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Posts posted by greenvneck

  1. Thank you for posting this, it is exactly how I feel. I have combined-type ADHD and if I didn't have my iPad I would be completely lost. It used to be a notebook, but now I can keep everything in one place and not lose it. Between that and my phone, I have alarms set for all day long to remind me what I need to do. It truly is debilitating when I forget to take my Adderall. I'm worried about my dd who also has ADHD--since our insurance deductible rolled over January 1, her Strattera is over $200 a month instead of $60. I just can't pay for that, so she's going to have to try a different medication, but the three others she tried had such horrible side effects for her.

  2. My sons both went through this last year. Our dermatologist froze them off with liquid nitrogen; only thing was, it had to be done multiple times. My guys are tough, but if necessary you can use EMLA cream on the area first, wrapping it with plastic wrap, so that it's numb. My older son's first treatment took over an hour, with a minute or two of a break every few minutes. After that it was much easier.

  3. Oh, man, I completely forgot that I was going to do the same thing myself last summer!! I had a ton of ideas that I wrote down on paper and put in a safe place...and you know what happens to that kind of thing! :D So I will be all :bigear: on this thread and will post if I ever find that list or think of anything good.

  4. It might take some time to get your dose adjusted to the correct level. I take Adderall, but my ADHD daughter has tried Concerta several times, with varying effects. When the dosage was wrong it was REALLY wrong. Good luck! When you find the right medicine at the right dosage you will be SHOCKED at the difference, as will your family and friends!!

  5. I am mostly an introvert, but I can't stop myself from talking. I also have ADHD, which is most likely the cause. If I can't talk it feels like if I don't say what I really *need* to say it will bounce around in my head and make me anxious and stressed and if I could just *say it* those feelings would go away. I take Adderall, which definitely helps, but yesterday I forgot to take it and after chatting non-stop with the doctor for 20 minutes about random stuff, my daughter took pity on her and said, "I'm going to apologize for my mom, she forgot to take her Adderall this morning, which means she has no filter between her brain and her mouth." I felt manic, jumping from thought to thought without any break between them, so that I couldn't even finish my sentences.


    I guess it's a good thing I usually remember to take Adderall in the morning! :lol:


    FWIW, my dh feels just like the OP, his eyes glaze over and I *know* he's not listening, but I just can't stop talking! I don't like feeling like that, but I dislike even more the feeling that I will explode if I don't say everything in my head.

  6. I worry about future social/holiday activities for my son with celiac, too, when he's an adult. Right now it's fine, the grandparents they see most often keep packaged gluten-free foods on hand (cookies, crackers, etc.) as well as single-serving packages of peanut butter. For everything else, we have learned to carry a small cooler of foods and if he doesn't need those, great! But it's nice to have something safe if he does need it.


    What I really worry about is what he will eat when he goes to college. I know, that's 8+ years in the future, but it's still something that's in the back of my mind, especially since I have one in college and know what the dining halls are like. She actually texts me when she sees dishes that are specifically marked gluten-free available, so I know that there is a trend toward providing safe foods, which gives me hope.

  7. I can't find any pharmacy that still has generic Adderall in stock. I went for 3 weeks with no meds; it wasn't pleasant for me OR my family. :D I was able to switch to the extended-release formula and so far it has worked out okay, but that might also be on its way out.


    From what pharmacies have told me, the brand-name Adderall is still available, but the price difference is astronomical. I pay $10/month for the generic or I could pay $118/month for brand-name. :confused:

  8. You guys must have lucked out, because we have not had a positive response from the company. We purchased through HSBC, so the RS company did not have us in their records as buying the program. Each of the customer service reps we talked to (and there were several) insisted that without a receipt they would not allow us to use a new registration code.

  9. Not an issue really, it came up in the course of a conversation and I was curious. Sorry! :)


    Ack, I'm sorry, what I typed came out wrong. That is AWESOME that he recognizes you need time to plan for the coming week/schedule/activities/etc. What I *should* have said was that your kids are sooo young, I would hate to see you get burnt out on making a schedule for them. There is time enough for that. Meanwhile, make some cookies, make some mudpies, and take the time to do something for YOU when your dh takes them out!!! :001_smile::grouphug:

  10. Oh, honey. Are you honestly asking for other moms to say that is TOO much time? :confused::D


    Take the time! Use it! You will either need it for planning, scheduling, or for general downtime. Consider yourself blessed!!!!:hurray:


    ETA: Your oldest child wouldn't be K age for several years, so I'm confused as to why this is even an issue. If your dh wants quality time alone with the kids, more power to him!

  11. I'll tell you what really sucks is when you have already used up the two computer usages but both computers are dead and gone. Without a receipt, the company will not give you a new registration code. One of my daughters made it through three levels of German, but the other only halfway through the third level before my computer finally died. I thought I could let my youngers at least play around with it, before committing to a foreign language, but that won't be able to happen now.

  12. I knew exactly where that story was going when I read "cheesecake." :tongue_smilie: A couple years ago my mom made a cheesecake and, after slicing it, offered the spatula to my celiac son to lick off. Normally he *always* checks to make sure what he is offered by someone else is GF, but he knew that I had also made a cheesecake...gluten-free. So he licked off the spatula and I saw from across the yard; it was like I was in slow motion, running through the grass, yelling, "Noooo, thaaaat's gluuuuteeeennnn!!!" My poor mom, she looked at me blankly and said, "What do you mean? It's a *graham cracker* crust, I didn't use any flour!" :lol: :lol:


    Glad you avoided the glutening!

  13. so if one child is playing a game on her iPod and gets to a certain level her info is saved on her iPod and is not shared with the other child.


    Actually, what's really cool is that it's saved on iCloud, so even if that child picks up someone else's iPod or got a new one, s/he could pick up the game where it left off. Our 6yo got an iTouch this morning, but he had been playing a specific game on dh's. When he turned it on, saw his favorite game, and saw that it was picking up where he left off, he said, "What?? Santa played on my game??" :lol: Then we explained about iCloud and all was good again.

  14. The thing is, if they have the same account login, they can share apps. That doesn't mean that every app purchased MUST go on both iPods, BUT if one purchases an app/song/movie/whatever, the other has access to it. In essence, this doubles the amount of $$ they can spend in the app store.


    If they really do want separate accounts, they just need different email addresses to use as iTunes logins. Just go to Google and set up a unique gmail account for each of them and they are good to go!

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