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Posts posted by greenvneck


    Here is a funny though: we had to get a new roof a few years ago, and when it was all said and done, the roofer said that ours was the first project in which he never once had talked to the "man of the house." :0)


    I am completely :lol: because everyone who has ever done any sort of work on our house or property would be shocked to talk to and/or see my husband. We built our house in 2000 and I would bet money that the same people we employed then, our landscaper, a/c guy, kitchen appliance guy, washer/dryer guy, etc. wouldn't even try to talk to my dh; they all already know that he doesn't have any sort of household knowledge.


    He did have a new tree planted last month; one of ours died and we are required to have two, so before we received a fine from the city he had it taken care of. It's dying.


    ETA: Dh also has a HUGE life insurance policy; if you asked him about it he wouldn't even know it existed, let alone the company that provides it or what the premium is. Or when it expires. Or who our insurance (home, auto, life, etc.) is covered by. Or how many bank accounts we have, how many college loans our kids have, how much those loans are, how many credit cards we have or what we owe. Must be nice.


    ETA2: And again...the man doesn't know how much money he makes.

  2. Hmmm, well, my hubby can't answer a LOT of questions. His answer is something like, "I don't know; I just go to work." A lot of times, that is his answer even if he does know the answer if he thinks about it. But he really doesn't know a lot of things. He completely trusts that I take care of everything so why does he need to know?



    :iagree: And I don't like it. But he does NOT want to take on any of that stuff, so it's left to me. If he isn't at work he is playing with the kids. Period. I don't really *want* to play with the kids, I have enough to do with them all day long, but it sure would be nice to not have to deal with all of the household stuff as well!. :glare:

  3. I voted 8:00, but that's not really accurate. My alarm goes off every day at 7:30. I try to get out of bed and start the day at that time; sometimes I fall asleep, sometimes I am kept in bed with a cup of tEa. I probably spelled that wrong. :D


    The kids don't wake up until dh wakes them up when he leaves the house, usually around 9-9:30. I hate it. But not enough, YET, to change it. I'm going to try to switch a lot of stuff around so that the kids and I are up by 8:30 at least, I can't see how we could possibly wake any earlier.


    I'm all :bigear: to learn from other people with late-rising kids!

  4. When we were doing school at the kitchen table, it was GREAT for schlepping from place to place...there was room for every sort of tool, files, notebooks, binders, etc. Now that we have a dedicated school area it isn't necessary at all.


    I do have to admit, I love all of the little pockets and spaces to hang files, but I'm a bit of a filing geek. I know NOBODY else here is. :auto:

  5. Does he have ADHD? I do and am the same way as your ds unless I have taken Adderall. Obviously, as an adult, I have a *little* more self-control (not a lot sometimes!), but it often feels like I physically CANNOT stop myself from speaking. When I am able to control it, it is physically painful to me. I hate how it feels, how I know it makes the people around me react, but it is so incredibly difficult to just...ZIP IT!


    I don't have any advice, just wanted to offer a perspective of someone who has the same issues. Often I end up on various boards and forums so that I can "talk" without interrupting whatever is going on in my house!

  6. Reading this thread about all these moms who have all this free time and are bored is making me depressed though! I must be doing something wrong because that's the polar opposite of my experience.


    :iagree: My kids are in a lot of activities so I spend a LOT of time driving and then waiting, I make almost all meals from scratch, which is a chunk of time every day (everything needs to be vegetarian, dairy-free, and gluten-free, so not much available off the shelves that is both cheap + easy), and just the general upkeep of our house takes a couple hours a day in itself. I wish I knew the secret! :confused:

  7. I wish that my mom had let me take pills, I had SEVERE periods. My first was at age 11 and until I graduated high school I missed almost a week of school every month because I literally could not walk without doubling over and/or vomiting. I must have passed a gallon of blood each cycle, not even joking. I would never want my daughter to go through that, it still baffles me that my mom thought that was preferable to a once-a-day-pill that could solve most, if not all, of those issues.

  8. Although, FWIW, one of my daughters does wear corsets and thigh-high stockings on the regular. The stocking are always black, usually fishnet and/or striped, and the corsets are usually under some sort of structured denim jacket or shirt.


    But I don't think that sort of outfit is what the OP was asking about. :tongue_smilie:

  9. :bigear::bigear::bigear:


    I will also have 2nd & 5th graders and am undecided about history; we did finish SOTW 1-3 and have listened to the CDs for SOTW 4 but haven't actually gone deeper than that. I loved HO for my older kids, and would really like to use Modern Times Level 1 for the younger ones, but am thinking the 7yo will not really "get" a lot of it and the 10yo (11 in August) is an average reader but HATES to read, so most of it would be time-intensive on my part.


    So, anyway, no help here, but lots of commiseration while you (we) decide! :D

  10. I don't wear them-certainly NOT in summer!


    I did just read an article though where Prince William's wife Kate wears nude sheer stockings and as a result they are making a big comeback. :glare:


    ETA: I think I read it somewhere else (not online) but I just now googled "Kate Middleton sheer stockings" and a bunch came up about it. If you look at the pictures, they do look great on her-she wears very very sheer ones, close to her leg and thin. Of course, on her legs, they look great. And the ones she has are probably $200 a pair so they look WAY better than the Walmart $4.99 ones. lol


    I read that part of her "contract" as being the Duchess is that she is REQUIRED to wear stockings/pantyhose to all formal appearances. Personally, that might be deal-breaker for me. :tongue_smilie:


    The only people I have seen wear stocking in the last...decade? Two? Are my MIL, my mom, and my grandma.

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