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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. Up until now, my 8 year old hasn't really written his own sentences. I have always fed them to him when he wants to write something. By that I mean, he rambles, I simplify his rambling, write them down, and he copies. Other than that he has done copy work and summarizing via WWE, but I put it aside because honestly, it is too painful to go through with him. He can answer comprehension questions with the right answers, but answering in a complete sentence, or expressing himself in a sentence that makes sense seems to be too difficult for him. He is generally a smart kid, so why am I so annoyed by him when it comes to writing??


    Today he wrote his first paragraph. After weeks of discussing what a good paragraph is, reading paragraphs, identifying main ideas/topic sentences, today was finally the day to write a paragraph. Here it is:


    "Baseball is a fun sport. It's fun to hit a ball with a bat. You can catch a ball with a glove. It's fun to tag out runners. It's fun to run through home base. In the game you can hit a home run. Baseball is my favorite sport because it is fun."


    Am I expecting too much from his first paragraph? He's 8 and we are doing mostly third grade curriculum/lessons. I have a headache after today's experience. I still had to coach him to get it to make this much sense. He did do the indentation, all his spelling was right, and so was his punctuation. I am pleased with that.


    Edited to add: I think I am expecting too much from him. When he says baseball is fun, I am thinking he should say things like, "The crack of the bat hitting the ball is exciting." or "I love to hear the crowd cheer when I slide in to home base."

  2. I read it - loved it. It is disturbing. I don't know a lot about the author's ideology, but I can guess he is not pro-life. I think one of his goals was to show what horrible things could happen if abortion were made illegal. To that end, it was absurd.


    The sequel was just released last month I think. Going to look for it now that I have been reminded!

  3. I decided to get the new IG since it only cost 50 bucks with my repurchase discount AND it included the LA ( which I didn't use/have last time) The EHE is SO much easier. It is prefect for my daughter but would have been way too easy when my sons did it. But it is much less frustrating. We have been doing it for 3 weeks, as usual we are so off schedule. We are exactly on schedule of the EhE. She has finished all of the readers plus 4 extra books. We are on week 6 of the readalouds. I am using the library for the new books. I would skip the Best Loved Folktales book. We didn't care for it. We LOVED Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. We are still on week 2 for the LA. Writing papers takes us a long time. She can't write one in a day or two. But I like the way that the IG is completely intergrated. It also has big maps with keys!!!! Hooray. I like the changes.



    Thanks. I am glad to hear the EHE pages are easier. I did notice they were different than when we used them.

  4. Is anyone using the new Sonlight Core F Eastern Hemisphere? I have the 2007 Core 5 version and was going to re-use it next year with my youngest before getting back on to the WTM history rotation. I made the mistake of going to the SL website and looking at samples - it looks so much better! The notes, the Language Arts etc. So now I want the new IG of course, but I am curious to hear what others think of the new version. Right now I am feeling starry eyed. My original plan was to buy the new World Book CD and the EHE pages, use my 2007 IG with the needed tweaking, and stick to the language arts we are already using. Somebody convince me the new IG w/LA is worth it - or talk me down!

  5. Does anyone have a nabi? My 8 year old wants one - it is the same price as a Kindle Fire, but "kid safe." I'd really like to hear from someon that actually has one, before I make the decision to buy one.

  6. I agree with every single comment here.


    I am sick and tired of the NBC commentators treating viewers like they are complete morons. I wish someone would tell them that we do not feel the need to hear their voices every single second.


    I think this may be the very worst Olympics coverage ever.


    Sorry, Bob Costas, you know I love ya, but even you can't save this mess. :tongue_smilie:


    This. And the uniforms are hideous to boot. Bring back the Red, White and Blue!

  7. I answered "no," but I try not to shop at Wal-Mart. I hit the BTS bins yearly, but mostly dh and I avoid shopping there. It's not really a boycott, we just don't enjoy the WM experience and don't like the general effect they seem to have on communities.


    I don't really keep up on the news, so I wouldn't even know which companies I should be boycotting day-to-day anyway! :tongue_smilie:



    Just curious...all of you that avoid Walmart....what's so terrible about your stores? Are they dirty? I don't get the general distaste for them. Our local Walmart just relocated and became a Super Walmart - which is awesome for our town of only 13,000 population. Anyway, it brought 200 new jobs to our town! The store is still working out quirks of being a Super Center, but it's okay.


    When we were traveling on our road trip last month, we tracked Walmarts we could see from the freeway - over 60 of them! During the trip, we stopped at at least 6-8 and there was only one I wanted to get the heck out of right away!

  8. Great responses! I never heard of the Nestle boycott. I won't go see movies of certain actors, and there are a few products I won't buy because of causes the companies support. In my town, there is a local restaurant I no longer patronize, due to their politics and some unethical business practices.


    I was just curious if anyone else was as "a*al" as I am about this kind of thing. I just can't in good conscience send my dollars to a business that supports things I don't want to support.


    I know boycotting some actor's movies, and not movies (hollywood) in general, probably doesn't make a difference, but it is a matter of principle for me.

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