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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. Except for that there is a lack of female competitors which is why the girls are up against the boys.


    It would be segregated, I am sure, if there was an actual female team for the girls to join.


    This non segregated thing will be probably be short-term (in the grande scheme of things) IF it gains popularity among the girls.


    Do you think there would be more interest if they offered an all female team? I certainly wouldn't have wanted to join a boys team (or an all girls team for that matter, LOL) It may take some time, but I'll bet the interest among the girls would increase if they started all female teams.

  2. Really? So you're blaming the girl here? :confused:


    Sounds kind of like "women should know their place."


    Not attacking, but man.....that's shocking to me. Truly.


    No, not blaming the girl. If the rules state she can play, then she can play. HOWEVER, I don't think they should be allowed to play in the first place. I don't think my son should have to potentially touch a girl in a way that makes him feel uncomfortable. It's a high contact sport and I just don't think it's appropriate. I think if girls want to wrestle, then they should find an all girl wrestling team.

  3. I agree with Jean's definition. But I'd like to contrast it with Rosie's. Until dh was unemployed for over a year, I used it interchangeably between the above two definitions. Now, I don't believe it has much at all to do with the good things going on in my life, but everything to do with the fact that God has saved my soul and given me eternal life. Because, even when things are not going well - I am still blessed simply because I've received God's grace and he has saved me.



  4. I am considered by most to be a very conservative Christian and I think the Pearls cannot be repeated in polite company!


    As a matter of fact, what I think of them is so low that I would limit my children's exposure to anyone who thought the Pearls were great people.




    Especially considering that they seem to have no problem spanking and or physically punishing other peoples kids when they see fit. (Yes, I've read 'To Train Up A Child')

  5. Chicken Embryo: 800px-Chicken-embryo-1week_old.jpg







    Albumin is whitish and looks like a string of mucous or somesuch. I really don't think you are dealing with an embryo.


    Along with tasting better (and being more yellow), they are so much better for you! Grain fed, free range chickens eggs can't be beat. I wouldn't eat a watered down grocery store egg again if my life depended on it. And we won't even go into how major egg producers treat their chickens. Think wire cages, not enough room to turn around, dead chickens laying beside the live ones for days on end (while they lay your grocery store eggs) - eggs roll down a chute. It is like a little chicken factory.


    Oh barf, that is not what I saw. WHEW! Oh, there were also flies under the eggs in the carton. Really? In the middle of winter?! I am not buying from that farm again.

  6. Except for the embryo part, sounds normal. Are you sure it was an embryo or were you just getting the heeby-jeebies?


    Nope, not sure it was. It was just shaped like one. (or at least what I imagine it would look like) I am amazed at how dark the yolks are compared to store bought white eggs! They even taste better.

  7. I started buying eggs from a local farm. They are free range, veggie fed, brown eggs. In 6 out of the dozen we got there were little brown specs in the white part of the raw egg. I even SWEAR I saw 2 that had tiny little chicken embryos. Um, NASTY! There have been some tinted with a little blood. Is this normal?

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