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Posts posted by TXMary2

  1. He was also found guilty of manslaughter in the case of a woman from VA who he overdosed on too much demerol and other drugs inducing her labor.


    As I was reading an article about this guy, I couldn't figure out why women would go to him if his place was that disgustingly dirty. I am also amazed more women did not die from contracting infections. It seemed to me that there must be other places - cleaner places - to get an abortion in Philadelphia. Then I read he was performing abortions post-24 weeks - one he was convicted on was 30 weeks - which is illegal in the state of Pennsylvania (cost may have been an issue too - I don't know how his fee was in relation to other places).


    So, given that his lawyer argued that he did not commit murder because he had caused the death of the babies through abortion before they were delivered, how does that go - in the legal sense - if they were post-24 weeks and so not a legal abortion? Is that a different conviction than first-degree murder? Because he admitted from the start he performed late term abortions, he was admitting that he was breaking the law, so my only conclusion is that a conviction for that must be a lesser one. Does anyone know?


    This whole thing sent me on a rabbit trail of when abortions are legal in various states (I am NOT commenting on the morality or ethics of it, and please don't... this is just *legality*). In PA one can get an abortion post-24 weeks only if an MD says it is necessary due to threat to the mother's life. They use 24 weeks because they consider that to be the age of viability. So perhaps Gosnell was stating just that to get around the law? I don't know.



    The defense doesn't even make sense. If they were aborted prior to being expelled, why on earth would he need to snip their spines? If the baby was already dead, what would be the point? The snipping off of limbs too - is all so grotesque. Evil even.

  2. Nope, and on the bad days I can think of 100 other things I'd rather be doing. I am committed to giving the kids close family relationships and a quality education. I keep reminding myself this is just a season. Don't get me wrong, I do love homeschooling, but it isn't easy.

  3. Thanks ladies. I forgot to list Science and Bible - for Bible we are using Classical Academic Press OT for now. For science, I can't decide. We've also been using Wordly Wise, but I am thinking of moving to Vocabulary From Classical Roots when we finish the WW book.


    We have been doing CC at home and we did a memory work class at co-op that was loosley modeled after CC memory work.

  4. If you are a Classical Homeschooler, loosely or strictly following TWTM and/or The Core (Classical Conversations) please tell me what your 4th grader is doing or what you are planning for an upcoming 4th grader. I am trying to determine if I am planning for too much. We are wrapping up 3rd grade, but I am planning 4th grade.


    Presently, the plan is to continue with TOG for history and literature and using Classical Conversations memory work. As well as:


    Prima Latina Latin

    Rod and Staff Grammar and Spelling

    TOG Writing Aids with Excellence in Writing

    Saxon Math (currently using 5/4 - will move to 6/5 when done)

    TOG Geography with an additional map skills book

    Health - Abeka

    Logic - Mind Benders

  5. Can I make another request?? No reviews of things that were sent to the blogger for free. I can't count the number of times I've read a review of a book or product only to then see the little 'the company was sooooo nice to send us all these expensive things so we could write a completely unbiased review' disclaimer. I'm sure many people do write honest reviews but some might say good things about anything they get for free, even if they're trying to be impartial.


    I am a reviewer who receives things for free and I am not obligated in any way to say I like something when I don't. I give honest reviews and I say what I like and don't like. I don't need to bash a company if I don't like something, I just nicely say it didn't work for us and explain why. Just because I don't like something or it didn't suit us, doesn't mean it is that way for everyone. That said, most of the things I review, we enjoy.

  6. Thanks for all the great responses. To answer a few questions - it is a Baptist church. We have only recently started attending - we haven't had a "home church" in years. We attend a weekly bible study with friends that all used to attend another church we went to. I miss the music worship aspect and my youngest son enjoys going to "children's church" - so for now it is a place to go.

  7. If you are a christian homeschooler, can you please share your reasons as a christian, why you homeschool. If there are bible verses you believe back up your reasons, please share and explain.


