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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. I'm trying to get my school room together. I've never had one and I'm so excited to now have the space for one! I've decided to go with this system b/c I can get my growing boys and my little one all around it. BUT please tell me about that little caddy in the middle of your table??!!!


    It is the Desk Apprentice from Staples - $25 !! I love, love, love it!

  2. I have one like that. I found that humor helped us all through it. When he gave me an eye roll, I would tell him that it just wasn't his best work and to give me a better one. When he would get irritated over nothing, I would get all dramatic with him and tell him he "gives me great woe." This has been my not-so-subtle way of telling him that he is behaving badly while not escalating. Now it has become a joke between us. He gives me an eye roll and I rate it Olympic style. It usually cracks him up and defuses the situation. He is 15 and his attitude has improved tremendously.


    Oh, and I delegated driving to his dad. After 40 hours of practice behind the wheel, I can now let him drive and casually watch the scenery instead of stomping on that imaginary break:).


    It does get better.



    Love this. I try to use humor to help my ds's attitude. Sometimes I start singing and dancing and I threaten not to stop until he adjusts his attitude. He has become a lot more aware of his attitude when his friends are around, since the last thing he wants is mom breaking out in song in front of his buddy.:D

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