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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. Thanks everyone. I am going to share some of the thoughts here with her. She is afraid to tell her husband because she doesn't want him to blow up. He tends to be pretty strict. Her main concern is the p*rn issues. I did tell her she should put some parental controls, but a) their family shares one computer, B) she isn't technologically savvy and c) her husband would question why. I feel so bad for her.


    Regarding my son, when he told me he doesn't believe in God, I freaked out, but my husband was a cool cucumber. We aren't on the same page about that. He thinks it will pass - I am afraid for my son. I just keep praying for him.

  2. I am seeking advice from Christian parents of boys. I got a phone call this morning from a dear friend, who lives across the country. She has been concerned about her teenage son, who like my son, recently announced he is an atheist. She discovered a forum account he has online and she read multiple disturbing things her son posted - some she knows for sure isn't true, some that is, some she isn't sure of. He curses in most of his postings and talked about some very disturbing things - some things she wouldn't even tell her husband or me about because it was so upsetting. She called me to ask for advice and honestly, I am at a total loss. I have my own issues with my teen and I don't know what advice to give her. Basically her concern is that he has had too much freedom/access to information online - she wants to cut off internet access. She doesn't want to shove religion down his throat, but he seems to have a total lack of morals and lack of good judgement while online. I have had some similar issues with my son, but I have no viable solutions or positive outcomes as of yet, so I am not the person to ask.


    If you found out your son was cursing online, claiming to watch p*rn, making inappropriate comments about you and your husband, making sexual comments about girls, and was basically unrecognizable to you in print, what would you do? How would you try to reach him? I was tempted to tell her it may be a phase, but what if it isn't and issues don't get talked about?


    Edited to add: When my son told me he no longer believed in God, my response was emotional and it made the situation worse. Now we kind of tiptoe around the issue, but when ever it does come up an argument usually ensues. Because of that, I don't feel like I can offer her sound advice. I feel powerless. I told her the only thing I could tell her, that I would pray for them. Ugh.

  3. I had a really awful experience with Simple Schooling.


    I paid $90 for a subscription that included all the printed unit studies as well as the "interactive" units. I had a heck of a time trying to download the PDFs; many files were corrupted and even repeated attempts to download some of them failed. When I started looking through the ones I had downloaded, I found a whole lot of plagiarism (whole pages copied word for word from other websites) and a lot of errors in the parts that she did write herself. Many were really basic facts, e.g.: the distance from the earth to the sun is 93,000 miles (um, no!), penguins only live near the south pole (actually they live in Africa and South America, as far north as the Galapagos, which is at the equator), and many others. There were spelling errors in vocabulary lists, and bad grammar throughout.


    Her American History "curriculum" is actually an old text available on google books, which she copied in it's entirety without attribution. I got suspicious when I found references to Native Americans as "savages" and other very dated language, and I googled various sentences, which pulled up the text she had plagiarized. I also found a glowing review of her history curriculum on a white supremacist website. :ack2:


    When I confronted her about the errors and plagiarism, she got really nasty and verbally abusive, and cancelled my subscription without a refund.




    Wow! Okay, good to know! I guess I will scratch her off my list!

  4. Austin Community College in Texas, is offering a degree in "Social Media." I am not sure what I think of this yet, but I lean towards it being silly. The report I heard on the radio said the courswork would mostly be about learning to write. Don't we already have degrees with that focus? Apparently, there is a special skill set needed for writing on FB and Twitter. :/



  5. In Texas all that is required is a withdrawl letter, if your child is already enrolled in school. Other than that there are no regulations that are overseen and that is a good thing IMO. I can never get behind the theory of "if it helps just one" that it is somehow worth it to give up my rights and the rights of my children. If the state/govt can't successfully monitor the public school system then they don't need to be burdened with trying to monitor homeschoolers.

  6. What do you mean by "covered under Obamacare?" It isn't insurance. In my family, DH is the only one insured and it is catastrophic only. Premium just for him is now going to be almost $300 a month, so $80 more a month than we are currently paying. He has a $5000 deductible. I fail to see how Obamacare is going to help my family. We don't have insurance, we don't qualify for govt programs (we make too much but not enough to afford insurance - go figure) and if we can't pay for it now we can't pay for it next year. It isn't free and it isn't going to be more affordable from what I can tell. All I hear from friends and family is how their premiums are rising. Sigh. I hope I am wrong, but I don't feel hopeful right now.

  7. I was just perusing the WTM book again and saw a paragraph addressing the idea that in the grammar stage it isn't as important to follow the science sequence as it is in the older years. I am wondering if I should just do a quick unit on Physics over the summer before 4th grade and then just do biology over 4th and 5th so we can do all the Apologia elementary books that cover biology topics. Or I could do the unthinkable and use science textbooks like Abeka or Pearson - surely they would cover all the topics over two years and I could incorporate notebooking, outlining and projects. Sigh. Decisions, decisions.

  8. If you are following the WTM way, what text(s) did you use for Biology in 5th grade? I am trying to stay on track with WTM science, but I want to use the Apologia Elementary texts. I would need to take 2 years to get through the three zoology books, botany and the anatomy books. I was thinking of starting in 4th grade next school year, but then we would miss Physics. Any ideas?

  9. Ellen McHenry's programs are actually designed for middle school, though at least The Elements is do-able by a bright 3rd grader. Carbon Chemistry is harder and probably is better done in 5th than 3rd.





    Just FYI, her website says the elements is for ages 8 - 13, not just middle school.

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