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Posts posted by greenvneck

  1. I have read so many good things about the shoes on the DisBoards. I tried them on, about 14 different pairs in whatever models they had. Super comfortable. But also, IMO, super ugly. I wanted to buy them, I really did, they felt great. I couldn't get over how they looked, though, even trying every color, every tiny difference the various types that were available.

  2. Okay, I am still loving my bullet journal except for one thing.  I haven't figured out a way to add a task item for "sometime this week."  For example, I needed to go to the DMV this week.  No idea which day I would go, whenever I had the time, but I needed to remember to do it at some point during the week.  So how do you incorporate a task like that?  


    I have been keeping a list of weekly goals/activities/errands that I don't have assigned to a specific day. Each morning I look at that list and decide if I can fit any of those in and transfer those. Then, when I check them off that day they also get checked off on the weekly page. Hopefully that makes sense!

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  3. I swear, I think I have accomplished more this week than I have in the past month! It is too easy to push things off, but when it's sitting right there with a blank box waiting for me to check it off, it's more difficult to procrastinate.


    I'm using a regular old Bic clicky pen and am not having problems with ink showing through. I'm using a Moleskine with the graph paper. 

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  4. I just started mine yesterday and love it. I used washi tape to decorate and add some color to the pages I have made so far. For years I used a paper notebook and was fairly productive each day, then I switched to digital and forget to actually look at my lists. I'm keeping grocery lists on my phone because dh can add to the app from his phone and the lists are always up-to-date, and appointments, etc., will stay in my digital calendar. But day-to-day tasks, ideas, and random lists will be in my notebook. 


    (Unfortunately, I think I now have an addiction to washi tape after seeing sites using it in journals.)

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  5. Katilac, make sure you have nutritional yeast and not brewer's yeast, which is (I think) also sometimes called nutritional yeast, but it nasty. Is what you have yellow and looks like little flakes? That's the stuff you want.


    I have been having problems with this, too. The keeping kids fed and satiated, that is.  Everything has to be vegetarian, dairy-free, and gluten-free...it isn't easy. Let me amend that--it COULD be easy if I were okay with feeding my kids processed foods from boxes, but I'm not and I'm just so tired of feeling like I am constantly cooking. 


    So, basically nothing to add to the thread, but lots of empathy for everyone!!!

  6. The chiro I had years ago would actually come to the birth and adjust the baby then if needed. I ended up seeing her a few weeks after birth for several issues and she never used more than one finger for any adjustments, never on the neck, and usually it just looked like she was rubbing the skin. It seriously helped with colic and reflux, though, as well as making nursing easier.

  7. All of the above is great information. You definitely need to have separate bakeware, pans, utensils, toaster, etc. if you are still going to cook gluten. It is a difficult transition, be easy on yourself as you're learning. If you have a Costco near you, they carry the Namaste GF flour that is AMAZING. I used to make my own flour blends; at last count I had 18 different kinds of flour in my pantry, none of them wheat. But after finding this blend, it's not even necessary, I just use it cup-for-cup for any recipe that contains wheat. Also, Barilla now makes gluten-free pasta (I have only found spaghetti and penne) that is just incredible. Made it for dinner tonight, in fact. I have found that at Kroger and Wal-Mart, so I bet you can find that in your area and your family won't even notice (really!) the difference.


    When my older children were younger, we had a problem with them using cloth napkins then leaving them on the table and the littles would grab them and wipe their faces and get glutened, so keep an eye on that.


    I promise, it WILL get easier. It's a steep learning curve, but knowing that you are protecting your child is so worth it.

  8. My son's behavior changed dramatically within days of taking him off of gluten. He was four at the time and would have multi-hour tantrums every day, screaming on the floor, punching holes in walls, etc. Within three days he became the sweetest, kindest, most laid-back kid and has continued to be that way ever since (he is 12 now). I hope it works out as well for you!!

  9. Would anyone else be willing to share their sleep patterns? I've only been wearing my Fitbit One since Christmas day, so only a handful of sleep events logged (and I forgot to change the mode last night). I have been sleep 6-7 hours with at least two instances of waking (anywhere from 1-5 minutes) and 13-16 restless episodes. That sounds like a lot and could explain why I'm so tired during the day and always need a nap! Wondering if that is typical of others or not?

  10. I have no idea about the schools there, but my daughter goes to UNT and loves the college.  :hurray: We are only about 40 minutes away so I have been in Denton in the last two years than I ever have before. There is a good live music scene, it's a typical college town, AFAICS. My college roommate is a vice-principal at one of the elementary schools there and she loves it and her children are thriving in the schools. 

  11. Can you feel a lump? Place the baby flat on his back and hang over him; make sure the spot with the lump/enlarged duct is closest to his chin. Allow him to nurse as long as he will in that position. Every time I got a plugged duct it immediately turned into mastitis, with streaking and flu-like symptoms. This always helped me. Also the warm, wet cloths, as much massage as you can, pressing from the area where it hurts most and sliding the fingers toward the nipple. Best of luck!

  12. I don't post often, but I have experience in this area; my last two kids nursed until they were each almost four. What I found was helpful was to allow them to nurse at home each time they asked, but only until I counted to ten (usually longer at nap and bedtime, obviously). If I was okay with it at that time I would stretch out the counting. If my skin was crawling or something was cooking, etc., the counting would be much faster. It took a few days of doing that, but they got it eventually. I think knowing that they *could* nurse helped mentally, but the counting put firm boundaries into place.


    Good luck!

  13. I'm having kombucha - you know that "mushroom tea".  It has some alcohol in it!  I got some really good stuff at the grocery store that has raspberry and pomegranate juice in it so that it actually tastes good.  I have the house all to myself for 2 1/2 hours tonight.  Woo hoo!  


    I'm sorry, I really WANT to "like" this, but I can't. Unless you put some gin in it.  :tongue_smilie:

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