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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. The person was caught. He lived in the same apt. building. We have not found out his name yet. There is a prayer vigil tonight. So far we know that she was beaten and sexually assaulted. (tears)


    Glad they have someone in custody. I can't imagine what these parents are going through. The thought of it makes me feel ill. My worst nightmare.

  2. Hey SIL. Heidi S. linked to this the other day. http://www.amazon.com/31-Days-Clean-Having-ebook/dp/B004W3UK4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1304301699&sr=8-1

    It is a wash your curtains and clean out your fridge kind of spring cleaning thing.

    Of course there is also Heidi's book. http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/bootcamp-for-lousy-housekeepers/13654031?productTrackingContext=search_results/search_shelf/center/1

    It is more of a day to day, chore charts for the kids, getting and keeping it clean. I think there is a file download for hers that is less expensive.

    I own both and have followed through on neither.


    People wash their curtains?! :001_huh: Okay so a 'medium' clean. I was also hoping for a 4 day option....not 31 :lol:

  3. If you wanted to really spring clean your house...like DEEP clean and purge, where would you look for help or direction? I've seen several people mention books and websites, but what are the best out there? I have tried spring cleaning before, but it never lasts. I want to find a way to make the spring clean last....however, that might take some re-training on all our parts! I think that the fly lady could come into play after this. Thanks in advance!

  4. It is very common in children with Cleft Palate.


    ETA: This is a nice link http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/svc/alpha/v/vpi/about/vpi.htm


    Thanks :001_smile: He also has Down syndrome and his team has been less than willing to hear there is a problem in the past. However, he has started talking a lot more in the last year and the nasal talking is more evident.


    ETA: He also sometimes loses liquid through his nose while drinking, especially with a straw.

  5. Snort! Would you let me bounce you and toss you up and down?


    You did help even if you didn't know it. I had a blast with Logan, it really lifted my spirits today!


    Hey, if you could have lifted me...sure. You could have bounced me or tossed me in the air all you wanted.


    Logan was fascinated with your shirt and hair yesterday! :)


    PS...I'm trying to rack my brain to figure out who it was.....

  6. dd12 has been begging me to let her read twilight and I just haven't been able to give her the go-ahead (it being about vampires and all) but I am considering doing my homework a bit here and seeing what I come up with because she just will.not.drop.it. ugh!


    As a reader of Twilight...I would NOT let my dd12 read it. There is just so much 'ilk' and the relationship between Bella and Edward is NOT healthy. I love the books...love love love them. However, there is no way I'd let my young daughter read them. I would encourage you to read them ALL before making the decision. JMO. :001_smile:




    Okay, messed that quote up...this is for MichelleC

  7. I have to admit, I like this show. I do let my older kids watch it. I was worried about the attitude too. But, in this show, the parents are very involved and there are consequences for bad behavior. And, when push comes to shove, their family comes first.


    Maybe I shouldn't let them watch. I don't know. The boys and I have talked a LOT about why I was/am worried about it. We watch it together. It's been a great conversation starter!



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