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Posts posted by greenvneck

  1. I'm in. I currently have a glass of lovely cider. As I decided to be all fancypants and pour it into a glass, I  can't remember the name. But it has a furry creature on the label. Gopher? Woodchuck? Marmot?


    No matter. It tastes good. Kind of like the wine coolers of my youth.


    I have a son with Celiac Disease and I am so happy that cider & gf beers are becoming more common-place. Not that I want him to start drinking those, let's give him a few years and then he can be a real teen drinker. :) But they are sometimes yummy, especially the ciders!

  2. OMG, the freaking avatar is KILLING ME. I have a really cute FB pic; I am so unphotogenic, but I really like this one but I can't make it work here! AAAARGH. (FYI, that particular word does not work on WWF, WF, Wordly, Letterpress, or Welder. Don't ask.)

  3. I may need to allow myself another Mike's as a certain someone in my household (who shall remain nameless) is proving him/herself to be quite clueless. *sigh*

    who brought the chips and dip?


    I have some homemade guacamole and salsa, does that count?


    Meanwhile, I have been trying for two freaking hours to get a pic up there by my name and I cannot figure it out! I have multiple pictures but I hatehatehatehatehate iphoto and the requirement here for a certain size. What am I missing?

  4. Shopping for a baby? Where can I get one?


    I have never ever liked any posts before this thread, I (haha) like it! Wouldn't it be fun to shop for a baby and then return it once you realized it just didn't work for you?


    (Says the woman with four kids. All are loved forever, not all are liked every day.)

  5. Right there with you...enjoying my Bota box Malbec :)

    Oooh, you splurged out, girl! I am totally drinking the Canyon Creek Corbett Canyon $11.99/box from Kroger. I much prefer the Bota box but I'm just too cheap to keep it here on the regular. Because I will drink it and then I'm, like, OMG, where am I getting my next curriculum fix from the budget?


    ETA: Maybe I should drink a glass of water before I post?

  6. I was worried about that, too, but then I learned that as long as the student has at least 1500 on the SAT there are no requirements to complete the same classes as schools. Both of my college kids had wildly-varying credits, but that's all they needed.


    ETA: They did need transcripts, but with at least a 1500 the transcripts didn't need to match what the colleges were used to seeing. Hope that made sense.

  7. I should have posted an intro a long time ago, but every time I think about it I feel overwhelmed at what to say. (Yes, I DO have an ADHD diagnosis but by the time I am on here my meds are out of my system.)


    Anyway, real quick: I live in Texas, have four kids, am married to the love of my life. Our children are twin girls and two younger boys (see sig for ages; I'm good at keeping those numbers relevant). Our daughters are in college, boys are still at home. We have been homeschooling for 14 years. I think. Did I mention that I have ADHD?


    I have been a lurker for so many years, I feel like I know everyone here, but I would like to become a more visible poster and not just seem like a weird lurker. :seeya:


    Here are a few things about me: I LOVE KILTS. I don't eat cupcakes OR cake. But when I bake them, they must be gluten-free. I am ambivalent about Sean Connery, but did I mention that I LOVE KILTS?

  8. OK, I'm not sure if it's a Mad Men withdrawl or a Don Draper withdrawl. He is a philandering sexist pig at times, but how I would love to have him look at me with that intense gaze he gets when he's seducing a woman. Mmmmm.........


    Mmmm. YES.

  9. Our twin daughters (now 19) are 8 years older than one brother and 11 years older than the other brother. One of them is home for the weekend and they have (the boys + her) spent so much time playing together. I honestly think that homeschooling makes a difference with the sibling relationships; they are together so much more in daily life instead of maybe seeing each other one or two hours a day when everyone is tired and cranky. I have to say, it was really rough as the teenagers became 15-17 yo, but until then it was pretty great and after then was great (but mostly because the older kids are on college campuses). You're always going to run into issues. But it really is pretty sweet to see a 19yo sister patiently showing her little brothers how to play a game that she is an expert at. :)

  10. I have nothing to add to the original question, but I grew up in Ohio and my parents took my brother and I to Roscoe Village every summer for many years. I don't know if it's still there, but there was a campground within walking distance of Roscoe Village, on a dirt path, through a wooded area, where would camp for several days. Oh, my goodness, I can still picture myself learning how to use stilts, getting to operate a real (dry) lock, being mesmerized by weavers, watching the blacksmith bend metal using only heat and a hammer...thank you for the trip down memory lane!! :)

  11. My daughter w/ ADHD has always had difficulties with stimulant meds; after years (12+) she has finally found something that works, Strattera. It might be that Concerta just isn't the right choice for your dd now (but could be in the future) or the dosage she's on might need to be changed. It is so difficult, trying to find the balance of medication and every life change can alter that balance.


    FWIW, I also have ADHD and take Adderall; when I finally received a diagnosis several years ago and started taking it, it changed my life. When I forget to refill my prescription, my family notices and starts (gently) reminding me. So stimulants *can* be positive, but for many people, especially children, the side effects outweigh the positives. I hope you find something that works for her soon, it truly does affect the entire family! :grouphug:

  12. I was in Ohio then and what I remember is that fire engines came to remove us from our house (probably a century old, with no electricity or heat once the blizzard hit). Our driveway was long and downhill from the house; I was in the fire engine cab and saw my mom slip and fall while holding my <2yo brother (I was 4yo) and thought they died until a fireman picked up my mom and placed her next to me.


    My kids, who have always lived in Texas, couldn't even IMAGINE that kind of situation!!

  13. We have a wooden playset and when our college-age kids are home they STILL swing, especially if they bring friends home with them. I think it feels to them like being held across a lap might feel to a 7-8yo, a return to an easier age. My boys have created a complicated game involving bricks made of mud, rocks, and acorns that are all worth various sums of "money." There is a hole large enough that my 5' 2.5" 11yo can sit in w/o being seen; they and the neighborhood kids have been working on it for years.


    We do have a park on the street behind us so both boys are sent over there at least once a day on their bikes or scooters, but when the neighborhood kids want to seriously play and get dirty, our backyard is where they go because nobody else's parents will allow such digging and mud-making.

  14. If your sons play with large toys such as swords, shields, nerf guns, nerf battle axes, etc., how do you store them?


    We have a room pretty much devoted to an arsenal. I'm not joking. We have every Nerf gun (x3), melee weapon, light saber, sword, shield, and etc., available PLUS what they and dh construct on their own. It is seriously an amazing collection. That said, they (and their friends) do use the entire arsenal, but I have no idea how to organize it. They don't WANT to organize it and I'm just counting myself fortunate that we have a room upstairs (where I never go if I can help it) where they can do whatever they want with all of that and I don't ever have to look at it. Until I'm pulling darts and bullets and discs out of my crochet basket next to my desk.

  15. When we first got the sonic tester I was the one who had to purchase the jelly. I seriously though about stealing it from my OB just so I wouldn't have to look the guy at Walmart in the eye. Now the new guy has to do it. Three large tubes should last about a year. They do make sure it stays hidden in the back of a bottom drawer.:D


    But HOW FAR in the bottom drawer? :lol:

  16. I made one out of an old pair of jeans. I just use a shoelace to tie it closed in back, hang a hand towel from one of the belt loops. When I clean I put cloths, magic erasers in the pockets and hang squirt bottles from other pockets. Mine has both the front and back pockets still attached, I just cut out the zipper and wear it backwards.


    Kind of like this one but I didn't make my cute at all. I just cut it and didn't do any hemming or decorating.


    You are a GENIUS!!!

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