    I am asking because we are attending a new church where there is only a small number of homeschoolers, and the pastor is decidedly anti-homeschool. We are not members at this church, but will be attending regularly for an unspecified time and I know at some point there is going to be an opportunity for me to defend why I homeschool. I know why my family homeschools and I can give biblical reasons, but I am curious what others say about this.


    Just FYI- the pastor is big on the kids being "salt and light" in the public school - which I couldn't disagree with more.

  8. In Philadelphia our favorite spots were Ben Franklin's grave, Independence Hall, and Liberty Bell. The Betsy Ross house is neat. The Constitution Museum wasn't worth the money when we went - it was during election season and seemed pretty one sided ideologically. Also, the special exhibit when we went was Bruce Springsteen, which for the most part was boring and didn't interest my kids at all.


    Boston - The Old North Church was awesome to experience, the old cemetary down the street was very cool. Paul Revere's house was fun - just follow the red line and you can see it all.


    If you are going to be in Virginia, you should for sure see Monticello and Mt. Vernon.


    Well, pretty much the networks we've all grown up with...NBC, ABC, CBS. I think those are considered the more universally known major networks. Since their news programs are not on air 24/7 they don't have to fill a whole bunch of time with pundits and conjecture.


    Like national nightly news programs? Do many watch those anymore? I think they take their cues from the 24 hour news cycle. I don't find much U.S. media to be credible or reliable- every one of them are about being first, being sensationalist - not vetting, not facts. I can think of at least one thing/person that hasn't been vetted by our media that should have been. They are all asleep on the job.

  10. I am baffled as to why anyone would post a link from a source that they considered biased/"not what it used to be" as proof of a point they are trying to make.


    Also, I personally don't consider those who discuss the "MSM" to be all that credible. Makes me think their only news sources are Fox/and or Rush, which are pretty darned biased.


    And when I'm looking for news about events like Boston, I do look to the major networks because they have more of a vetting process to what makes it on air than other sources. But I also look into a multitude of sources and investigate their legitimacy before believing what I'm reading and more importantly, sharing with others.



    What are the "major networks" you are referring to that allegedly have "more of a vetting process?" Just curious.

  11. I use TOG for LG and a D/R combo. Even at LG we get so much out of it. SOTW is an alternate resource with TOG. The point for me is it is not just a list of books- so much more is included and it saves me the time of trying to make a bunch of connections myself. For LG I use the vocabulary, the famous people lists, the writing assignments, the readings, the map work, the projects - it's all in one for me and I can easily add other resources if I want to, and I can ignore whatever I don't want to do.


    So how is it working unit by unit. How far in advance do you purchase the unit and books. I have priced all the books from their sister site and added the others that are carred in my library to a list. One unit de and paper plus books is a little over $500. Ouch! But my main concern is how planning unit by unit affects mom's time during the year vs using your summer to plan and collect resources?


    It's not too bad. I look for books used on Amazon - sometimes for a penny plus $3.99 shipping - they are always in good shape. I have two local libraries that I use, so I mark my master with the library initials and call number - and about three weeks before I check to see if they are checked out - if they are I put a hold request so I get it next. If not I get to the library and check them out. I can renew up to 3 times online and if I need to go past that I just call the library.


    Some things I have found free for Kindle - so if you have a Kindle - always check those when you are doing your searches. I have never spent $500 or even close for the books we use with TOG.


    We school year round, so I end up planning stuff year round anyway. To give you an idea of time spent - for me - printing, hole punching, putting in all the binders, looking up books, making notes, choosing projects and activities, highlighting important information, choosing writing assignments etc takes me about 8 hours total for one unit. I tend to write a lot of things down though, because I will get a "brilliant idea" and if I don't write it down I will forget.


    After the unit is planned, I then print my weekly assignment checklists and I don't fill out the TOG stuff until the week before - because if we get behind, I don't want to re-write stuff and move things around. Usually Sunday afternoon or evening I sit down and fill out the TOG portion of our assignment checklists.





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