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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. What is it exactly that you don't like? Maybe you need to mix it up a little, have some fun and throw some of your expectations out the door. It sounds a little like they don't meet expectations you have and maybe they know it - that could be sucking the joy out of all of you. What if for a while you dumped actual curriculum and played educational games, played outside more, did projects around the house together, went to the library for strictly fun reads and books on cd to listen to together? Do you have Netflix? Could you get it for a month or two and enjoy watching loads of educational shows and funny oldie movies and tv shows? If you really hate then I would just do it all differently and see what happens.

  2. I have used two of WP programs - several years ago- not once did I receive good or what I would call acceptable customer service. I am sad to see they still haven't figured it out. Am I to understand that you can no longer buy their "exclusives" without ordering a package? I am surprised they are still in business.

  3. Mine are still there.





    Oooh, ooh! When I clicked on your link it showed listmania in the search bar! Thanks!


    Okay - just discovered that when I go directly to amazon.com and scroll down some, there is a section titled "My Participation" and a link that says, "Your Listmania Lists" - so yay - I can get to it now. I am annoyed that the listmania search doesn't just automatically show on the left hand side bar anymore though......

  4. So, all those for marriage equality surely support the polygamists too...... right? Otherwise you aren't for equality, you are just a hypocrite. Also, marriage is traditionally a religious ceremony....what happened to that obsession with separation of church and state?


    I want government out of ALL marriage. I don't think I should have had to pay for permission to get married to my husband. I also think that divorce shouldn't be in the courts - if you get in to a contract then you find a way out of it - with attorneys and mediators that you pay to reach an agreement. Don't clog up the courts with your dysfunctional relationships.

  5. Thanks, these are all great suggestions. I am just putting together a small unit of a "Geography and Cultures" program for my son. I'd like to spend a week on Canada - so I just want him to label a basic map, learn a little about the country and read a story that takes place there. If there is a fun DVD out there I would like that too.

  6. I am looking for a good book that tells the basics of Canadaian Geography, Culture and Government - appropriate for a 9 year old and that isn't too long. I would prefer something that could be read over a week that will provide information that will enable my son to fill out a canadian map and understand the basic structure of the canadian government.


    I am also looking for a read aloud/short novel that takes place in Canada.

  7. For digital items - 1) things I have downloaded are separated by categories and each has a folder on my desk top. Such as Math (all math downloads go in that folder), American History etc. The exception to sorting by subject is Lapbooking and Notebook Pages - they have their own folders so I can easily find a lapbook or Notebook page by name. 2) Pinterest - I no longer use "Favorite Places" - I use only Pinterest.


    Print Materials - books and workbooks are organized on my book shelves by subject. Materials I have printed out or photocopie over the years are in binders and/or file folders.


    About twice a year I go through things and delete or throw away if I haven't used it or don't see myself using it.

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