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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. Zach, my oldest, fell at youth group about 2 weeks ago. He said he tripped, twisted his knee and fell. He felt a sharp pain in his knee and had trouble walking right away. After a few minutes though, he shook it off. It was slightly swollen, but nothing major. The next morning, he couldn't walk on it. As the day progressed, though, he worked it out and was able to play. It did that for about 3 days. Since that time he's had a few moments when he has been playing and turned it 'wrong' and complained of pain. A few times, it's been bad enough to sit him down. Well, today he was sitting on the couch and I came in to sit down. Don't know how it happened, but I ended up sitting on that knee. He immediately started yelling and almost passed out. He was trying not to cry and hollering "It's broken! My knee!" After about 30 minutes, it still has a dull pain while stationary, but any time he tries to move it or walk, he's in a LOT of pain. I have it propped up and am icing it. I really don't want to take him to the ER for something that's no big deal....so can I wait until Monday? See how it is over night and then take him in tomorrow if he's not better? Can kids tear ligaments? I should mention, this is the knee he hurt on our trampoline about 18 months ago. He hyper extended it. What should I do? What do you think could be wrong? If I did take him to the ER tonight and they figured out something is torn, realistically, what would they do for him before Monday anyway? Thanks for letting me ask!

  2. I don't think anyone is really arguing that they should be able to call anyone anything - at least that was not what I was saying at all. My point is that there are those that get almost violent if you use one term (in an innocent manner). I know folks with a child with Downs and they refer to him as a Downs child. I see that you don't like that and would not use that term if we were friends, and would not use it if I knew that about others. However your reaction was very strong towards that term in your post and yet my friend doesn't have any issue at all with that usage. As a person that does not have a child with Downs, how would we possibly know this? I don't understand the angry reactions when people usually don't mean anything harmful by it.


    I *do* get that words can hurt and some words really do. I *do* get that you don't want your child defined by a condition he has. I really get those things. I *don't* get the anger and (not you, but others) violent reactions. Are we not in control of our own responses? I would think the "you catch more flies with honey" idea would apply here. I would rather be educated that a term is offensive to that individual person and not dictated to that the use of a specific term is offensive to ALL because that simply isn't true.


    Make sense? :001_smile:


    Speaking for myself...I don't get worked up hearing someone say "Your Downs child" I understand that 99.9% of people who talk to me about Logan mean NO harm. I don't understand making a pleasant conversation awkward by feeling the need to pounce on someone for using 'the wrong words'. JMO.

  3. I so agree.


    Yes, "retarded" is out of date and offensive to many, but not everyone, especially the older generation, realize that. They are just using what words they know, and as with anything the intent and heart of the speaker should rule.




    In fact, "retarded" took the place of "Mongoloid" which is the term John Langdon Down, the man who discovered Down syndrome, called them because he thought they resembled people from Mongolia. So, for the older generation, "retarded'" IS the nicer term.

  4. Oh, and one more thing. I think that the PC movement has gone too far when a person, in the same boat as you, feels that they have to walk on eggshells during conversation. I have many friends who have kids with DS, who have corrected me during conversation. There are people I avoid talking to because they are offended that I said "Mentally retarded" I can't even keep up with what is PC.....and I HAVE a kid with DS! Now, to me, THAT is being too PC and choosing to be offended when there is no cause.

  5. I haven't read beyond the first page, but I wanted to throw in my two cents about this topic.


    First of all, I think we should all look beyond the surface of what words are being said, and look at the heart of the person saying them. If someone says something to you with no intention of hurting feelings, then I think you are taking unwarranted liberty in attributing vice where none exists. Society is so quick to prescribe motive behind someone's words, whether that motive exists or not.


    Secondly, someone can't make you be offended. Only you are the one who allows yourself to be offended. If you find that every jot and tittle, whether written or spoken, gets your gander up, then perhaps the problem is within yourself. If people say things (without intending malice - see above), and you are constantly bristling from them, then I suggest you examine yourself and try to figure out why your security lies in people's words instead of in a higher power or sense of self-esteem.




    I was in a McDonald's with my kids once and an elderly lady approached me, looked at Logan and said "Is he a retarded one?" I'll admit, I was a bit taken aback and said "What?" She, again, said "Is is a retarded one? I can always spot the retarded ones" I smiled and told her that he had Down syndrome. She, with amazing love in her voice and tears in her eyes, said that she had had a son with Down syndrome and that "the retarded ones always make me smile".


    I have friends so caught up in the new PC movement about not using the "r" word that they would have been offended. Was I? Absolutely not. I loved that she approached me and asked me about him. Logan gave her happiness, reminded her of her son. How could I be offended by that??


    Just my $.02

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