!


    I haven't heard of it this year, but they do have $10 off a $25 book purchase today (maybe this weekend??) with promo code HOLIDAYBOOK.


    Oops...mommyoffive already posted this.  :o

  8. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.


    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.


    Happy Thanksgiving, all! 

    • Like 35
  9. I'm sure this sounds silly, but I was crestfallen when I saw my friend's FB pictures at a distribution center. They had piles and piles of identical things that obviously had not come from an individual person. It made it feel meaningless, in a way, that my kids and I had carefully chosen all these things for boxes.


    Sorry for the tangent.


    No need to be crestfallen, Quill! It's my understanding that those types of donations are just to add to boxes that need a bit more. The kids still receive their individually made boxes. It's just a way to make sure that some kids don't receive much less than others.

    • Like 4
  10. Does anyone know if the personal notes stay with the boxes/get translated or are they really unnecessary? I haven't been sure when the kids have asked.


    Yes, the personal notes stay with the boxes. The website says: "You may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself, your family, or group. If you include your name and an address, the child may be able to write back." In some of the Shoebox Stories shared by people who received boxes as children, the recipients said that personal notes or pictures were meaningful to them. 


    I wouldn't think the notes would be able to be translated before they reach their destination, but perhaps someone local is able to translate them once they get there.

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