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Posts posted by MyBlueLobsters

  1. Anyone ever have their child start having tinnitus brought on by a severe ear infection (with an eardrum rupture)? Did the tinnitus continue after the ear infection healed? If so, what did your Doc say? Any ideas? My son has an appt on the 23rd with the ENT, but I'm an impatient person. Would it change your opinion if we had a family history of this? The tinnitus is affecting his school and has kept him awake at night. He also says that sometimes things get really quiet, then his 'hearing comes back'. Just trying not to worry....

  2. I love, love, love the girl's name Dagny. I know some people think it's awful, but everyone in our family loves it. Part of the reason I like it is because it has a very similar meaning to my middle name (it means "new day" and my mn is Dawn).


    As for boys, Rudy. I would name a little boy Rudy in a heartbeat -- but it's my dh's dad's name and while they have a good relationship, it's his *dad*. To him, Rudy is an older man's name, not a little boy's.


    ETA -- I had to add this in here: I have always liked the girl's name April and my mom's middle name is Mae. I really wanted to have an April Mae (and would have done it), but dh said no. :001_smile:



    We have a Dagny at our church. She's about 2 and SO CUTE! :)

  3. Not sure if this falls into what people consider 'paranormal' or not.. (I tend to put it in the divine intervention category) My FIL's boss has a farm. We went to visit them about 5 years ago. Zach (5 at the time), myself and one other person went horseback riding. Zach's horse had a (walking) guide. We were crossing a creek and I went ahead of the others. I turned my horse around to watch my son and his guide cross. As his guide stepped on the first rock, Zach's horse decided to jump the creek instead of walk. He wasn't paying attention and the horse leapt across the creek ahead of the guide. There were sharp rocks lining the creek and I KNEW Zach wasn't holding on tight enough. He managed to stay on the horse and we went back. Later I asked him how he stayed on and he said "Oh, the lady held my hands on bottom on the horse. I was GLUED to the horse" I said "What lady" (his guide had lost control of the horse and she certainly wasn't holding him down, I was watching) He just said "I dunno, some lady" I like to think it was his guardian angel :001_smile: There was no 'normal' reason for him to stay on, so in that sense, it makes it 'paranormal', but I do not believe it was a disembodied spirit. I find more of an angelic explanation.

  4. Here is the latest update:


    The pitbull owners came over to our house yesterday to bring me flowers and apologize. My dh had a long, calm talk with him regarding liability, the possibility that it could happen again etc... However they "love" their dog and want it back.


    They are renters with NO insurance.


    I took the advice of one of the responders here! Sorry forgot who suggested it, to contact the property owners. My dh went there today and the property owner does not want this dog back on his property and is going to contact the dog owner who is renting his house.


    My dh has contacted the City Mayor, Counsel Members, our State Senator and various other people. We heard back from the Mayor already and he is very concerned and will be discussing this at his next meeting with whoever is in charge of this whole thing.


    I also plan on contacting the San Francisco Chronicle and every news channel if this goes to a hearing. Hopefully not since now the actual property owner is aware!~


    So thank you for all your support. I will give you another update when I have any more!



    Wow! Sounds promising that they will not be getting this dog back! :grouphug: I'm glad they apologized to you.

  5. This is a side note, but I was reading through the state manual for our foster care licensing process and you are not allowed to own a pit and foster a child. You aren't even allowed to let a pit on your property (knowingly) while you have a foster child. Any other domesticated dog/cat is fine.

  6. Of the ones I read, I liked


    Adopting the Hurt Child : Hope for Families with Special-Needs Kids by Gregory C Keck.


    Attaching in Adoption : Practical Tools for Today's Parents by Deborah D. Gray


    (They aren't just applicable to adoption, but to parenting traumatized children.)


    Oh! He mentioned "Adopting the Hurt Child" Thanks!

  7. If you are currently a foster parent or have done foster care in the past, do you have any good book recommendations? I looked on Amazon and I can't possibly read all of them. Do you have a favorite? The social worker that came to our house recommended "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" that was written by biological parents for foster parents (we actually have to read it as an assignment as part of our family plan). Any others? I would also like some geared toward kids explaining foster care. (explaining it to our own biological kids)


    If you don't have any book recommendations, do you have any great advice? We are hoping to start taking placements by early summer. We are about half way through our licensing process. Our Family Service Coordinator will be coming out in the next few weeks to help us fill out our foster care license packet. Anyway, thanks for your help!

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