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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. Our family is generally supportive of homeschooling, except for MIL (a teacher), who isn't too keen on the idea -- which is putting it mildly.


    Recently got an e-mail from her with this doozy:


    "There is no substitute for school and all the things that are important for normal growth and development. And if he meets in play groups throughout the year with other home schooled kids, my gosh, it's just getting together with other strange, odd kids and stranger parents." (Emphasis in original.)


    Um . . . okay.


    Yeah, because her classroom is probably full of "normal" kids. No thanks.

  2. Hmm.


    I don't believe in blaming the victims for their physical presence at the scene of a psychopath's chosen location for terror. That's ludicrous.


    And I don't think it's in very good taste to criticize people who are currently in a crisis, whether their choices had anything to do with it or not.


    I will certainly hold the private opinion that 6yo children should not be out at midnight watching PG-13 or R-rated movies. I don't think it's old-fashioned to believe that little children should be asleep in bed at that hour and only allowed to watch age-appropriate media during their proper waking hours.


    I won't dogpile on that other thread because the victims' parenting choices are not the topic, but generally speaking I am quite tired of everyone's parenting choices deserving a rubber stamp of societal approval when some choices are not admirable at all.



  3. I am on Day 6 of Atkins Induction and have lost 7.6 pounds so far. I know it is water, but I am happy anyway.


    I am not feeling hungry, but I do notice that I find myself wandering in and out of the kitchen. I think because I had a habit of eating - mostly carbs - all day long. I am getting full from what I am eating and for the most part feel satisfied.


    I don't have any bad withdrawls, but I do find myself fantasizing about sweets that I feel I might somehow miss out on. Will I ever be able to have a cookie again? I am not sure. I feel like an alcoholic, where if I have one, it will all go down hill fast. I guess I am mourning dessert as I have known it.


    I did find a flourless brownie recipe, but I am not going to try it until after Induction.

  4. I lost 20 lbs in about 2 1/2 months with it. Unfortunately, it is something you pretty much have to maintain or it is easy to gain the weight back.


    So, do you all think Atkins is a quicker way to lose weight or about the same as any other diet?


    I plan on being mostly sugar free and low carb for the res of my life. I don't like feeling fatigued and yucky from the sugar/carb addiction. I truly think I am addicted because I literally sometimes physically feel like I migh go crazy if I don' get carbs or sweets. I want that to go away!

  5. I eat low carb high fat, which is basically Atkins. I'll have been LCHF for one year next Wednesday. I lost about 40 lbs in the first 6 months, and I feel fantastic.


    My hunger has completely changed. Eating like a normal person, I felt like I was starving 99% of the time... including when I was stuffed full after Thanksgiving dinner. Now sometimes I feel like I should eat, but I rarely feel like I need to. I eat 2-3 meals per day, sometimes a snack. Oh, I was also diagnosed as diabetic last summer. I found this way of eating by checking my blood sugar often, and changing my diet to only foods that don't make my blood sugar spike. I am no longer diabetic, according to my doctor.


    I find a lot of recipes online by googling Paleo + whatever I want to cook. Just did paleo chicken liver recipe yesterday, and I made some pâté. It was amazing!


    Good luck!


    I am Type 2 Diabetes, and one of my motivations is to get off Metformin. In 2010 I lost 44 pounds, but gained it all back in the last year. I was only about half way to my goal, and I already felt 1000 times better. Plus my Metformin got reduced. I want to find my way back to that and then some. Thanks for sharing!

  6. He was/is also in Hampton today at Phoebus High School. I wasn't sure which one you were referencing. It's neat to know that some of you guys are so close.


    We need WTM car stickers or something. Have you seen the Outer Banks stickers (OBX)? We need ones like that. That way we can identify each other on the road...Or in parking lots. We'll know which of us are really putting our shopping carts away. :leaving: :D


    :iagree: WTM sticker with a clear background so it looks classy. As classy as a bumper sticker can be......

  7. :iagree: I wanna see what the other posters had to say about the comment.


    Some people took him to task, but he continued to expose his ignorance. The posts following his original statement are just as amusing. He is really hung up on "professional training" and seems to think there is some 6 week homeschool training course somewhere, that we are all taking to then call ourselves "qualified" to teach our children.

  8. Teach him logic. Ask him what real teachers teach. Are we expected to actually learn from a real teacher? If most of us have learned from a real teacher and have mastered the skills they have taught us, then how is it so impossible for us to teach these exact same skills, that we have mastered, to our children?


    Then I would go on to explain that the difference is that "real" teachers are learning crowd control and classroom techniques in college. "Housewives" don't have any of those same issues. We simply teach the skills that need to be mastered without the beaurocracy. ;)


    Love this. I'd love to see him try and respond to that. Poor thing might contort himself into a pretzel.

  9. There's a political forum I like to read...every now and then the topic of homeschooling comes up. Here's a little gem I just read:


    "I just think it's horribly irresponsible for a NON teacher to TEACH grade school level studies to a child. What's the point of going to school to major in first - sixth grade education, becoming certified/licensed, getting educated and becoming a REAL teacher, if some random "housewife" can just up and do the same thing? You can't tell me the quality of the learning will be the same.


    I think that it should be against the law to home school your child UNLESS you are certified as a teacher to do so. There's just too many topics covered from first - sixth grade and you can't tell me some unqualified "housewife" is going to provide all of the education that a person that has a degree in education that is certified to TEACH first - sixth grade education will provide."


    I don't ever post on the forum I found this on, but this is really making me want to do so. :glare:

  10. I went with my bff last week. I knew it was going to be bad, but I wanted to see the dancing. The story was week, and the acting so-so. The part I hated the most was the drug use, although I suppose that is common in that community.


    Still, though, the dancing was reeeeeeeeeeeally nice.


    I can't agree to call that dancing. It was gyrating and simulated sex for sure, but not dancing. JMO

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